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Show Coming. Events . . . Brothers tSudy Club Mrs. Willis Sumsion will entertain enter-tain for members of the Mothers Study Club at her home Friday at i p.m. The program will be furnished furn-ished by Mrs. Flora Fisher of Provo, who will talk on "Art for Enrished Living." S. T. Club Mrs. J. W. Clark will be hostess to members o fthe S. T. Club at her home this evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Community Church v Spring Dinner A spring dinner will be given at the Community Church Friday evening beginning at 6:30 p.m., to which the public is invited. Tickets Tic-kets may be secured at the door. Missionary Society A regular meeting of the Missionary Mis-sionary Society of the Community Church is set for this evening at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. John Jellison. Hafen-Dallin Club Professor B. F. Larsen of the BYU art department will be the speaker at the Hafen-Dallin club meeting this afternoon at 4:15 p.m., announces Mrs. Ethel Weight president. The meetings are conducted con-ducted every Thursday and the public is invited. |