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Show DEVEL0PM1I IT NEW DOUGHS Comprises Large Share of the Per Pound Cost of Cop-per Cop-per Production. Shareholders of the Nevada Douglac Copper company will bo interested In a statement prepared by tho local management manage-ment touching upon tho cost of production, produc-tion, tho company being one of the youngest of large new red melal producers pro-ducers of the state of Nevada In which many Utahns have a stockholder Interest. Inter-est. Thla statement covers tho period from the first of 1012 to the end of August, Au-gust, during which period the company produced 7o',"-fi tons of copper ore, wit weight, the dry weight of the same being be-ing 7:U- tons. The total cost .per wot ton of ore mined was $!J.0S. and the cost per dry ton mined was sn.2i. The following costs per wet ton are given: Breaking ore .. .. . ' Tramming and mucklns -' Timbering Power for machines "' Drill repair and steel 0&i Hoisting 0-JO , 024J Loading 11- R- cars 0570 Development ''i Maintenance . General expense l It will be seen by studying the above details of coHt that next to tho breaking break-ing of ore the largest. Item Is that of development, but shareholders have the satisfaction of knowing that this extensive exten-sive development work has two very Important Im-portant lnllucnccs, one being the continual contin-ual Increasing of the available ore tonnages, ton-nages, the other being the new tunnel which will not only develop new Douglas Hill tonnages but afford a much more economical and satisfactory outlet for futuro production from that part of the mine. . , , The production during the porlod mentioned men-tioned was C.0S4.990 pounds of copper, the coBt of production per pound, being 10.09 cents. The gross value of the ore produced was ?SS2,778.33; treatment expenses, ex-penses, 5237,507.24; freight charges. ?134,-138.S0. ?134,-138.S0. leaving a total net value of $460,-732.29. |