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Show WOOL BITES SETTLED BY MISSION Shippers Lose on Two Points of Their Dispute With the Railroads. Special to The Tribune. WASHINGTON, 'Dec. 4. Tho inter-, stalo commerce commission- today announced an-nounced Its determination, to stand by j its decision of March 21, 1012, with refer ence to rates anu ciassiucatious ot wool shipped froni Rocky , Mountain territory 16 eastern markets. Tho commission holds that the requirement require-ment of 21,000 pounds for cars thirty-six feet In length Imposes no unreasonable burden on the. shipper. Tho commission also refuses to withdraw its ruling that wool In the territory Involved should take fourth-class ra'te. with minimum of 21.000 pounds, and will rcqtllro carriers to modify (heir classifications so that wool shall not take higher than fourth-class rale. |