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Show FIKAL AGTIOH UPON UCEHSBOEFEBBEO: Rooming House Keepers Under Ban May Be Forced to Quit. Special to The Trlhune. CVrDIX. Feb. Tiral action upon the rvcommendation of Chirf of Police Thomas bl Bronins: for th refusal of rooming hous li' ensep to Mrs. Alioe Prority' of the Weber horel Joseph IiiKirvia of the Faris hotel w as deferred todn y by the boa: i of fity eoninussiOTierss. at the re- ! cjuesf o' Commissioner Jones. Violations , of the state Iw'-ior law are civen as the , re.isor.s by the police chief for the turn- i ipg down of the licenses. i Lauctrcia w as ariesre! by the officers offi-cers for two aliened violations. At both t im.es i 'ia officers seised a Is rue quhii-lity quhii-lity of liquor, which was ordered confiscated confis-cated bv- Judse .V. W. A see In the district dis-trict ro '. : r t . La u c i rc i a was acquit T ed o i the first charge and the second is pending pend-ing in the district court. H. K. Trout y. husband of JTrs. Alice Front v. was convicted tn the municipal court ot' violating the liquor law and was sentenced to s' months in .mil with no alternative fine. The board o: city commissioners, com-missioners, then composed of Mavc- A. K. Heywood. Miles L. Jones and Chris Flysrare, the latter two bemsr on the present pres-ent board, passed a resolution rominntin; Frotity's sentence to a f:'0 fine. Piouty, in the meantime, had given bond and riled an appeal in the district court, where the case is pending. When the board met this morntnsr and the chief of polices rep'ort upon the room-irsr room-irsr houses was broug.H up. only thru oart refer r ins; to s;ran t in of eight licenses was acred upon favorably, the o'her part of the recommendation, for the refusing of licenses, being hud on the table for the next meeting when Mr". Jones a?Ved for ; urn to investigate the cases further. j Th.? rooming houses to which the chief j of police recommended the licenses be not ; cr.mted we:e tre ro'.'oiny: Mrs. Alice Froutv. 16 Twentv-f.fh s'reet : Joseph ; Lauc:-cia. Wall avenue: Ljouis Avon- J det. I'JO Twenty-fir'th street; Earrbio Hi7- , zinella. C 3 S Twenty-riih street ; Cora , I., ear. U'5 Tweuty-s xth street; Amy; Ktiight. :34 Grant avenue, and M. C. j C'4"ip'an. IS'-r Twentv-fourth street. ' 1 |