Show PBJESBYTEBY OF UTAH At Session at Spanish Fork Dr Paclen Delivers an Address I TRIBUNE SPECIAL Spanish Fork April iriie Presbytery entered upon and pushed its work with vigor disposing o a large amount of bus liters much of which was routine The Item that took most time In the forenoon was lie cal extended by i the Westminster Westmin-ster church Salt Lake City to its present pres-ent stated supply Rev John Rlchelsen to become the regular pastor The uall was placed uy me ijrcsuyt in the ministers min-isters ha III and after proper deliberation delibera-tion h3 signified his willingness to enter upon the pastoral work of this church A committee of Installation was appointed conilsting of Rcvs John E Carver Joslah McClaln and W M I Paden D D which will do the functions at the proper time Tho discussion In the afternoon led by Dr MoNMece on the topic What Modification l Modifi-cation of Our Preaching and of Our Methods of Work Joe the Present Situation Sit-uation Require created lively Interest and called out a largo attendance tho house being filled The discussion was participated in by a largo number of the t Prcsbytiry and many helpful suggestions were made as to the modus operand and thy spirit In which to work Twas an hour vi > ll ncn L The Presbytery chose tho Rev G W Martin of Mantl and Principal 1 N Smith of Logan mIlls commissioners t time General Aisemblv ivhlfh meets the latter part of May In Los Angele with Rov John E Carver and Elder McClUre both of Ogdcn as alternates At the evening neaslon the house was pickcd with puoplti eager to hear Dr Paaen on the topic already announced What AVc Believe About Revelation They were not disappointed Lime pi escalation esca-lation of the thcmn was moat clear and comprehensive and Dr Paden entered Into Its discussion with 1 the enthusiasm vigor and earnestness charactorlutlc oi the man Two Impressions were very strong ihe one that God In very near to every ono of us and has large place In the life nf many the other that the world his but one Bible After l tills popular meeting the Presby tory transacted some IOU tno business for an hour when recobs was token till this morninjr The following persons came on time morning trnln Mrs R C Bailey Mrs Sarah Reed the Misses Brltun the Mlbi s Piden Edith HughCB H G Brown Elders El-ders Cone and Ilcie |