Show II Lets Let's Explore Your Mind ind I To Ton ll I R n M It 11 P. P P. E-P. I 6 lD 00 1 HI l APPE R t tOR cE l FRI o OR DR B I Op L a 2 AE i 3 lIKa UP vJ T N EN ORHO o oI i i I I Authors Author's Note These answers answer are given from the scientific I point of ot view Not all moral questions ns can be answered with absolute lute scientific accuracy but no decision as to what Is IN morally right is ii possible without science Science puts put the tho rights of organized society above the rights of Individuals HOW V TO IMPROVE TROVE YOUR MEMORY l by Dr Henry C. C Link This brilliantly written booklet contains the rules rulee for a good memory as tested and proved by modern science How to remember ber names dates lessons books etc is fully explained In words you ou will understand The booklet Is offered as a service service ser Ber ser ser- vice to our readers in connection with Ith Lets Let's Explore Your Mind Send 10 cents cento to apply on cost coata and stamped stumped iI self addressed en en- en Address ss Dr Albert E. E care of this newspaper Just Jud ask for tor Memory 1 It is to a considerable degree due to both bolh Of at course the idiot must have this one special specia ability ability- like Blind r rSm tm the negro idiot pianist pianist but but also his lack of ot ability in other directions leads lead him to throw all aU his his' energy Into this ono one channel and when a 8 person does this with faith and consistency he is pretty likely to succeed whether he be an Idiot or not Hot I 2 According to the best book yet pu published on the subject Getting Along With People by Milton Mllton Wright you should study his I physiology not his hll anatomy that thatis is his behavior not the size or shape of his body or or head or his facial appear appearance nce Wright advises you to notice the following in sizing up a stranger His posture changes of ot expression tones of ot voice movements movements movements move move- ments of hands of-hands hands his eyes eyes and throat These are the the chief chiet ways way in which he expresses his emotions Then find out soon as possible what stirs hm what him what frightens him himor or or makes him angry or pleases or amuses him or holds his Interest and atten atten- tion No better advice for getting along with people could be given 3 This tendency in men and am women has been extensively studied by R. R G. G Bernreuter r Stanford psychologist psychologist psychologist by using his Personality Inventory Inventory-a a list of ot many questions that get at your own estimates of f your self confidence self seif tendencies to worry desire to be important desire to work alone or with other people etc On this scale men show greater aggressiveness aggressive aggressive- ness and anCl willingness to take a 8 prominent part in social functions and greater freedom than women in talking to strangers without an in In- In Tomorrow Can you be aggressive without being disagreeable Copyright John F. F Dille Co |