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Show "WAIT TILL I hit i cm: SAfSJfSEf Jack Says He Is Rather Off Form Now, but Promises Prime Condition for Fulton. By International News Service. CHICAGO, Feb! 26. ''Why do they make such a fuss over me? If it Is because be-cause of my victory over Bill Brtnnan, then I say just wait until I hit my gait." i Jack Dempsey, the Utah man, who conquered con-quered Brennan In six rounds at Milwaukee Milwau-kee lat night, made this statement here this afternoon. "I am not at my best just now," Dempsey Demp-sey said. "I have been iil and am just getting back in form. I will show a lot better when I perform against Fred Fulton Ful-ton and his fate will be that of Brennan. Bren-nan. "They say Jess Willard is too big for me, but I am sure I can hit him and I question his ability to lake a stiffer licking lick-ing than Brennan did." Dempsey is hopeful of meeting Fred Fulton in Milwaukee on May 1 and eliminating' elimi-nating' the last obstacle between himself and Willard. Milwaukee promoters are confident that the Fulton-Dempsey match , wil! be arranged. |