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Show RAILROADS WILL USE OIL INSTEAD OF COAL Jn view of the fact that an effort is reported now In process to convince tlic H.tnta Vc roiul of tho nilvlasibllity of ex-lendlntc ex-lendlntc a pipe lino lo tbe Sun .luun oil fields of Utah to obtain a supply of fuel, tbo following from Colorado Springs Is of interest to local oil men: A 8ven-yf'ar contract, which involves the si'.lc of fuel oil to the extent of more than ?.".000.C!00. has Ju.t been closed by lliii Mid-West Oil company, composed of Colorado Springs 'apltalilri, with the Chicago fc Northwestern railroad, and from now on the only motive-power used on this road, wnst of the Mlsaourl river and on one division cant of the river, will bo Wyoniinc oil. It is altogether probable that within a very few years the Northwestern will be uslns Mid-West oil on its entire lines west of Chlcupro. The deal was closed during a. recent visit to Clilcaao of O JT. Shoup. Berne II Hopkins, Carl Schuyler, pruncral counsH for Die Aiifl-Wcal compaiiv. and It. D. TBroolcs of Denver, general manager of the Mid-West. The contract stipulates a sliding scale on the delivery of the oil by which tlx; railroad company will take from 1500 lo nr(H barrels of oil h day from the Mid-West company al Casper. |