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Show State Luncheon, Art Tour Planned By Local Jaycee Wives . i The Springville Jaycee Wives will be hostesses at one of the outstanding out-standing social functions of the April Art Month, when wives of Jaycee members from all parts of the state assemble here for luncheon lunch-eon and a tour of the art gallery. The annual art event is planned plan-ned for Saturday. April 9, the luncheon to be at 1:30 p. m. in the Second ward Relief Society hall and the tour of the gallery to follow, fol-low, with Mrs. Mary Schwartz of .the high school art commitee to give a talk on the pictures in the exhibit. A highlight of the social entertainment enter-tainment will be the giving awav of a lovely painting by Bessie E. Gourley. Music will also be given during the luncheon by Miss Donna Don-na Jean Crandall and Miss Arlene Despain. Special- invitations to the function func-tion have gone out to wives of state Jaycee oficers and a large representation from every club in the state is expected. Plans are being completed for aproximately 150 ladies. Mrs. Amy Klauck is general chairman in charge of arrangements, arrange-ments, and is being assisted by Mrs. Delia Smith and Mrs. Le-nore Le-nore Grebbels, who are making special favors and decorations. Mrs. Mildred Simmons is in charge of the luncheon. Attending the banquet and program pro-gram honoring the national Auxiliary Aux-iliary president, Mrs. Hubert A. Goode, Friday evening in Salt Lake City were the following couples from the Springville Legion Le-gion and Auxiliary: Mr. and Mrs. Clay Beesley, Mr. and Mrs. Bird Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rothwell of Arco, Ida., visited Monday in Springville enroute to Delta to visit their daughter, Shirley and husband and their new baby son. |