Show EYSTON SETS HOUR RECORD Special to The Telegram BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS July 6 Captain 6 George Eyston of ol England boosted tho the ante on his worlds world's automobile speed record for tor one hour from miles mUe per hour to miles per hour here Monday morning The Briton set the old mark here last Jast September when he also abo averaged 1055 miles mUes pe per hour hourin ir in 19 a 8 hour 24 grind He expects to start an assault upon the 24 hour mark some time Tuesday Captain Eyston who has waited waited wait wait- ed ad more than a month for tor tho salt to dry sufficiently for lor racing had to make two starts before succeeding on his hour attempt Monday He drove nearly 30 minutes ruin min utes in the first start before belore he was forced into the pit because a front tire was being unduly worn A wheel was not In proper alignment align align- ment meat he said sad I |