Show I Late News Flashes Fla hes FARLEY SILENT ON PLANS V WASHINGTON July 0 6 UP UPA Fl A A two-hour two conference between President Roosevelt and Postmaster ter General Parley Farley ended with no announcement whether Farley Fancy would retire or take a n leave of absence to devote his exclusive the campaign ROUND UP FASCISTS MADRID 6 UP Ul Police PoUce July arrested ar nr an- an rested several hundred bundred fascist fascists and leftist extremists in a series of r raids ids after the government ordered a wholesale roundup of political gunmen The order followed a four day f In which seven were killed and 20 wounded i TERRORISTS SENTENCED PONTIAC Mid Mich 1 July 6 UP UP- UP i Four men were given six month I jail JaU sentences and another man I Iwas was sva placed on on probation for lor three years ears earson on charges of arson uncovered uncovered ered during the investigation of Black mack Legion terrorism In ln Oakland Oak P land county I |