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Show NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 0. Tho Silver Shield Mining & Milling company. com-pany. Principal placo of business. Salt Lake City. Utah- Notice Is horeby given that at a meeting of tho board of directors of tho abovo named compnny, hold on the 10th day of April, lrl. asncssment No. 3 of threo conts per abaro was levied on tho capital stock of tho corporation outstanding outstand-ing pnyublo Immediately to E. H. Mead, assistant nccretury, at No. GV7 McCornlck building, Salt Lal:o City, Utah Any stock uoon which this ansicssmcnt may remain unpaid on Wednesday, June 1, 19N. will bo delinquent and advprtlsed for sale at public pub-lic auction, and unless payment Is mado beforo, will bu sold on Friday. Juno 17, 19W at 10 o'clock a m. at tho offlco of tho acslstant secretary. 617 McCornlck building build-ing Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay tho delinquent de-linquent ausossment, together with cost of advertising and orcponso of sale. E. H- MEAD. Assistant Secretary. 617 MoCornlck Bldg.. Salt Lako City, Utah. wT3 |