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Show I Ton ehould not feel tired nil the time fcea'M people don't you won't If you lake Hood's Barsaparllla for a while. CHEAP 'RATES EAST. Via Burlington Rout T Kansas City and return. To Omaha and return M.OO To St, Paul and return -12.00 To Minneapolis and return 42.90 To Chicago and return 47.M T SL Louln and return -12.60 Ore fart plus for round trip from 1 tnh polnta to all "Western. Pnswnger AfFOclaUon territory. On Bale May 30th, Cm and June Stli. 9th. Return limit pcnl until September 16th. Stop-overs nllov.cd. Wrlto or call on R. F. Keelon, Qcnh AgL, 79 West 2nd South St. IPR0V0 CANYON AND RETURN Via D. & H. G.f Sunday, May 20. I.eao Salt L.nke S:00 a. m. Itoturnlng, nrrUr at Salt Lake 6:00 p. m. The most m.iglr.licent scenory In the "West. A delightful de-lightful outing for those who love tho WTr of nature. Rushing- mountain torrents,' mow-enpped peak, grwn trees, dazzling- and awc-lnsplrlng oata-rac oata-rac ta, all In a grand panorama. LOW RATES EAST Via D. & II. G. H. H. Onp faro plun, five dollarn for the rourd trip to all polnta In "Western Paj?-renser Paj?-renser Aasoclatlon territory. Selling daten May Wth, 3l0t. June 8th and 9th. Final limit September 15th. Ton-day trnnnlt limit In hots direction. Slop-otr Slop-otr allowed. See I. A. Benton, Dooly E!cck, or any Rio Grande agent. Rackache? Kidneys out of order, that's all. Doan's Kidney Pills arc the; sure cure. At any drug store. Rich Aromatic Delicious ' M hifh-gnde grcxeri No couponf.no prizes, no touvenin I mi 3 lb. aroma.tiht t:nt Your Heart May Be Weak. One Person in Four Has a WeaK Heart. One of the surest signs of a xrak heart la shortness of breath after exercise. Tour heart is not able to pump the blood fast enough to your lune-s. Some of the other symptom of Heart Trouble are: Pains in the Side, Back am! Shoulder; Falntins; or Weak Spells; I Dry Couch; Swelling- of Feet and Ankles; Cold Feet or Hands. No one can afford to allow a weak hoart to go without medicine, because weak heart moans poor circulation, and poor circulation xneana weal: lungs, stomach, llvor, kidneys, etc If, therefore, you suspect heart trouble, begin taking; Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. The Heart Cure will do you good, as it hi a splendid tonic for the blood and nerves, and will revitalise your entire system. Finally, remember, Dr. Miles' New Heart Curo is sold under a guarantee that the first bottle will do you good. If It doesn't your money back. "I was afflicted with heart troublo for threo years. I would be apparently all right, and without a moment's warning would fall as though shot. Tho attacks wore frequent, and a torrlblo dread pos-neraed pos-neraed mc, as I never knew when or where, nor undfr what conditions r would bo attacked, and whether I would survive them. I consulted and was treated by noma of tho most eminent phvsielans of tho state. Not finding relief re-lief from this source, I began taking Dr. Wiles' New Heart Cure, and began to lmprovo at once. I used ten bottles, which entirely cured me, as I have not had an attack for five years." MJt3. JOHN DRE3DACK. Lclpalc. Q. "FT? TCI! S11.4 to u for Trial i iVJjJj Packago of Dr. Mllea' Antl-Pnln Antl-Pnln Pills, the New Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symptom RIank. Our Specialist will diagnose your caso, tell you what fa wrong, and lww to right IL free. rm. MILES MEDICAL CO VABORATORIES, LLKHART, IND. The Krakauer Piano j ' Jh another of our new lines of PI- .1 ! nnos recently added to our list 0 This Piano la high class In every 2 j respect, comes In flvo different y j Htyles and It's tone, quality and h action is superb. g j Price $4.59 ! i Bold on payments that make Pi- i ano-buylng easy for you. Let ua ; show you. ) j Carstensen & Anson Co. Templo of Mualc. F ..74 MAIN STREET.. J Formerly Daynes Mualc Co. t SALTAIR SEASON OF VKM GRAND OPENING DECORATION DAY ! THIRTY TRAINS. New hardwood flour largest and grandest grand-est In the world. Chrlstensen's Orchestra. Improved bathing facilities 10CO bathhouses bath-houses 3J new this season, built In dc p water. Do not forget L. D. S. T. Field Day. Saltalr. Saturday, May 2S. Two trains, 5.30 and 7:45. Unequalled in Purity j KINfiSFORD'S OSWEGO SILVER GLOSS ; Band i OSTWXGO CORN STARCH. i sv wm iimiti vi.7 sa.nihgzai rttmW. Wi A H I' MM Ml ! I UK 1 1 J.II M Beaven. D. O., $$ P H. Murry. D O.. Mrs. A B. Murry, D. O. Kj :g OSTEOPATHS. S Treat Successfully fey All DUea'-cs rail fiftJ ten .fcucrbnch Bjlidlng. EZfl gj Office Tl 112D-T Rea 1K3 Z ggj I PICTURE FRAMING At Popular Prices. j American Wall Paper Co. G E. THIRD SOUTH. j 1 THE j Paris Millinery Co. I : I WAIST SALE ! I go Values up to $4.00. Lawns, merccrixetl linens, etc., : I yO nnd nre all especinUy desirnble Lawn, Linen and Jap Silk Waists Values up to $3.00. . no Assorted styles and sizes trimmed -with cmbroid- j $l0 cvy, insertions, medallions and drawn work and are J I very good value for the price. 5 ' I i QO ' Waists that have been selling up to $1.50 will be j S OC placed on sale toda' at the very low price of 9Sc. j I They come in a large variety of styles, in black and white ) also irJxlures. ALL SIZES. j ! Big Sale of Fancy Ribbons Today. I Millinery Specials A lorge assortment of ladies' hats in all the latest shapes and trimmings. Values up to 7.00, (fO Or 5 for 4000 i Misses' Cuban hats, poke shapes, faced with good chiffon, olab- ! f 'orately trimmed with all silk ribbon, regular TQ OO i value ?5.u0. Special CpOUU ; I Sateen Petticoat Special lade of hea sateen, in black, black and white. stripes, and checks, and are well worth ?1.2u. QO ' j Special today .. OC I AH Wool Suits at Half Price. j Our optician fits glasses scientifically scientifi-cally and without charge for examinations. exami-nations. Our reputation would suffer if our optical work was not of tho highest standard. 'Phone 65 for tho correct time. AALTl LAKEL ClTfi! l'7ll:1fc7gFvIr7l!7sl i sii i i mi i 5 NeIdenJudson Drug Co. I WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. i. CIGARS A SPECXALTY. S POSTOFFICE BOX 370. j EDW. C. SMITH. Pres. 4 JOHN P. COBB. Vlc-Prcs. & Mgr. I JKO. J JI DSON. TrcAs. 5 F. L. PEARL. Sec. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO CALDER S DEeORHTION ...DRY.. M. LE'Y. Lessee and Manager. THE DANCE HALL has been enlarged and new Moor laid, making tho finest dancing danc-ing pavilion in the State. Music for tho season by the I'TAH STATE BAND AND ORCHESTRA, under un-der the direction of Anton Pedorsen. HORSE-RACING. BOATING. DANCING Admission 10c. Each ticket entitles tho holder to 10c In trade. It's only five mile), and It costs but 6 pennies to Calder's. World's Fair Day. June 15. Two round-trip round-trip tickets, and one Pullmnn sleeper to the World's Fair will be given away. IT'S CHLDER'S. FHKE SHLE I do not run a fake salo or auction, but jou can buy from me honest, reliable Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds and Clocks cheaper than you can In any other placs in the city. SHL SieKLE, THE JEWELER. 75 East Second South street, betweon Commercial and State Btreets. A Mothers Care 1 (S PkrWK The coming of womanhood, the time when menstruation Bj WW1 ft xg- Wmi makes its first appearance is fraught with great danger for El Sfe "SlL Wine of Cardui is the best medicine to take at this time, lI kSIb "Sv because it is the most successful menstrual regulator known to Igf ffis MlMcs. tie science medicine because it is a simple vegetable B lraL-lNvW extract, perfectly harmless to the most delicate child. Every src-J V' moter nows what Wine of Cardui will do always gives H JL!) Wine of Cardui, in removing the dangers from young H wS l. siri girlhood, smoothes the way to uninterrupted health through life. Wm HwL s rlfJ With menstruation started right much of the danger which B w Sr Tl jr surrounds womanhood is warded off. Irregular menstruation H kjKffifl WPmyyf J incuces bearing down pains, ovarian troubles, nervousness and H Hal mmSjfJ jK the many ills which make young womanhood unhappy, mother- H raW BbstX a torture and middle age a time of distress. H KsJH S Wine of Cardui gives robust health to young women, H isSHl strength to .mothers and a happy old age to grand motivers. H yEESJt d( macs any woman fit for any duty of life. $ MLy? Let your daughter start now to secure health. There is health in every bottle of Wine of Cardui. H ALL DRUGGISTS SELL $1.00 BOTTLES OF WINE OF CARDUI. B THE NAME 1 JkL KUPPENHEIMER I ! 1 QUALITY. g Knppenheimer Clothing 1 j j Because the public" demnnds the I p wlnMnW es or keir money. I fMfiMwW Ask fr KuPPcnlloimer Hand Tni- vf Jialimmm lrd, Ounrnntecd Clothing nnd I ; fffim Wmi don't bo sntisflcd unless you get it. U 'I 'II M. H. DESKY 1 1 l BOLE AGENT for Salt Lake. I uiil Orr4 v? IjIW. JMMHiBbM 1 J IMMllljSsssssssassjsui Plst iflv 0 . for 3iaSBBBSBSBXXSSBBSBBBJBSBBS33SSBSB9DESSSSSSSSSSBBBSBa JOHN MOUNTEER 1 FOUND $700 f J 1 Salt LnkeOty, UUh..ta.r 1J, ll To tho Merchant's Protoctlvo AaeoclaUon: j 1 Yours of the 10th Inst, to hand and contents noted. In obtaining-oN. tlcment of thla claim for mc, youhxvo aocorapllnhed -what all others hxsn i I failed to do. This claim was about 12 years old. For four or flvo ywax, i It was in the hands of attorneys for collection, ojid tvm returned to mo fts ( worthleBB. It Is equal to $700.00 found, and I detdxc to commend yoa foe '. j your persevcrenco and success. Yours truly, , JOHN MOUNTEHR, Grocer. 3C2C Second St. i Does any one owe youT Do you want itt i IWc will collect 1L That's our business. Merchants' Protective Association SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF BAD DEBTS. Francis G. Luke, Gen'l M'c'r, top floor, CommrcIal Block, Salt Lake City. I "Some people don't like us." HBBSBBSCZSSSSS3SSBBBCBSBSSS13BSBBSBJCBESBSBBBSZBBSSJ3SBSSBaBKS3SBSEaBSSS j Breezy Toggery Q Suits that the breezes can blow rljrht through "no fussln. no ruasln H If you buy your thin suit here. Thers's no us of putting much money Into a thin suit, some people say you only wear It a short time. Tint's '" ,j U 60. but do you like to go round In a bag even for a short tlmp' We a have thin suits Uiat ar as well made as winter clothing hand -mndo fl I lapel and collar, and all that. It's easy enough to make hoavy clothes ' I that hang well. Ho the lMst test of a clothier Is his thin clothes. Try I ours. Prices so reasonable that you will say. "satisfied " ( ' I Rowe & Kelly 6o., P Sole Agents Hlrsh. AVlckwlre & Co. "Hand-Made" Clothing. 132 MAIN STREET. ! S ONE PRICE PLAIN FIGURES '-iWiirPWrrT. trKII APWl' Yiir7srTsfaHWssMHsssWWMMHaP , j DOCTOR COOK cur"ms" '. Prostatic Troubles S Nervous Debility , J i prm.ir.ntly c jred. no mat- Cure quick and radlcsi In M tfr how long standing th fS 1 20 to ft) dsys. by my own fa- j disease. In from S to M days. ml 1 room method. f. I) Stricture M Varicocele , tfBtlon from business. ,4$&H dlsagroeabU oyrap- ) Wasting Weakness N & "Xd SK.arr: ! Time of cur. 10 to 0 A. "zyVK saf. painless and bloodies. i I days, by my original. vry fx Rfj An absoluto cure guarax. I i simple remedy (used exclu- fg flKttJ xVr fficfJA td. j .ively by .,. f agm Blood Poison 1 I Private Diseases f 'TfcJa ... ,. . 1 I cuied In k to J day, with- Wi removed from system with- (W i out the um of poisonous out ski of mercury or pot- I M . ; urugfl. nh f f, Consultation Is free and InvltM an J in consulting me you may bi sum that It ' I nothing that science can devise or skit) yrfeet has Sn left undone to afford t you a ady. safe and permanent curr , WRITE me In full confidence, explalnlrg your trojbks as thy apoar lo ! J you. ard receive by nturn mall mj ho nm and candid opinion of your caff ' J ' There Is Also Another NEW FLOOR for Dancing. - IT 16 AT - BEAUTIFUL LAGOON, and it has Jii f In finishing touches. Formally h.i... to th public SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 28th. S cents for r: I nd ai: The BcKir r ill tsit.1 nl consequents . ;-ka that sticky fr!icg- " I 48 ffou rs I DISCIURGES? ii8$S'De3rs tbcua'c-(S) 5 ONCE TRIED I ALWAYS A : ! FAVORITE i A singlf time is all wt aak. There I no btt-r br brrwed than j Cabinet THE BEER YOU'LL LIKE ffl It Is invigorating and healthful as a jK tonic Noo bt'e- for a beverage, i-fa That's why our lncra ro enor- 3Mj mously MCh year. Qua-H or pints jJE Adam Snjdsr, Apt., 270 S. Main St K Fred Krug Brewing (2o, 1 Omaha's Kolcl D row try, ij Teleplioao 1001 Y. 8AIT LATE, 5 |