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Show fj LONDON. May 27.-A dispatch to the Central News says the Japanese losses during the fighting at Kin Chou are be 12.000 men killed. It is said that these figures have been confirmed by -an ofllclal dispatch. Fighting It is fa'U (jjeJ, Is still going on In the vicinity of Kin Chou. , . , ' Wl ThC ,lgMlnEr Wh,Ch CUlmlnatcd ln the Panese occupation of Kin Qhou .was particularly: confined '-'to an-artlllerV " fa which, beginning at dawn o May 2G, continued without Intermission . for live hours ,; j Three Japanese warships in Kin Chou bay co-operated, firing with heavy guns on the Russian position A Rus-ij Rus-ij 4 ja gunboat in Tallon Wan bay also joined In the fighting, bombarding the left llank of the Japanese" army Y ;J Kin Chou castle was occupied by the Japanese at twenty mjnutes past 4 o'clock this morning ' ' f jj j Later, the Russians were driven from their positions on the southern heights. The Japanese are now in pursuit Y j j the retreating Russians. |