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Show They Lei Him Sleep Soandly i I 1 ! "Since taking Foley Kidney Pills i I believe 1 am entirely curtd and I I sleep soundiy ali night." H. T. Scravnge. j Take two cf Foley Kidney Pills with a trlaas of pure water after each meal and at bodtime. A quick and easy way to put a stop to your setting set-ting up time after time during the ! nisht. I Folev Kidney Pills also stop pain in back ar.d sides, headaches, stoni- I acn troubles, disturbed heart action, ' stiff and achintt joints, and rheumatto pains due to ilidney and bladder ail-tr.-.-nts. Gainesville, Ga., K. Tl. Xo. 3. Mr. i H. T. Stravuce s.iys: "For ten years I've been unahle to sleep all nlcrht without getting up. Sometimes oniy a ' few minutes after Roinsr to bed rd 1 ave to get ur. and 1 tried everything I hc.T-d cf for the trouble. Last ;.car I tried Foley Kidney Pills and after ; takir.j one bottle I believe I am en-tireiv en-tireiv curwd And I sieep soundiy Xl Sci'.ramn'.-Johnson, DrU's. "The Never-I Never-I Stibstitutors." Five () Ooorl Stores. |