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Show rIOOL ELECTION kllfELJ (PEN mMOld Members and Three ywev Men Chosen for f, to Ti.e Tribune. Kn rc T'le ,JQW board ' jjf Ion for the Ogdcn City schools will m .)ot two men who have served dur-I dur-I o past four years and three new m I jrs, ncordlng to tho result of the f J n held throughout the five mu- J Awards of tho city today. All of 'i i d members were out for re-clcc-jlpth the exception of M. S. Brown-ho Brown-ho had represented the Fifth ward Jbted as prealdent of the hoard dur-Sfie dur-Sfie pact four years. Tho complete I III the live wards was as fol- I W It WHrd Hyruni Plngreo Oncum-II Oncum-II -1224; O. J. Stllwell. 13. I' nd ward W. II. Williams (incum-(30$: (incum-(30$: Mrs. Clayton Coolldge, 110. Itx& ward J. W. Levedahl, HH; AfaeJ 1 (incumbent). 271. i rth ward George Glen, -HO: Ur. C. I liter (Incumbent), .'!75. h ward Wade -Johnson. 2S0: ' B Velnier, 2ir. , SV election excited considerable in-tiln in-tiln four of the live wards, tho total i iDclng 2769. Tho vote four years 'WJtfc'as l0C3, but thl6 wan duo to an . 'lal contest In the Fourth': ward. n fcfllOO votes were polled Tho ro-1 ro-1 Jjkday was unexpected, as 11 seemed nably cortain before tho votes were ,Jed that at least three of I ho old ItS Wet's would he re-elected. ' if, Coolldge. tho only woman candi-Hmudc candi-Hmudc a very poor showing In the .id ward, considering her strong feign. Mr. Williams, her opponent, A fed more than double the vote re-Da. re-Da. ifittby her supporters. O. .T. Stllwell, of tafent of Mr. PIngreo In the First "on, cfwas out of tho city and made no lonjilsn whatever for his election. Mr. broh s E'alcl fr tnc presidency of firt iar(1 y pijff hool election was also held In two i fmBf live country districts of Weber it cca ! todav' The result was as fol- lira district A. C. Chrlstonsen ,In-fcS ,In-fcS it) of Hooper, 276; J. "B. Hunter idt t l Weber, 151. :th district Joshua Homer of Farr 8 ili i 127C: JoBeph Carver of Plain City, til a ft |