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Show SULPHIDES OF ARSENIC IN THIS STATE Realgar is a monoeulphlde of arsenic carrying 70.1 per cent arsenic and M.D per cent sulphur. 1U color Is red. At times It is found in fine crystals and presents a most active appearance, says an Eastern publication. These crystallzed specimens, and In fact all reaglar specimens, unless kept In alr-tlght places, soon loose their beauty becaue of fading nnd disintegration. disintegra-tion. Orplment Is a trl-sulphlde arsenic of a yellowish color and It occurs mostly most-ly massive. Orplment contains 61 per cent arsenic nnd 39 per cent sulphur. Neither of these minerals has as yet been found In large quantity, the silver mines of Saxony. Hungary and Bohemia Bohe-mia producing more of the ore than any other known locality. In the United States both ores have been found In beds of sandy clay beneath lava In Iron county and at Mercur, Tooele county, Utah. A realgar deposit ln Lewis county, coun-ty, Wash., Is being developed by the Mineral Creek M. & S. company of Ta-coma, Ta-coma, Wash. The Iron county (Utah) deposits occur ln a compact sandy clay ln a horizontal seam or layer two Inches In thickness, lying ln the clay In lenticular lenti-cular nnd nodular masses. Soams of gypsum occur above and below the layer lay-er and the clay strata arc Impregnated with soluble salts that exude and effloresce ef-floresce upon tho surface of the bank, causing hard crusts. Realgar Is mostly most-ly used In fireworks, yielding a white brilliant light when mixed with saltpeter saltpe-ter nnd Ignited. It Is artlflcally prepared pre-pared by fusing together sulphur and nrBenlous ncld. Orplment Is used for dyeing purposes and In a pnste that removes re-moves hair from skins of animals and ns a pigment. Both minerals arc now mostly prepared artificially, but a deposit de-posit containing either mineral In quantity quan-tity Is a valuable property. |