Show J NT NOTICE California Mining nnd Milling onmpnnj of Nevjidi Principal place of i biislncsh In Utah Snit Tnltc City Utah Location of nilncH Ilntali nilninpr illutrlct Park City Snjnnilt county Utah Notice There nro ilclliicjucnt upon tie follovlnir described stock on accornl of nssrssmimt No 3 of 10 cents tier share levied on February 2 3f03 tin scvcrn nmnnntR set nipoBlle < the nmnofi of tho respective sliarclioldera as follows to wit No No Amt Name Cert Shares rtuc D D Illckey 1 1W S a0 K 1 M Conroy 11 J1C < HOOi r II Not Jr jn iro ioW K G Ri3canu > 12 tW 50W R G rtoijcamp 3S HM HOOft Jus A Pollocl Co 4m > SCO OCi Mary Donnelly Gl t00 20M T D Ryan 123 20J 000 Robert nilgiolsb m 00 Wlp 1 D Travis 1I0 JiKO JOOOO I D 1 Travis ito SCO f000 J II Roan ISO SO 6500 1 1 13 l Milan 13 70 fO05 Ilcnrlettu Roscainp 19S 100 10000 Ilorsrlctln Rnscump 201 lCCO iroO Hiwl Shoisbridee 2IJ CO 50 Edward tiraefmiller JI2 2050 20000 I D Travis 210 lCCO 10000 Iluduon Sons Co 2K5 GW 5000 C W Snyder 278 500 5000 O F Wall 103 LOO 2000 F D lllrcinbothani Jr nn co roo V ii I Cliirl i 3J7 JOO 1000 RaniPtt it Langley il KO 50CO U E Traughbor ZOO SW ° 2000 Sim Danlehi 4111 ICO 1000 John G Rhoden ill 511 iioO IIiidHon Sons Co VJO noOO II M Monui KG 1C 1000 H M Morm 117 100 30W M E Tmushbcr 151 Vf 1000 a E Jolmson 450 lOt 10CO K E Johnson 551 100 1000 J L Sheets 100 Ml 500 J 1 H ITamlln COi COON Mft COO-N A PIKO S2il 100 100 II S Joseph 02n 100 JOO IJ 0 M Vst > < 50 oOOO A M McCnll CIS 1003 100CO Dr if A Anderson uSl to Inclusive TiGO 1000 lOOO Ji 1 U Colo fiOl JOO 10OJ Chance MeKemliick II9 > 100 1u00 F J5 McGutrlii CM 1PJ 1000 F U McGnrriii CIO moo 1000 R r Bauer Tr rtll 7r0 TfiO1 Amos Moihcr 1115 ICO 1001 Sluuts Thompson Kl 100 lOCO JI R Cole Co i C5J ICO 1000 F i D jrijrhinlJOthain Jr Coi r03 ro00 S S Howard fifil JV 10 00 C iv Mulr 703 50 0 TOD J OlKrndorfer 71S 100 1000 Shcits it Thompson 7j 100 10OJ J 1 S Ferris 713 fiil rOW II irloKa Roscainp 71G WO 2000 Henrietta Roscainp 717 SO 500 II K Cole Co 7SO 100 10CO Ralph Gutlirio SD SOle stOle st-Ole Berjjiitroni 77H ICO 1005 JFpiirv V Dowclier 7SO 100 30CO v Ill tLnl Grliioll 7IW 1X 1000 AYIM lam Grlnoll 701 25 250 E M Conroy S1J COO iiOCO Hudson Sons Co Slii 100 1000 Arthur Bnrnes 817 300 30 CO J M Reynolds Sit 100 1000 M M Miller fiSI 10 1000 Ivf A Page SC 2M 2000 M M Miller S0i 1 JOOO M M Miller 908 100 1010 C K Coulter 907 100 10300 E M Conroy W3 ICOO 1CK > 00 IIud3on Sons Co J113 10 1000 N A Page H2S 500 COG1 C W irnrtley M7 oOO COOO C W Hartley 91S to 9M SfiOO 350 00 C W Hartley fllT 500 COOO C W Hartloy hiT DCO f000 JAzrlc C 1rnnim 973 2iK 20000 C W Hartley I7I KO 5003 C AV Ilurtloy 07li tolOOO 12f 25000 E M Conroy 1001 ICO 1000 C AV Hartley 1002 afW noOO C AY Hartley3011 TO COOO X A Page 1013 andIOH 100 10000 N A Pnijo lftJO iro ioM M M Miller 1052 100 1000 IT B Cole Co 10SI5 00 lotx Iludion Sons Co1055 W soi > C 15 l Coulter lOCl SCO ROOi M M Miller 1071 100 JOOO N A Pago IOSfi 200 20fO W If Rramel 112S fiOO 005 J L Sheets 112G 5000 5000 And In accordance with law and the or der of tho board of trustee of said toni poratlon made on said 2Sth day of February Febru-ary 103 ao many shares of each pnrco of said itoek IH may bo noccssary to JJHJ said asaissment with cost of udvortlnc niont and sale will be sold at tho I office of AY F Snyder 221 South Wst Tempi struct Suit Lake City UUih a 1 ooloclc p 1 m on Satnrduy the t ml day of May 1003 to pay l said asnea ment and costs Al J SNYDER Secy Dated April 2 1JOl g3I7 |