Show 1 Select Shoes for Children With View to Shape of Feet I By OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON It is no trick to get comfortable well-shaped well shoes for children I today oday The guardians of feet shoemakers long since realized that the he child is father to the man Most troubles that the adult is heir heiro to to o can be traced to childhood or youth when that fatal pair of shoes who cant can't remember started the corn bunion or flat arch that pesters him today And so although mothers know what to avoid in shoe-buying shoe perhaps a few tew reminders wont won't be miss amiss Anyway lets let's go over them now that hot weather is ahead Shoes must be wide enough and I Inow I long enough to allow for spread when the weight is on the feet fed So dont don't go shopping for shoes without Johnn Johnny He Ho should be along if It it Is possible at all Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Some Some- times stores have bave the new X-ray X machines Johnny with his new shoes on can can stand on a platform while his mother looks through a glass and observes his toes and bones right through the leather Sandals are good for tor fe feet t and so are the flat sports shoes but here hero again rules come in There should be some brace to both And they should fit Watch any shoe with a 8 leather sole See that soles are arc even and dont don't allow anIdes ankles ankles an an- kles Ides to bear to one side aide Let Him rom Go Barefoot On warm days and safe sate ground let him run barefoot sometimes Its It's good for him If his shoes get wet dry them before beCore wearing again Shoe trees preserve shoes and save many times their cost Placed in a soaking soaking soaking soak soak- ing shoe a tree restores shape and prevents shrinking A grand habit for all all all' children to learn Is the regular use of a shoe horn Heels wont won't curl or break and the box at the bac back wont won't sag so quickly The whole shape of the shoe goes when the stiff base loses its backbone When shoes are new it Is an elegant idea to have Johnny sit Ina Ina in ina a shoe-shine shoe chair and have hav his new gear polished A coating keeps them new-looking new for a along along along long time time prevents skinning and keeps out water Mother can do doit doit doit it herself with a good commercial preparation Care Makes Them Last Lost White shoes shoud be cleaned when taken off not just before wearing Put on damp they lose shape Cleaned treed and dried thoroughly they stay clean much longer Tiny folks under 2 are arc better off in high shoes Slippers are sweet but there is plenty of time for t tiem em later Support tho the toddlers toddler's toddlers toddler's toddlers toddler's tod tod- ankles Watch shoe If It new shoes chafe at first thIS the reddish mark markon on the skin can be seen Have Havethe tho the shoes stretched at that point and in the meantime put on a soft cotton pad over the rub Broken skin is always a vulnerable spot for lor Infection |