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Show VISIT FROM HALF OWNER TOWN SITE OF CALIENTE Special to Tho Tribune. CALIENTE, New. May 2C. MIns Cut-verwell, Cut-verwell, sister of Charles Culvenvell of this camp, nnd half-owner of Callento townslte, arrived yesterday from San Francisco, accompanied by Mr. Osborno of Piochc, her ngent. Sho camo for tho purposo of settling up business matters iclating to the disposition of her Interests here, but found her brother too 111 to attend at-tend to buslnesB, and probably will remain until he Is convalescent. A shipment of hlgh-grado lead ore camo in from lho Plocho mines today eu route to Salt Lako City for treatment. t General Foreman McDermott leaves for Salt Lako City today on buslncp for tho company. Over a mllo of track wan laid by Track Foreman Conway yesterday at tho front, and work Is being pushed southwostward from Moapa aa fast an lho Utah Construction Construc-tion company's graders break tho way. A night train has been added to tho train service between Callento and Moapn. This was found necessary owlny lo tho demands of tho construction department in getting loads to tho front for tho U(nh Construction company and returning empties to Callento. v a City Marshal Denton returned from Plocho today, where ho took Kane, who was sentenced to Jail for thirty days for dujordorlv conduct, lncldont lo tho Austrian Aus-trian shooting scrape hero recently. Georgo Riley and Frank Houston of Mnrqucttc, Mich., passed through camp t. l.iv on their way to tho Putosl mine, iw-iv b miles north of tho San Pedro right oi way and twenty rallcB south of tho una Vegas ranch, where they havo reports from Uiclr asaoclatc, Frank Bliss, t hat ho has recently mado a rich strike of freo gold, uncovorlng a soven-foot ledge of whlto quartz, averaging over ?1C0 to tho ton. Tho samples which have been neat them show coarso gold In a whlto honeycombed honey-combed quartz, which Is freely specked with hematite, in or near which tho Ilttlo nuggetH of gold appear. Mr. lllloy savs that He and his associates own eight claims In this locality, wlilch thev acquired bv location last fall, and on which thev havo run a sixty-foot tunnel, several op'en outs nnd sunk two slmfta, one forty feet and one twenty-clghL Thoy say that tho recent strlko was made In an abandoned mine, which was originally located In tho 'Gte by Hank Ten Eycke, a well-known character In early Nevada days, and after his death, which occurred In tho '70a by tho pistol ioute, the claims wcro abandoned and novor relocated until ,ft Ttaov were again abandoned, probably proba-bly for want of proper knowledge of tholr values, and relocated by tho present own-ora own-ora last fall. , Mr Houston Is a wealthy Michigan mlno owner, having largo Interests In eevornl valuable copper claims In his homo Stato. and will undoubtedly put considerable money Into machlnsry for tho development develop-ment of his Nevada properties If an examination ex-amination of their extent and values warrants war-rants him In ho doing. |