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Show $100 Investment Brings $95,000 Plus $260,000 Fifty years ago, James Couzens, a young Detroit businessman, had a hard time persuading his sister, Rosetta, to invest $200 in a new kind of concern called an automobile auto-mobile company that was being I organized by a man named Henrj Ford. Rosetta was skeptical. She die not think Ford's gasoline carriage would amount to much. Finally with great reluctance, she agreec to let her brother risk $100 of hei money, and not a penny more, ir the wild scheme. In the years that followed, Ros etta Couzens Hauss must hav scoldede herself for being so cau tious. From its start in 1903, Fore Motor Company became the mos' astonishingly successful industria enterprise the world has seen. Ir 1919, after collecting $95,000 ir dividends, Mrs. Hauss sold hei $100 interest in the company tc the Ford family for $260,000. |