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Show IU I.ECTI01 OF IILSOi f; COST OVER MILLION Bryan Gave $1000, and Cam- : paign Commillce Has $24,- , - 958 Slill on-Hand. i v i . . Uv International Xnivw Service. VS'.vferriXGTON. , Duo. ( The lJumo- i .tie campaign to elect. Governor Wood 's vnu WIIkoii of Ni-W Jersey, president of I j the United Stales, cost SI. 159. -Ho. ac- ; (ordinpr lo !i statement filed with Hie cleric of th: house tonight In accord -i i since, with tin; campaign publicity law. . The committee, according to Its slut- , went on November 30. bad a brilanc-o on 1 band of 521,058. and tbe total contribu tion received from one source and another an-other amounted to SI.1S1.50I. , " There were SO.SJW Individual rontrlbu-iore- and SSJJS of tbesi; sent In nums that were lean thsin J100. Charles IX. Crane of Chlca.sro. Clcve-lend Clcve-lend IT. Dode and Herman Kidder of Xew Vorlc. were the star contributors. Crnne pave $-10,000: Dodqc 535.000, and rtiddcr contributed Sl.OOO exclusive of 4 several minor sifts. Samuel Untcrmyer. roun.se! for the house monev trust probe committee. contributed 510.000. Tho nior.' Important contributions were: William .!. liryan. $1000: ox-aiuvor flielsui of San Francisco. J2000: Henry Goldman. X'W Yorlc, ' $10,000: Jacob F. SeJilff. 1 2,000; Kola. Wells, Sc. '.Louis. 5ii00n; Charles Smith of Kenosha. Wis.. J.'.OOO; .1. W. Gerard." S13.000: J. C. C. .Mvo of Kentucky. $5000: C. A. Snreck-els, Snreck-els, SoOOO: ex-Governor IX n. Francis or rwiKHOurl. 51000: Senator Watson of West Vlrslnla. 55000; Mrs. Virginia Vau-.lorbilt. Vau-.lorbilt. J3000; linger SuIlIvaJi. $5000: a-. than Strati. 5300C: c Senator Cliiik of; Montana. ?000: Charles S. .Gugcenhoim of Xew Varlr. 10.00u; G. K S. Peabody f .Chlcaco. 5J3G50; J I. M. Baruch. li:.5.0:' ' Mayor Fltngerald of Ucmton. $1000: Governor Gov-ernor Foss of Massachusetts. $5000. and Jacob nuppert of New York. $10,000. Toinorro- would have bean tho last Any under tbe law tinder which the statement state-ment could have been .filed. |