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Show i Says Sickness in His Family Caused Him lo Steal Money Order Funds. UNABLE TO GIVE BAIL Pathetic Story of 111 .Luck Is Told by Bingham Mail .. Carrier. Up to a late hour last night Joseph j Cavanaiigh, iho Ulngham mall carrier! who was arrested on a. charge of embezzling em-bezzling money from the money order department de-partment of thy Ulngham postoffice. had not secured his rcleaso on ball and was still In tho county Jail. C'avanaugh was arraigned before United Stales Commissioner Commis-sioner Charles Uahlwln yesterday, waived preliminary examination, and was bound over lo iho grand jury oil ?1000 ball. Ij. a. MeGec, postolfli.'o inspector, who handled the case, said yesterday that Cavanaugh had used a most unutnial method of embezzling government 'funds. When caught, Oavanaugh broko down and confessed to having taken at varl- "ua iini'.-Q v luiui 01 ii., in money liul had been entrusted to blip by foreigners in Ulngham Canyon with which to pio-curo pio-curo money order.) for them. Inspector McGce alleges that the mail carrier would lukc the money. 1111 out a. money order application blank, telling the foreigners lhat he would gel the order and mall It lo the jiarly to whom the men wished It sent. IJc Is oalil to have thou pocketed the money. A short, time ago some of those who aro said lo be his victims discovered that the money had not been received by the parties to whom they directed di-rected It ami began an Investigation. Inspector Mo.Oue, upon discovering who the embezzler was. Mont 1.0 Cavaniuigh's home and there discovered the money order or-der application blanks which Oavanaugh had lilled out for those on bis route. Cavanaugh. who Is :!0 years old. confessed con-fessed tils guilt and told a story or hard luck which led up lo ids embezr.IIng the fupdF. I In said lhat he hail Jiad considerable consid-erable sickness in his family. consl"lliig of his wife and baby, ami lhat he got deeply into debt. Feeling that ho must find some way to got out of It, he said I bat ho hit upon tho Hcheino of pocketing the money order cash that wsus Intrusted lo him by those on bis route and (hut ho took $G7n in this way. 'hoping that bo could 1 no the money back before he was discovered. |