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Show 15 Years Ago -From The Herald Files Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Frances Dunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn to Glen Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Brown. The marriage took place Tuesday, March 27. with President Hilton Robertson performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. George Crandall entertained at their home Saturday Satur-day evening at an Easter party for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Grant and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson. At the opening program of the high school art, Professor Harold Clark of the B. Y. U. gave a very interesting talk. Other numbers included two selections by the high school orchestra and a song by the mixed quartet. Miss Bernice Tipton, Miss Fern Bate and Miss Margaret Hadley gave a shower Friday night to honor Mrs., F. O. Cranmer, the former for-mer Bernice Fausett, a bride of the past week. Members of the N. I. P. Club were guests of Mrs. Clara Childs on Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Spafford, formerly former-ly Miss Helen Crandall, was honored hon-ored guest at a shower given at thet-home of the bride's motWr, Mrs. Martin Crandall, with Mrs. Ora Rowland .assisting hostess. Mrs. Emma Johnson has spent the past week with her daughter in Palmyra due to the illness of the latter's baby, who underwent an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips announce the birth of a son born at their home Sunday, April 1. The Springville Canning factory fact-ory will offer contracts for about 400 acres of peas this year. Tomato Toma-to contracts will be offered soon as prices are worked out. Mrs. John Holley's son, Earl, is visiting here again for two weeks. The Springville chapter of ' F. F. A. had an enjoyable and educational edu-cational trip to San Francisco to attend the Intermountain Junior Livestock Show. Winners from the Springville chapter were, Merlyn Houtz, Bliss Packard, Fred Allan and Lavon Whiting. A number of Springville friends including Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson, John-son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Condie, Mr. and Mrs. Lacelle Sumsion, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Miner were guests at an Easter party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robison on Sunday. City Marshalls and county officers of-ficers are investigating a hold-up here Monday when W. J. Jackson of East, Fourth South Street reported re-ported he was held up at, the point of a gun and robbed him of $17.15 when he answered a knock at his door about 8:30 p.m. Lawrence McKee has returned to his home here from Salt Lake hospital where he underwent an operation on his foot. Mrs. J. M. Whiting and Mrs. Hattie Blackett spent the week end in Rock Springs, Wyo., visiting the latter's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Packard. |