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Show 6000 NEWS COMES FR0MJE1GT0N Continuation of Ores With Depth Is Positively Shown by Development. DRILLING RESULTS HAD Various Sources of Information Informa-tion Agree on Present Shape of Property. On "Wednesday si number of sources of Information combined to demonstrate to the local ofllclals of the New Ycrlngton Copper company that the campaign of development now under way In being directed di-rected in tho right channels. Among the communications" received was a letter from 13. J. Cooper of Ycrlngton, who gave President C. N. Strcvell some very Interesting Inter-esting Information based upon a recent visit to the mine tho day tho letter was written November 29. Mr. Cooper wrote as folloT4: Tho mine Is looking fine, especially especial-ly the 400 west drift, which bus a full breast of ore fully seven feet In width, and nr line erode to judge by Its looks, with plenty of copper sulphides. sul-phides. Tho 100 cast drift in in ore-and ore-and seems to be getting bettor, and I think will soon have some very rich ore. There Is a full breast, of ore here also. It looks to me like shipping ship-ping ore. Ore Going Down. Everything seems to be working as well as it could. I am more conll-dent conll-dent than ever that, as far as the question of going down Is concerned, It Is already demonstrated. Mr. Coopor Inclosed a. clipping from a Reno paper. In which Edward N. Buck, editor or tho New West magazine, expressed ex-pressed his opinion of the district after an extended investigation of conditions. After calling attention to the splendid results re-sults of diamond drill operations at the Mason Valley property, and in line with his argument that the Mason or Ycrlngton Ycrlng-ton camp Is a very large ore zone, he says, In part: And fifteen miles from te Maaon Valley property, In anotticr rango altogether, some diamond drill exploration ex-ploration work has been going on lately on the property of the New Yerlngton Copper company. The ro-sults ro-sults here, too, were as satisfactory as In the other case. In fact, without anj question, the mineral belt of Lyon j count-, is the greatest I ever saw. But the most remarkable thing about it. to my mind. Is the little Idea tho mining world has of its resources. Even more positive in the account given of propcrtv conditions In the latest edition of the Scrlngton Times, which has tho following to say: The New Yerington Copper company com-pany is puBhlng development work as fast as air drills can do it, and some very Interesting developments arc being made which will place this property in the front rankn of the producers. The actual development at the present time has left the knocker without . any foundation to stand on. Big Producer Assured. A groat rnanv have expressed the opinion that If the ore was thore below tho water level, that It was a big mine. Well, it is there, and it will be there for a great manj' yeara to come. Wo must all concede it one of the very big mines, the immense im-mense Assuring, mineralized, as It i?, will have a long period of production. The ore i being followed both east and west of the main shaft. There-is There-is an immense future for the property, prop-erty, as there are several thousand feet along the ore before reaching the cast and' west limits. As the ore has been opened for Home 1000 feet, it Is evident to tho most disinterested that it has an equal value with such mines as the Mason Valley and Nevada Ne-vada Douglas. With all this good news to pick from, and with tho realization that the company com-pany Is in a very comfortable financial, as well as physical, condition, the company com-pany being splendidly equipped in addition, addi-tion, local shareholders arc resting easy and satisfactorily In the knowledge that they are opening a copper proposition thai seems destined to make good in a manner typical of that well-known section. |