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Show 'eVfl)e5 Moines man had an attack of ndaVlar rheumatism n litB shoulder. A d advised him to go to Hot tow. That meant un oxpenso of Bb or more. TIo sought for a 1r and cheaper way to euro it and it in Chamberlain's Liniment- ZlfcVclays after tho first application 5Kb liniment he was well. For bale 1 dealers. (Advertisement). 3itK m a preventive as well nn curalivo clue, flood 6 Sarsaparilln is pre-kut pre-kut its creafc merit is fully est;ib (Advcrtitjouient.) Ail Independent Can be established by investing your money in our Home 1; 1 Building enterprise. Small amounts invested with us regu- I I larly, -will soon grow to be something: worth while. I' I WE PROTECT YOUR MONEY ! I By providing security such as all business men acknowledge ! , I. to be as good as can be found. . I I YOU RECEIVE DIVIDENDS i , - regularly every three months. Our present rate is nine per j ; I cent per annum on par. The par VCllitC of our stock is ! I $1.00; ils actual valllC is $1.20 per share. ; ! 1 YOU CAN BECOME A STOCKHOLDER WITH US I by making small monthly payments, if 3611 prefer, and you j 1 will receive . dividends on the amounts you have paid in 1 previous to the dates on which" dividends are declared. Our 1 I monthly payment terms are ten per cent cash and the bal- I ance at the rate of. 'five per cent a month. For example the j 1 price of fifty shares is $60.00. The first payment would, be ! I $6.00 and the "balance $3.00 a month. You may secure any 1 E number of shares from, -ten upward on this plan. Of course I you may purchase stock by making a full cash payment, if I you care to do so. The price, cash or installment, is $1.20 I per share. ' oar; next quarterly djv.idexd will be dis- J GLARED FEB. 1, JU13. I SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION JODAY ON THE FOLLOWING BLANK FORM. EETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO., Salt Lake City. j I Gentlemen: Enclosed plc.isc liud $ as first nayineut on ; shares Ql" .vour'slocl. , ' x.umc : . .t. . . : . : : . : Address I0 and 12 East Broadway. Salt Lnkc City, Utah. j Incorporated 1911. Capital, SIOO.OOO j ; y" Julius Kessler ii I Substantiates His Claims fml I jpOR MONTHS we have been reproducing here B I I BROOK is the oldest whiskey bottled in bond. mu I No denial from the trade has been made f1& PR00F I I because it is impossible to refute that statement J Ri !Er I - I about "the world's finest whiskey " H I I Bottled in Bond mSKWM I I Most whiskies bottled in bond are only 4 to 5 years old, s I I including' all other largely advertised, popular brands. I I More 7 to 8-year old W. H. McBrayer's Cedar Brook H 1 Whiskey was bottled in bond (2,956,944 bottles) in 1911 in our "or H I one Cedar Brook Distillery than all other brands combined, fimutsty& H including all advertised, popular brands made in Kentucky, ?tszfo Maryland, Pennsylvania and all over the U. S. bar none. j&K58gESa& , ' On this showing, having ' bottled more 7 to 8 year-old pSW I whiskey last year than all other brands combined, Cedar Brook "w&SeSK H I is therefore the oldest and best on the market certified also Z ' H I beyond question by Public Taste during three generations. ! ' BOID IN BOND l BAEM BROS, MERCANTILE CO., Distributors I " P. As got a bunch of imitators I I right smart proof it's all wool and a yard wide! I I Two things arc never counterfeited plugged nickels and ordinary tobaccos ! I 1 Prince Albert sort of upset the fashion in pipe and cigarette tobacco, because I I it won't sting your tongue (bite's cut out by a patented process), because it I. I tastes delicious and because it has fragrance that makes it welcome in any I 1 home or office, Out of the tall timbers came the substitutes "just as good 1 I as P. -A." "just like P. A." and that sort of thing ! Just trying to warp in ! I 1 Lei this sink deep: Every time that chaffs handed you, make a gsgg-. I I bee line for a tin of Prince Albert. Then you're in O. K. CT.lprI 1 Realize that imitation is the bullicst advertisement P. A, can have! XSJ I Get that? There's just onc "joy smoke" in this world for you, 1 whether you jam it in a jimmy pipe or roll up a cigarette j thISI 1 1 that's Prince Albert. If WSffSll I 1 I You get a new view of life's joys ir you'll buy a package of P. A. WBMf if 1 I and roll up -a cigarette. It's great fresh, fragrant, sweet. f S I 1 Right now, put it on your sure thing list. It's worth a bet. mW'f Jl? I the national joy smoke vnold5 MJ Say, start to gallop while the gain 's good ! ' Vinton-Salcm, N. C. lgqcSJ I Tab! feQli'V Thelabel . I Queen j I your grocer M formerly chief of the Bureau of Chemis- today m " try, published in the Good Housekeeping These Hne m . . Magazine, an interesting account of the breads M efforts made by the Bureau of Chemis- are m try to check the commerce, in mouldy, shipped M decayed and misbranded wheat which every- M eventually becomes the flour, the housewife H where M makes into bread. M In his introductory remarks he ' emphasizes" the m value to be placed on good bread. ' m And good bread means the exclusive use of M ..' Royal breads "Royal Special" and "Table Wk dMk. There is no risk when Mi you eat Royal Bread. All ypSt the flour is tested and it FWif Iflf v must be the best there r is, or else it is not used. ggilF When you buy Royal Bread you get the Table to"fd ihc H i i. i j j best baked oreaa, best bread made. Look for the grooved cent- It is the bread to eat ever and er ana the Royal Label always. don't accept imitations. B J The Gocycles given FREE with '"Table DOyS ailfl UiriS QUeen,; and other Royal Breads, are the greatest fun producers ever constructed. If you want one, get busy tell your mammas to buy only "Royal Breads." Go out after your neighbors and ask them to save the Royal wrappers and labels for you, too. Hurry and get: your Gocycle. 125 Wrappers or 250 Labels will get you one. Royal Baking Company, Salt Lake H |