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Show In the Gorman Democratic platform, we note an omission which Gorman himself must have left out with anger and fehame. "We refer to the omission omis-sion of any specific denunciation of the recognition of the Republic of Panama by the administration. Opposition Oppo-sition to the Republican administration administra-tion on that point was made by Senator Sena-tor Gorman the groundwork of his political po-litical programme for the year. He made inoet strenuous afforts to rolidlfy the Democratic Senators in oppoetllon to Panaman recognition; he forced a party caucus on the point, and worked through a declaration In harulony with bl purpose. Rut so many Democratic Senators were against his programme that they secured oxceptioao which left them free to do as they liked, de-spile de-spile the caucus rule. And so the treaty with Panama was ratified, many Democratic Demo-cratic Senators supporting L Yet the leaving out of the Maryland Democratic Demo-cratic platform of all censure of the administration on account of the Panama revolution rnuet liave coat Senator Gorman a bitter pang. V. S, Consul Henry B. Miller at New-chwang, New-chwang, in a recent report on Man-churh Man-churh and Mongolia makes this summing sum-ming up: "The year IMS was the boat that Manchuria has ever known, as to Its production. Crop were unusually good and price were also good. Both Manchuria and Mongolia, are marvel-ily marvel-ily rick, and under a good government, govern-ment, with transportation provided and Its Umber ajjd mineral wealth developed de-veloped and added to Its agricultural rouroea, Manchuria will prove one of the re teat market for United Statu soods, as well as a splendid fteld for th" Inve-atmnt of United Stat capital. capi-tal. In li and lsi; it was the Held of war between China and Japan; In 1900 it was the district of the Boxer move-menu move-menu that were so destructive; and now again, in 1MM. it la the theater of war between Russia and Japan. Notwithstanding Not-withstanding all these war the country coun-try continue to grow In productlve-neas productlve-neas and commerce. Its people are largely industrious, frugal, and capable, capa-ble, and need only an enterprising, substantial, sub-stantial, and honest government to insure in-sure them groat prosperity." The people peo-ple there are certainly in hard lurk, but their very oppressions and miafor- tunes, which are the habit of centuries, have made them what they are. |