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Show Kitchen Shower Is Given for Bride MIS MU.PRl.'P KKKliS, .1 Mau-h l-ruio, -was tl'.c uost of tumor at j a kitoiien slower sivcn at t'u 0 r. . e of Mrs. K . V . Fr i t 1 - -Y. :S e c o i u 1 avenue.' by the icaoher oi the Haw-t; Haw-t; oro school last ms1- Yc'low jonquil? in a tvwl foniuui the afterpiece for t-'e .xupper table. lWwrt rVsUcs w ere used in the ice? a nil confections. con-fections. T!.o shower wsj .innnyej on an in-c in-c ' oj ; iv h , v h e re a o lot ! : e s line v a 3 j.ed anti t!"-e -tftic'es of use m the "tchen were pinned to it with clothes Y : : ?. T -e t r i a e was given a c ! o 1 1 1 e basket and told in a e'ever little rhyme writ en by Mi;- t a vita Sampson to collect col-lect her itts. The quests numbered menty-five. Mrs. Jc-seph R. Patrick entertained the rr.er.ibers of her sewiri club at luncheon lunch-eon and a Kensington at her home on ::rst avenue. Luncheon was ser ed at ere lorg table, with lavender sweet peas ard narcissus a centerpiece. Oovers w ere laid for tw eive. including eight 01 t!'e oU:b men; hers and lour d-huoi:l d-huoi:l guests were Mi's. John O. Oaty, Mrs. l.4 Grand Young. Jr.. Mrs. Edward Ed-ward Klhoott and Mrs. Karl Pembroke. T!;e club members in attendance were j Mrs. Lawrence Greene. Mrs. W aiter T. I Fvper. Mrs. th-aiik Fisher. Mrs. Knos i llo.e. Mrs. T. W. Xaylor. Mrs. William D. R.ter and Mrs. Edward McGurrin. I I Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Jams announce the engagement 01 their daughter. Adelaide Ade-laide Anna, to Henry lVwey W alsh. The weJoing will take place March 1. News has reached the c'ty of the marriage mar-riage of Miss Jessie Cowan and Walton p H. Crarnpton of Sa:t Lake, in tan Piego. February tr. Mr. Oramptoji is a son of i Mr. a'.id Mrs. H. O. Cranipton of Princeton Prince-ton avenue and is con reeled w ith the Utah field artillery at Oitmp Kearny. The ' bri ie joined him there just before the ! wed din:, and will remain in San Diego n; her husband leaves for the front. j Bert Lietz. a well-known violinist of' the city, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. j Iie.s. will leave today for Fort l.eav- e-rc-th. Kan., to join the United States 1 s:el coros. K ;s w : will be with her , parents. Mr. and Mrs. H- L. Fenro.e. :. Ninth Fas: street. I j ewis F- McCornick wll enter- J7r l1-i? afternoon at her home; '"Siilf South Temple street in honor of ! fcVsSrorSe t-ams and M: Olsa Cams "n?"1" Canada, ivho are suests of : Mrs. Frederick Cowans. a r r ai no .1 1 1 x i ' : ar y to the t p ra sr : e hospital corps will entertain with another ;". a series of dan ng pa rt : es a : t he Escles' hail on Mar-h H. The Cleoran win m?a: This a f temmn with Miss r meiine Wells, u, K.ghth Fast street. Mrs. Ashby D. Boyle Will give a sketch of Lord Punsanv. Th Red Cross anxiliarv of The First Methodist chnrch wf.i meet at. the churvh ;l".:s aiterncoc - o'clock. . Mrs. Frank Cor'.ess will entertain the rv:?y Twelve ciub t - is afternoon at h-:r hone, liTl Seventh Fast street. T-.e El Exito c' ;b wdl meet t.i:s aft?'-noor aft?'-noor with Mrs. J. Thomas at her home. 33 c:th avenue. Luncheon will b served at 1 o'clock art-d a Ker.s1r.5ton will foi- The L'ey U club will meet this after-rc-cz with Mrs. V. G. Buckle at her home, j t45 S-rzih West Terr.rIe street. j The Draper Mothers' eJub will meet; this ! afternoon with Mrs. FTmer H. Young. 712 linden avenue. The subject for the day will be "Precept arxi Exampie." rrs. J. Paul Peyser will have charge of the p"ocrar.e. The Sr.3hir.e auxiliary of the Kd Cross win meet this morninsr at Amelia palace. The Ked Croes auxHiry of the Ladies' Literary club will meet toe ay, from 10 until 5 o'clock, at the clubhouse. The Red Cross auxiliary o? the First Unitarian church will meet today at the church for an all-day meeuivs. The Fu3d Cross auxiliary of Liberty Park Methodist church will meet today, from ID until 5 o'clock, in the church oar-lors. oar-lors. ys GladTs Marsden will entertain the BSae eirls at a theater rarty TVed-ntcqayvenin TVed-ntcqayvenin z. to be followed by a cupper cup-per at Franklin's. Stmshine auxiliarv of the Red Cross yjISS ADEI.AIDl: ANNA JARVIS, whose i:: v"- cnaecment to llcnrv Dewcv Walsh is i , : announced today. The wedding will take -: : place Aarch 12. ::l r---- T- I 0 , - '; 'l ov v . , : I r C ' s x ,r I ! " v s 3 , : ! ( I - , - v . : ! I s s -v ' v ,:: i . .x . " , :: ; 'NN x xxx ' x i:: x , v - x - y ,; ; S x V " S xX N ' ' i I -x I ' i x xv N xx .xx.x - . ; ; , x n 1 ; : ! L ( i,V ; ii I J I xx . , t 4 : i I; :. I ; 'x."x .x .. . ' . , : x x X V : ; ! j (:i n - r. - . j h I J - nx ' - ' i Ij ,xx-' : ;-" -': i ii ! J. I ' ' ; ' : l' : - 4 . : J will meet this niornnis: a: Antelia palace I :'or the resuiar eaijte wr-k. I Radiant Red Cj-oss aux-.hary of the red I Cross id nice' uuia , srot'i until o'-Uek. with M -s. L. K. liubbard. :" ; i teent;i K-ast .re--t. j I I The war t ork riept ha i .it t-" 1 i Fiance tvce o1' t:.1 n-'w e-. :..--.:ca:: j sweatees :uid etc ir.ccn r.i'rs c ocks i- th- FiTtli raiment. I'tiir! ST.ir.'-; :'ri'-!'r". :'ri'-!'r". and a rnnc.hr o!' other vC.h'.oits tor the French wounded. M- and Mrs. w a : ' t e H : n : ? r s:n?. son. Brownie, will Lirie horn m a few day f'o;"n Sin F-a:i:s'o. a.'ter: spehdjn-r the '. : :e:' :n Cai'ferrda. ! Mr?. Charles U. Jerkins and s-rall da L'.srhter. Fetty R'.. 'h. w. 1 ;rr: ve i 'Friday, arte- srtendire the "inr.er in I southern California. Mrs. O. M. Farlow Y..s arrive i frm Califontia and is with i.er parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. M. Havener. |