Show Educational Hustle Nothing appeals quite BO deeply to our national bins In mundane affalrg an I hustle Here Is one clue to the commotion caused by l President Eliots announcement announce-ment of Harvards willingness to imihc a young man a fullfledged bachelor of arts In three yours The prospect of a shortening of the college course Is an educational edu-cational item In which even the average practical l cltlrcn can tecl a genuine interest in-terest The chance of saving a Whole year of expense and responsibility to the parent and yet vouchsafing to his son a bonafide Harvard A BJs certainly a business proposition worth looking Into An increase oC llllal hustle Is the only condition for accomplishing the fen I And the very hustle constitutes an education educa-tion No wonder that many a thrifty father when he read President Eliot declaration begun to conclude that Harvard was after all thc best place for a young man to go to for a college education Suddenly the newspapers published a still more attractive bid The President Presi-dent of Columbia university had figured out that he could afford to let the A 13 go for halt the time usually required If I the college men were willing to put forth more strenuous efforts For a while it seemed as If the new proposition would meet with increasing popularity If a Harvard man can run through college In three years amid FO peaceful an environment as Cambridge why should not a Columbian with the hustle of Manhattan stimulating him from morning to morning flnith the race In two years It did sound reasonable enough at first But then the sober second thought began to deal with the situation The A R did 1 not look quite well on the bargaincounter Some naive citizens seeing how low it had been marked began to ask even such shocking questions as this What is the use of going to collccre at all and would It not be just as well to add a year or two to the prcsent highschool course and then give to the graduates gradu-ates an A D If I that is the thing they must hnve Now the latter proposition is l by no moans unworthy of consideration It has behind it the weight of Germanys educational practice The enlarged high school would be the German gymnasium transplanted to our shores Osslan H Lang In Forum |