Show J I 1 i la SNUG LITTLE BUG IN i t SEARCH OF A WIFE a I i Snug Littlo Bug folded all of his six jl I t slender little less anil loaned back In an 1 attitude whlCh plainly showed that although l i al-though his body might be at ease his I U mind was busy e It I < Here snlil he to himself here am r4 Jp c one of the richest of the 1 Snug Bugs IIv l i tJI I InK In NurHorvhinil ami 1 t VCL 1 live 111 alone lawn a beautiful house of gold I 0 nt isasu I ioally a Mites 01 soul oniy a battered old brats tliJmble which had 1 Ixwn lost under the bureau which stood in ono corner ofNurserylnnd but It was t i yellow and bright and Snug Littlo Bug 1 believed it toI bo gold and in that house 1 i 3 have a store of cake crumbs large j cool Eh to sntlsCv any one of tins tribe J of Snug Bugs Surely It IB time I mar A rled I i I I i rlcdWith this ho unfolded all of his six 1 Blender little lops and crawled from his thimble house just as Miss Fly came I whirring along I Good morrlcc dar Miss Fly paid I I Srug Little Bus politely You are Just f j 1 the person I wish most to see I am about I j to marry will you be my wife 1 am rich f I nijfl I will k < op you in rake crumbs all I sail Ilk iiJJ you shall live In my gold I house I Jieallv Mr Snug Little hug you sur jirlso me replied Miss Fly but I Jjnvent time to marry Plen e excuse me Ten will pardon my haste r am sure but I 1 must he off and away sIlO Row on her busy errand v hitch was of no Importance III I U all like most of the errands which I I I keep the Fly family busy Vell after all I doubt I should have i 1 boon happy wilh her mused Snug Little I Bug Shus too Jllglay fur a steady person I per-son like me Fluttering P through the window which save light and air fn JSurseryland came I i beautiful Mist Butterfly i Ah cried Snug Little Dug noting V with an admiring eye how graceful Miss l Butter 1y flitted hither and thither with TO purpose In the world except to enjoy I hernclf there Is I ono who suits me I Good morning dear Miss Butterfly yaia he making his very best bow which was a very fine bow Indeed ho having I l six legs to bend you are the person I i I iMi most to BOO 1 am about to marry I i I will you bo my wife I nni rich and I will keep you In cako crumb all your life I anti < you iliall live In my old > house i i i Indeed 1 will not marry you replied I Hiss r Butterfly You are 1 ridiculous r creature to nsk me I am to marry a I I beautiful Sun Bean and live far faraway o far-away In a cloud made of gold and lambs Jlocce and away she Hew without even I I saying uoodby I j Buzzing around a groat taffy drop I i which the Big Boy who was King of Xur o noryland had left on the floor among thj Toy = People was disc Bce How hard Miss Bco works said Snup I Little Bug Ah Sho will cake a good wife nrd 1 help mf to become richer i = o Snug Little Bupr made her a fine bow 1 Gooa morning dear Miss 1 Bee said I fco you are the jierrcn I wish most t < > I j eec T am about to marry will you Lee 1 my wifo I arn rich and I will keep you In cake crumbs all your life and you shall t live In my gold house I How foolish you are to ask me t j I scolded Miss Bee Havent you heard thnt J am to marry the Red Rose who lives In the beautiful bush outside the I window And she too flew away lear lug Snuff Little BuS to think what a scold the was and how unhappy he should be I with such a wiCc I Why finding a wife Is not as easy as I I thought he pondered Perhaps I had better seek ntlvlre of Old 3lr Book Worm Then ho sourrper3d across the great rug In the center of Kuracryland to the bookcase where OldMr Book Worm I lived IlvodDear j 1 Dear dear grumbled Old Sir Book I t Vorm for ho was cross and sour of heart You should not liothur HO wise a person as myself with your silly atYalra I J have not time to help you find a wife for T huvo a great book to rend before midnight Go to Miss Water t Bug who liv s up there in the waswsland XII doubt srhe will be glad to marry you Now be off Snug Little hunt thought Old Mr BookWorm Book-Worm n very surlv fellow Indeed but still he thanked him for hlsndvlcc for he was always polite i and started away to ilml Miss Vnior Bip who lived near the mouthof the drain pipe In the wash Htaml I Good morning dear hiss Water Bug said he as nhe came to the narrow litlli door of IIM r house which it must be known was only a crack you are the person I wish most to see I am about to marry will you be my wife I nm rich and will keep j you In cape crumbs all your life and you shall live In my gold houseWhy ns to that replied rios Water HUG 1 hardly know Bat Just what Miss Water Bug was goIng go-Ing to say poor Snug Little Bug never knew for In making her his very best bow he lost > his footing and fell down the drain pipe Down and down he tumbled until presently he struck the water and wits sent whirling and whirling along lu a great dark sewer Dear me sighed Snug Little Bug this Is very unpleasant 1 am wet I v r 97 bao a r C C i Z t I 1 h I I b Good aiornlng1 Dear Miss Fly I through and through t and I am sure my 1 I very best suit of clothes Is ruined Besides Be-sides hero I am tossing and tossing about on a great dark sea which does not smell very good without knowing whither ram I r-am going Bear roc This Is very very unptansiint But Snug Little Bug was strong of heart HO he struck out and swam bravely brave-ly I Soon the stick of a halfburnt match struck him Ah thin k 1 a pleasant surprise said Snug Little BuG as he climbed upon the stick iicr Irve a nice boat J shall take a sail now and play J am a sailor In search of new and strange countries On and on tailed Snug Little Bug until tho sower with j great splash and roar emptied Into the great wido ocean The sun had long ago gone to sleep In his rosy cloud bed In the vest and the moon was smiling on the edge of the ocean making a great silver path on the I water This 15 1 really a delightful I voyage 1 am having cried Snug Little Bug Joyfully I r I I 1 t I 11 A r I 1 1I I 7 iiI ii-I I Jc = Lr I I tit r r 1 I I t JEo I I I L You should not bother BO wise u person LL I Ilea I am sailing along on a sea of silver sil-ver and going straight 1 on and on to Join the moon See she Is smiling at me Ah she shall be my wife and bo kept in cake crumb all her life and live In my gold house I shall sail right along until I reach her But whether Snug Little Burr ever did roach the smiling moon and ask her to ho his wife and live In his gold house you and I will never know for he never came back to tell t l I of l o 1 c i r 1 u 1 Indeed T will not marry you |