Show Hour Eleventh-Hour Registrations Are Made For Telegram Kiwanis T First Aid Classes Last minute registrations in the tho annual Kiwanis club first aid free instruction series were were being recorded Monday ris as Wednesdays Wednesday's deadline for enrollment enrollment enroll enroll- ment neared Hundreds of enthusiastic youngsters youngsters youngsters young young- attended classes at Fairmont nt and Liberty parks Monday as as the scheduled four weeks' weeks series entered entered entered en en- it its second week Under the supervision of Patrolman Patrolman Patrolman Patrol Patrol- man Thomas W. W Dee Dec fire tire and police police pollee po po- po- po lice department first aid director director director tor instruction W was 8 given to pupils in proper methods ds of treating bleeding by applying to tourniquets and how to prevent infection of ot open wounds Classes at Fairmont airmont park were held in the open Actual practice in the first aid methods was given by distributing bandages and equipment to enrollees and in instructing instructing in- in them in their uses Liberty Liberty Liberty Lib Lib- erty park classes were held in the large recreation hall hail on the play piny- ground Patrolman Dee told enrollees that small cuts and scratches and puncture wounds are most dangerous dangerous dangerous dan dan- bec because s they are arc most often often of ot- ten neglected and infection sets Inin in inin in Iii the wound I Boys and girls may register forthe forthe for forthe the classes before Wednesday at any of ot the recreation parks where classes are arc held or by calling at atThe atThe atThe The Salt Lake Tribune Telegram library on the thc second floor of ot The Tribune-Telegram Tribune building Free classes are held twice weekly under the supervision of expert teachers with no charge to the student a frI |