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Show MICHIGAN-UTAH IS TO INCREASE EFFORT A force of eight men was sent up Little Cottonwood canyon Wednesday morning by the Michigan-Utah Consolidated company, com-pany, which reinforcement will be utilized for tho purpose of getting out an unusual un-usual ore tonnage on company account during tho coming winter monthn. The management anticipates no delay or Interruptions In-terruptions to shipments during the winter, win-ter, as the company's tramway is so constructed as to allow continuous operations oper-ations despite weather conditions. NoTadac in San Frandsco. James A. Pollock fc Co., bankers and brokers, 3S-U35 South Main street, furnish fur-nish the following, received over their private wire yesterday afternoon: I Bid. Asked. Goldflr.Id ' Columbia Mountain S J -0" .Iiimlio Extension 2S .28 Vernal 10 Booth 05 Blue Bull 06 Sliver Pick 05 Atlanta 13 .14 r inrencc ........ .bo Goldflcld Daisy , .03 .01 Combination Fraction .... ' .08 ....... Kcwanos 01 Spearhead 03 Goldflcld Consolidated .... 1.371 1.00 C. O. D 06 Merger Mines 25 Comstock Ophlr as .27 Mexican l.Sr, Consolidated Virginia 35 .87 Savage 10 Hale and Norcrosn 03 Yellow Jacket - .20 ....... Helcher 22 tslerra Nevada 35 .37 Exchequer 01 Union :;r, Chollar .04 Tonopah I I Tonopah Nevada j fi.Sn I Montana Tonopuh ,. .! 1.90 I Tononah Intension ..... .1. ...., I 2.70 MacNamara I .17 ( Midway .30 I Tonopah Belmont S.10 j Tonopah North Star I .23 t .24 West ISnd Consolidated ..I 1.3CJI Uesctie I ..13 I .14 Jim Butler I .TA Cash Boy ' .05 1 .07 Hoston Tonopah .04 Tonopah Merger 73 I Manhattan I Manhattan Consolidated .. .10 I ,11 Golden Wedge .. .0f I. ppxtcr 03 I White Cap OR ' .03 Ble Four ' .16 1 Other dlxtrlctrf I 1 Nevada Hills ! ! 1.40 Round Mountain .33 Ore Shipments, The Utah Ore Sampling company on Wi'dncsdftv released six cars of ori from Nevada, und, two cars from Utah camps. |