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Show SHE PBISOi 11 PLEASElOTCEfiJ Organization Has Twcnly-one Members, and Is Rapidly. Improving. A unhiuc and meritorious musical concert con-cert was given by the Prison bund In the chapefof the stale prison Tuesday forenoon .al 30!n0 o'clock. The band is composed of twenty-one inmates of the prison, mid lias been organised and brought to a high state of efficiency through the offort.i of U P. Chr Isle linen, li-nen, a well-known musician of bait I-nKe. There are twenty-one Instruments In ihc band, which gives promise, of be-eomlng be-eomlng a musical organization of ronown. Tuesday's programme began with Colonel Col-onel Minor's match, by the entire band. Tho second nnmbur was a cornet duel. I he "Mexican Serenade." and was followed follow-ed by -''Chuntecle.r," which W113 execp-llonallv execp-llonallv weli rendered. One of the features of the programme wn a banjo solo by one of the band members, durliie which the others executed exe-cuted a buck and wing dunce, entering Into tho sport with the vim and happi-nes' happi-nes' of voting boys. .Snot her feature was tho work of a ono-arinod organist, whu Is a. member of the band, and who played play-ed the entire accompaniment to " The Lost Child," a cornet nolo played by Mr. Clirislensen. Assisting Mr. Christo.nccn were Alvn Ikxri; Carl FJndelacii apd .T. IS. Thompson, Thomp-son, of thiscity. These four musician plavcd a. brass uuartotte, and arc eo-ou-cratlng In the Instruction of the band members. The programme concluded with the band selection. "Llltlc Johnny .loncs." a difficult number, which was played by the band in artistic fashion. It was tho first concert given by the hand, and only Warden Pratt and a number, of prison offlclala were present. A second concert will be given in the near future, for which Iho warden will issue a limited number of invitations. Tho object of Mr. Chrisl onsen's work with the prison inmates Is to lighten their burden by lifting their minds to something of an educational character, and to make their bourn behind the grim prison walls productive of bettor ideas and ambitions. The interest taken tak-en by the prisoners in the work wa strikingly shown In the concert, and the work promises splendid future results. It is understood lhat tho next b-clsla-turo will bo asked to provide funds fori the permanent establlsliment hnd mnln- j tcnancc of a prison hand, as a meaiisof j biighlcning the intellectual side of -prison life. |