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Show PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clerk or tho respectlvo signers for further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Dennis C. Elchnor, deceased. Creditors will presont claims, with vouchors, to tho undersigned at No. 225 South Fourth East street. Salt Lako City, Utah, on or beforo tho 25th day of September, Sep-tember, A- D. 1901. , , , ELIZABETH EICIINOR, Administrator of tho Eetato of Dennl3 C. Llchnor, Deceased. Powers, Straup &. LIppman, Attorneys for Estate. 'Do-to of llrst publication, May 21. A. D. W193C IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO-bato PRO-bato division, In and for Salt Lake county, coun-ty, State of Utah. In tho matter of tho cstato of Celestia D. Ferris, deceased. Notice. Tho potltlon of Franklin Samuel Ferris Fer-ris praying for tho issuanco to himself of letters of administration in the cstato of Celestia D. Ferris, deceased, has boon sot for hearing on Friday, tho 10th day of June, A. D. 1904. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the county courthouse, In tho courtroom court-room of. said court, In Salt Lako City, Salt Lako county, Utah. Witness tho clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 23th day of MuA'.,D- JOHN JAMES, Seal Clerk. By David B. Davles, Doputy Clerk. Dana T. 8mlth, Attorney for Petitioner. Peti-tioner. W2503 IN THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT court, in and for Salt Lako county, Stato of Utah, department No. 1 In the matter of tho estate of Charles M. Garrison, deceased. de-ceased. Notice. The petition of Edward M. Grldlcy and Georgo P Decker, praying for tho admls-elon admls-elon to probate of a certain document, purporting pur-porting to Do the last will and testament of Charles M. Garrison, deceased, and for tho granting of letters testamentary to themselves, has boen set for hearing on Friday, tho 3rd day of June, A. D. 1904. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the county courthouse, In tho courtroom of said court, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lako county, Utah. Witness tho Clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, thl3 17th day of May, A. D. 1904. Seal. JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By David B. Davles. Deputy Clork. Henderson. Pierce, Crltchlow & Bar-rotto. Bar-rotto. Attorneys for Petitioners. wl740 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-batc PRO-batc division, In and for Salt Lake county, coun-ty, Stato of Utah. In tho mattor of tho estate of Thomas H. Hills, deceased. Notice. No-tice. The petition of Ada Hills, administratrix of tho CBtato of Thomas H. Hills, do-ceased, do-ceased, praying fpr an order authorizing conveyanco of certain property and for tho summary' distribution of the residue of said cstato to tho persons entitled, has boen set for hearing on Friday, tho 10th day of Juno, A. D. 1904. at 10 o'clock a. in., at tho county courthouse, in tho courtroom court-room of said court, In Salt Lako City, Salt Lako county. Utah. Witness tho clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 24th day of May, A. D. 1904. JOHN JAMES. Seal. Clork. By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk. George L. Nye, Attornoy for Petitioner. W2436 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO-bato PRO-bato division, in and for Salt Lake county, coun-ty, Stato of Utah. In. tho mattor of the ostato of Peter Malmstrom, deceased. Notice The petition of Hilma G. Malmstrom, administratrix of tho estate of Potor Malmstrom, doccascd, praying for an order or-der of salo of real and personal property prop-erty of said decedent, and that all persons Interested appear before the said court to show causo why an order should not bo granted to sell so much as shall bo necessary' of tho following described roal and personal cstato of said deceased, to-wlt: to-wlt: An undivided one-half interest in tho "M & M." store, situated In Bingham Junction, Utah; said store consists of a small ono-story brick structure; together with tho land on which it stands; together with a Btock of merchandise; has boon sot for hoarlng on Friday, the 10th day of June, A- D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho county courthouse. In the courtroom of sold court. In Salt Lako City, Salt Lake county, UtAh. Witness thc clerk of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed this 25th day of May, A. D. 1901. JOHN JAMES. ISeal Clerk. By David B. Davles. Deputy Clork. James Ingebrctscn, Attorney for Petitioner. Peti-tioner. W2509 I IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bato PRO-bato division. In and for Salt Lako county, Stato of Utah. In the matter of the ostato os-tato of Josoph G. Romney, deceased. Notice. No-tice. Tho petition of Joseph M. Romnoy, ono of tho surviving executors of the estate of Josoph O. Romney, deceased, praying for the eottlcment of final account of said executor ex-ecutor and for tho distribution of tho reslduo of said estato to the persons entitled, en-titled, has been set for hearing on Friday, tho 3rd day of June. A. D. 1904. at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho county courthouse In the courtroom of said court. In Salt Lako City. Salt Lake county. Utah. Witness tho Clork of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed this 21st day of May. A. D. 1904. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk. w 2115 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO-bato PRO-bato Division, in and for Salt Lake County, Coun-ty, Stato of Utah In the matter of the CBtato of Thcophllus K. Williams, deceased. de-ceased. Notice The potltlon of Graham F. Putnam, executor of tho estato of Thcophllus K, Williams, deceased, praying for tho settlement set-tlement of final account of said executor, and for the distribution of the residue of said cstaTiT to tho persons entitled, has been set for hearing on Friday, tho 27th day of May, A. D., 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho county courthouso In tho courtroom court-room of said court, In Salt Lako City, Salt Lako county, Utah. Witness tno Clork of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed, this 16th day of May, A. D. 1904. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES, Clerk. By David B. Davles, Doputy Clerk. Grant H. Smith, Attorney. wl65 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO-bato PRO-bato division, in and for Salt Lako county, coun-ty, Stato of Utah. In the matter of tho estate of Edgar 1L Williams, deceased. Notice. The petition of Sellna Williams, praying for tho lssuanco to herself of letters of administration in tho estato of Edgar H. Williams, deceased, has been sot for hearing on Friday, tho 3rd day of June, A. D. 190-1, at ten o'clock a. m., at tho county courthouse, In tho courtroom of eald court. In Salt Lako City, Salt Lako county, Utah. Witness tho Clerk of said court, with the seal thereof afllxed, this 21st day of May. A. D. 1901. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES, Clerk. By David B. Davles. Deputy Clerk. w2145 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PROBATE division. In and for Salt Lako county, Stato of Utah. In tho mattor of tho cstato of O. R. Young, deccaaed. Notice, Tho potltlon of W. J. Barretto, administrator admin-istrator of tho estato of O. R. Young, deceased, de-ceased, praying for an order of salo of real property of said deccdont, and that all persons Interested appoar beforo tho cold court to show causo why an order should not bo granted to sell so much as shall bo necessary of tho following-described real estato of said deceased, to wit; An undivided one-half interest in throo patontod mining claims in Camp Flovd mining district, Tooelo county, Utnn, known and patented as tho AJax, Grand View and Jombo, has been act for hearing on Friday, the 3rd day of Juno, A. D. 1904. at 10 o'clock a. in., at the coun-tv coun-tv courthouse. In tho courtroom of said court. In Salt Lako City. Salt Lako county. coun-ty. Utah WltncsB tho Clerk of said court, with tho seal thereof afllxed, this 20th day of Mav, A. D. 1904. deal. JOHN JAMES, Clerk. By David B. Davles. Dop'iU "1 '- Henderson. Pierce. Crl'r hl- w ! r rcttCy-Attorncyo for Pctlllo.ivr, Wi.si |