Show TRICK TRICI PICTURES OFTEN BETTER THAN SCENES OF OF REAL LOCALE J By 11 PAUL PAW HARRISON HOLLYWOOD Most Most of or the th movie masters are still inclined t to toJ J shyness about revealing to fans through newspaper men men the workIngs workings work work- Ings lags of trick scenes or special cf of- The price of realism the they I think is secrecy This is scarcely the most ment r ry of oJ all 11 possible attitude toward the intelligence of ot the customers cus customers customers cus cus- who know perfectly well that a 8 lot of ot the backgrounds ar are arc faked and have hayo to be faked fo for betterment of p pictures Some sea scenes for example just jus couldn't be photographed from rea real hips and real storms with half th the tho panoramic majesty that can be obtained ob oh- oh from front clever miniatures cleverly clev clev- irly erly manipulated in indoor tanks And certainly nobody believes inthe inthe in inthe the geographical integrity of a scene ceno in which a couple of ot players are shown chatting in an automobile automobile automo automo- bile bUe while hiIe it rolls ros along the Champs in Paris No studio ever sent lent a couple of ot performers and a camera crew clear to Paris to get a second 20 shot like that And even if one did and nd magically magically magically magi magi- cally mounted a 8 sound camera on the hood of ot a car the street scene wouldn't show with half the clarity that now is attained right in the studio by special effects Old Scenes Reenacted Theres There's a a. picture now in which luch audi trickery is justified as perhaps It Jt never never has been before In To ToMary Mary With Mary With Love you see MyrnaLoy Myrna MyrnaLoy MyrnaLoy Loy and Warner Baxter watching the Tunney Dempsey fight in Phila Phila- delphia Also you see them leaning from a skyscraper window and looking down on New Yorks York's riotous riot riot- otis ous welcome for tor the tho returning Charles Lindbergh These things arc accomplished by rear projection For the historic battle batU at the tho Sesquicentennial a large translucent screen was set up On this screen from behind a projection projection projection pro pro- machine flashed the actual pictures of ot the fight Actors and atmosphere players sat on a ape ape- dally daily constructed section of of the I Overhead sprinkler pipes I loosed rain on them just as it rained on the customers in Philadelphia 10 years ears ago Behind the spectators a camera amera photographed them and the the screen screen they were watching where Tunney and Dempsey were scrapping in the ring Looking Down The same method brings realism to the Lindbergh celebration only in In- Inthis this case the translucent screen was set Into the floor and the newsreel newsreel newsreel news- news reel projection machine was in the basement Modern day players looked down from a prop window and above them was the camera The camera and projection machine machine machine ma ma- chine were exactly synchronized so 50 that each image flashed by the latter latter letter lat let ter was recorded by the camera together together together to to- gether with the living Jiving actors who were in front of ot the screen Thus is authenticity achieved by trickery The Tunney Dempsey-Tunney fight could not possibly pave have been restaged convincingly no matter how many millions of dollars Twentieth Twentieth Twentieth Fox Century-Fox might have spent in the effort Yet pictures of the actual fight have been combined with the tho picture called To Mary Mary- With Love History Repeated d Now that historic events have been recorded by newsreels for many years you may expect to see all 11 sorts of at startling young movie stars attending ceremonIes ceremonies ceremonies cere cere- monies and happenings that occurred occurred occurred oc oc- oc- oc decades before A century hence there will be period period pe pe- pe- pe nod pictures of ot the and actors actors ac ac- ac- ac tors tars and actresses of that day may mingle with tho the crowds watching the funeral of at King George V or tho the political conventions of 1936 or the phenomenon of a million men a little Austrian house housa painter named Hitler When Mrs Alexander Derek a Widow of 76 visited a dentist In Baja Hungary for tor toothache he found that she was cutting li 14 new teeth i- i J Lf I if i 4 d i- i i I 1 1 I S t k 4 I i ji I 1 i 44 T- T L t. II I 4 4 I. t a 4 I iI L H. H I I Ten years ago Gene Tunney took the he championship from Jack Dempsey Today a modern crowd including Myrna Loy a nd Warner Baxter view vow that fight for a forthcoming forthcoming forth forth- coming picture Heres Here's how Camera at left pr projects film of the fight on a transparent screen while camera at t right takes the picture of tho the new crowd viewing the picture of the tho fight At the tho same time timo the rain that poured during the title bout in Philadelphia is simulated by water flowing from drain pipes overhead |