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Show AGED VETERAN WRITES TO TAFT WASHINGTON. Doc t. "Jear old IH president, I bate to give you up, God H With thezc touching vrordx, an old vol- , H dicr of Missouri, appealing- for the - H ment of bit. "back pay," concluded a lot- H tor received by President Taft today. He IH "Denr and Well Beloved Old Prca- H dent Will your honor please allow me to nm you a few Hues in regard lo ruV jH back pcy? X saw quite a while back H where you ordered the paymaster to pav that back Pity not later than tho coming- H Tuesday. I Jiavo not recoiveti mino. Will your -honor please awaken that payniaa- IH Nobody hero knows what b.ick pajr is IH due tbe old soldier and Secretary of tlio IH TrcAHury MacVeagh is invoutigalln.g' tho H |