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Show Sto be submitted, and the ballots to be ued at said election shall be in substantially the following form, it being understood that said ballots bal-lots shall comply in all respects with the requirements of Chapter 10. and Section 5 of Chapter 6 of Title 25, Utah Code Annotated, 1943: ORDINANCE NO. 600 "An initiated ordinance adopted on March 21, 1949, subject to approval by the voters, providing for the construction con-struction of extensions and improvements to the electric and water plant and system of Springville City, Utah; authorizing auth-orizing and providing for the issuance of $400,000 Electric and Water Revenue Bonds payable solely from the revenues reve-nues derived from the operation opera-tion of said plant and system remaining after the payment of necessary operation and maintenance expenses, and after providing for the payment pay-ment of -the City's now outstanding out-standing Electric and Water Revenue Bonds and Electric and Water Revenue Refunding Bonds." FOR - AGAINST Q The ballot title appearing in said ballot has been provided by the City Attorney and approved by the City Council. Section 8. That the City Recorder Re-corder is instructed and directed to prepare the publicity pamphlet required re-quired by Sections 18 and 23 of Chapter 10, Title 25, Utah Code Annotated, 1943, to incorporate therein the arguments for and against the measure filed with him, in accordance , with the provisions pro-visions of said Section 23, and to distribute said pamphlet to every voter of the City of Springville City, either by mail or carrier, not less than eight (8) days prior to the date herein fixed for the election, elec-tion, at which said proposition is to be voted upon. Section 9. That immediately after its adoption this ordinance shall be signed by the Mayor and City Recorder, shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and shall be published in THE SPRINGVILLE HERALD, a newspaper news-paper published and having general gen-eral circulation in the City of Springville City, and shall take immediate effect, the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the City of Springville City so requiring. re-quiring. Passed and approved March 21, 1949. STERLING E. PRICE, 3 of the construction of such 4 extensions and improvements I and the acquisition of addi- tional water; prescribing the form and other details of said bonds; providing for the collection col-lection and disposition of the -revenue to be derived from the electric and water plant and system; making other provisions provis-ions with respect to the operation oper-ation of said plant and system, and the issuance of said bonds and providing for the payment of said bonds." ' and WHEREAS it has been ascertained ascer-tained by the City Council that at the last preceding election for governor held in the City of Springville City there were cast for all candidates a total of 2774 votes, and it has been determined by the City Council that the initiative initi-ative petition for the above entitled en-titled ordinance is signed by 465 legal voters qualified to sign said petition, and that said petition contains the number of qualified signers required by Chapter X of Title 25 of the Utah Code Annotated, Anno-tated, 1943; and WHEREAS said initiative petition peti-tion has been in all other respects carefully examined and has been found by the City Council to be full and complete, and to comply in all respects with the requirements require-ments of said Chapter X; and WHEREAS the Ordinance set out in said petition has been adopted by the City Council subject sub-ject to aproval of the qualified electors of the City of Springville City, and it is desired to call a special election at which the question ques-tion of the adoption of said ordinance ordin-ance may be referred to the electors elec-tors of the City of Springville City qualified to vote thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It and It Is Hereby Ordained by the Citv Council of the City of , Springville City. Utah County, Utah, as follows fol-lows : Section 1 That there shall be held in said" city on the 26th day of April, 1949, between the hours of seven o'clock a. m. and eight o'clock p. m., a special election at which there shall be submitted to the legal voters of said city the question of the approval of the ordinance described in the preamble pre-amble hereto. Section 2. That all electors of the City of Springville City qualified quali-fied - to vote on said proposition under the provisions of the Constitution Consti-tution of Utah and Title 25 Of Utah Code Annotated, 1943, as amended, shall be permitted to vote at said election. Section 3. That the entire City of Springville City shall constitute for the purpose of this election a single voting precinct, and that ELECTION NOTICE TO ALL QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF SPRINGVILLE SPRING-VILLE CITY, UTAH: Take notice that on the 26th day of April, 1949, an election will be "held in the City of Springville City, Utah, at the places set out in the following ordinance, and for the purpose of submitting to the qualified ; voters of said city the questions set out in an ordinance ordin-ance adopted by the City Council on March 21, 1949, which ordinance ordin-ance is as follows; ORDINANCE NO. 601 AN ORDINANCE provid-. ing for the holding of a special spec-ial election in the City of Springville City, Utah, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors thereof the question of adopting an initiative initi-ative ordinance providing for the construction of extensions and improvements to the municipally owned electric and water plant and system of Springville City, and authorizing author-izing the issuance of $400,000 Electric and Water Revenue Bonds of said city for the purpose pur-pose of defraying the cost of the construction of such improvements im-provements and extensions. WHEREAS there has this day been presented to the City Council an initiative petition requesting that the City Council either adopt the ordinance therein set out or submit such ordinance to the vote of the qualified electors of the City of Springville City for adoption, said ordinance being entitled: "AN ORDINANCE providing provid-ing for the construction of extensions ex-tensions and improvements to the municipally owned electric and water plant and system of Springville City, Utah; authorizing auth-orizing and providing for the issuance of $400,000 Electric and Water Revenue Bonds of Springville City, Utah, for the purpose of defraying the cost the voting place for all eight voting vot-ing districts of the city, and the election officials to serve at the voting place shall be as follows: Voting Place CITY HALL Election Officials: ARTHUR W. FINLEY, RACHEL BECK, EMILY MINER. Alternate: HASTING SMITH. Section 4. That the registration agents for each election district dis-trict of said city shall, between the hours of eight o'clock a. m. and nine o'clock p. m. on the first and third Tuesdays immediately preceding said election, receive and register the names of all persons per-sons applying for registration who are legally qualified and entitled to vote at such election or who will legally have acquired a residence resi-dence (being otherwise qualified), and who- will have a right to vote at said election according to the provisions 6f the law under which said election is to be held, and said registration agent shall give the notice of registration as required by the general election laws, including in-cluding Section 25-2-10 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1943. Section 5. That the registration agent for each election district shall post in at least five (5) conspicuous places within his district, dis-trict, at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed for said election, the following election notice, which notice shall also be published once a week for not less than four consecutive con-secutive weeks (five issues) in The Springville Herald, a newspaper published and enjoying a general circulation in the City of Springville Spring-ville City: (Here follows the form of notice as hereby given.) Section 6 That said election shall be held in all respects, and notice thereof shall be given in all respects, as required by the general gen-eral laws of Utah pertaining to municipal elections. Section 7. That the proposition ... mayor. Attest: WILLIAM BRINGHURST, (Seal) City Recorder. ALL QUALIFIED TAXPAYING ELECTORS OF SPRINGVILLE CITY ALSO TAKE NOTICE: All qualified electors of the City of Springville City who have paid a property tax in the year preceding preced-ing the date of said election are hereby required also to take notice that a special election will be held in said city on the aforesaid date at the aforesaid polling place and between the aforesaid hours, at which election there shall be submitted sub-mitted to the qualified electors of said city who have paid a property tax in the year preceding said election, the following proposition: "Shall the City Council of the City of Springville City, Utah, be authorized to issue bonds of said city in the amount of $400,000 for the purpose of defraying the cost of improving and extending the municipally owned electric and water plant and system of said city, said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed four per cent per annum, to mature ma-ture serially from two to twenty years from the date of the bonds and to be paid solely sole-ly as to both principal and in-( in-( terest from the revenues to be derived from the operation of said electric and water plant and system, and under no circumstances to be a general obligation of the city or payable pay-able from ad valorem taxes, all as provided in the initiative ' ordinance adopted by said City Council on March 21, 1949, subject to aproval by the electors, elec-tors, entitled 'An Ordinance providing for the construction of extensions and improvements improve-ments to the municipally owned electric and water plant and system of Springville Spring-ville City, Utah; authorizing and providing for the issuance of $400,000 Electric and Water Wa-ter Revenue Bonds of Springville Spring-ville City, Utah, for the purpose pur-pose of defraying the cost of the construction of such extensions ex-tensions and improvements and the acquisition of additional addi-tional water; prescribing for the form and other details of said bonds; providing for the collection and disposition of the revenue to be derived from the electric and water plant and system; making other provisions with respect to the operation of said plant and system and the issuance of said bonds and providing for the pavment of said bonds'? " GIVEN uncer mv nand and the official seal of said city this 21st day of March. 1949. WILLIAM BRINGHURST, (Seal) City Recorder, Springville City, Utah. Published in the Springville Herald Her-ald March 24, 31; April 7, 14, 21, 1949. |