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Show Lightning Causes Burning of Depot Strikes at Ephraim and Totally Destroys De-stroys tho Station of Sanpeto Valley Hallway. Special to The Tribune. EPHRAIM, May 27. The Sanpeto Valley railway depot In this city was struck by lightning and burned to the ground this morning morn-ing at 4 o'clock. During a heavy thunderstorm the telegraph wires leading Into tho building build-ing were struck by a oovoro charge of lightning and Immediately after the frame depot wns set on fire. Before the city's lire department could reach the building, the fire had spread Into the large warehouse, Igniting Ignit-ing a quantity of papers and boxes. A strong wind from tho west carried the flames to the adjoining rooms. Tho entire en-tire building was aflame and within an hour's time the structure was completely com-pletely destroyed. Luckily only a small quantity of freight and express was stored In the bulldln'g at the time. All the books, supplies nnd property belonging to the company wore burned. Station Agent Fred Rasmussen lost personal property valued at J250. Tho. total loss of the railway company com-pany will approxlmato 51600. The building was Insured. |