Show It i j REVIEW OF SALT LAKE CITYS SOCIAL WEEK I This being Holy week there ivlll belittle be-little or nothing going on In the social I world and happenings In the gay set f promise to be even fewer than during fi I the 1 dull weelc Just ended Invitations have already been Issued to a few large I vents during the week immediately succeeding Easter Sunday and more II I will find their way through the mall I 1 onrly this week The must popular places during the week that in gone were the milliners and modistes par I I lors and Uu weather permitting I Salt Lakes churches will next Sunday j he crowded with women who will east r t J aside their garments of sackcloth and v don the beautiful gowns and hats i i which have been a source of Joyful anticipation an-ticipation to them for lo those many days On Easter Monday the gay sea 1 jon will open again and there will belittle I I be-little or no rest for members of the 1 I 1 smart set for at least two months If 1 1 Weddings and Engagements Mr and Mrs Thomas Carter ant I I an-t nnuncc the engagement of their daughter daugh-ter BerLha Kay to Thomas Gouldstone 7 Griffin The marriage will take place j I the latter part of Apt II a j n 1 The most elaborate wedding recep B 1 1I I lion of the week was that given ° on I I1 J Wednesday evening by Mr and Mrs P U W Madsen in honor of the marriage I I I of their daughter Laura to Rot Hardy iI i i6 ir At noon in the temple the young peopled people-d were united In marriage by President Winder For the reception the home I was transformed into a very garden J of flowers the decorations being i i among the most elaborate seen In sometIme j some-time In the parlor where the bridal 1 fl party received only white and green were seen the beautiful Easter and I fI calla lilies 1 being used exclusively The brIdal party stood beneath an arch of i these flowers suspended from the center J cen-ter of which was a large wedding bell j Great clusters of American beauties I beautified the livingroom while violets vio-lets were seen In the library daffodils in the hall and pink roses carnations und ribbons in the diningroom Delicious I De-licious punch was served in the hall during the evening by Mcsfars Harry I i I Madscn and S IT Lund Mrs R TV Madseti Mrs Emil Mud sea and Miss Madsen titi ere the presiding geniuses In the dinlng E room i ably assisted by the Misses Rose Morris Florence Armstrong Sadie l Armstrong Mary Anson Lulu Penrose f Vera Felt Nell Geary Afton Kimball I Some 2QO guests called during the evening i even-Ing and many and sincere were the 1 congratulations and good wishes extended ex-tended to the happy young people I After a brief visit on the coast Mr and 1 Mrs Hardy will he at home toy their i friends In this city I r I ij A wedding around i which I i rtilt Interest I of many frlonds cenlered was t that of I Miss Adelaide Eldredge r and Rufus K Hard solemnized Iji the temple on Thursday at noon In the evening an Informal reception was held al the i home of Mr and Mrs A T Williams f when many friends of the young people look advantage of the opportunity to extend to the bride and groom their sincere good wishes for their future happiness Mr find Mrs Hardy will shortly be at home io their friends in this city 1 a 4 Mrs Julia Taylor has announced the engagement of her daughter Luclleto Richard Royal Romney the wedding to take place on Thursday next i Y I The marriage of rIlss Lucile Badger and Samuel Taylor will take place on I Wednesday April kith In the Salt Lake temple A wedding reception will follow at the home oC the brides parents pa-rents Mr and Mrs Rodney C Badger < > On Thursday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Rodney T Badger was solemnized the marriage of Miss Bessie Moore and Elms Hansen Elder F S Richards officiating Only members of the family and a few Intimate friends were present After April luth Mr and Mrs Hansen will bo at home to their friends at 211 West Seventh South o Miss Lizzie Plumb and Benjamin Jamison popular young people of Mammoth were united In marriage on Thursday evening at the White house by Judge F H Clark Rev John Richelsen officiated at the marriage of Miss Goldla Miller and Luther I G Gordy which took place at the home of the brides parents on Thursday evening Only relatives and a few intimate friends were present Mr and Mrs Qordy will be at home to their friends shortly In this city Mrs Eldicdgc Miss Mamie Eldredge and Harold Eldredge left on Tuesday oienlng for Ashland Wis to attend the marriage of Miss Shores and Guy Eldredge which takes place on I Wednesday next They were joined at Ogden by Mr and Mrs Ernest 131 dredge of Portland who will also attend at-tend the wedding Dinners and Luncheons I The most elaborate dinner party of the week and one of the most elaborate I elabo-rate of the season was that given in the gold room of the Alta club last evening by J II White In honor of Mr and firs J 0 Tuber Everywhere Every-where In the decorations were reminders remind-ers that the dinner was in honor of a bride and Broom In the beautiful Inicrtwlned hearts which formed the center decoration of the table the baskets of spring blossoms found at the places of the ladles and the hand painted wedding bells used as place cards for the ladles Extending through the center of the long table and teaching almost Its entire length were two Inlcrtwined hearts of pink spangled tulle outlined with feathery plumosa and carnations of a deeper pink scattered carelessly over all The Initial of the bride E and of the groom liB outlined in fragrant violets occupied the center of each heart The place cards for the gentlemen gentle-men were small booklets the covers beautifully done in water colors with the menu inside Baskets of fragrant spring blossoms tied with pink ribbon and bearing lhcnaYries of the ladies on handpainted wedding bells formed a beautiful circle just Inside the plutes Toasts were responded to by Gov Wells who welcomed Mr and Mrs Rcber Mr Rebel who toafited the host and the host who gave an Interesting In-teresting account of the romance attached at-tached to the inarrlage of Mi and Mrs Reber Then the guests adjourned to the home of Mr James Nelll where the remainder oC the evening ova most delightfully spent Mrs Nelll 1 acted ns hostess at the altogether charming dinner and the other guests were Gov and Mrs Wells Mr and Mrs J 0 Reber Capt Creary Miss Creary Lfeut Merrill Dr Wherry Mr and Mrs C R Pearsall Mr and Mrs Robert l J Glendinning Mr and Mrs Sol Slegel Mrs Donald Coray Miss McMillan Mr and Mrs David S Murray Mur-ray Dr and Mrs Mayo a II a Mr and Mrs S F Fenton enter 1 tained at an informal dinner on Wednesday evening 0 j r One of the pleasantest events of the week was the luncheon given on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs George E Forrester Fifteen ladles were gathered around the table which was beautifully decorated in rod carnations and greens r e Mrs Charles W Rhoden and Edward Glose of Now York were entertained at luncheon at the Commercial club on I Tuesday last by Mr and Mrs W A Nelden Miss Blanche Klmball was also al-so a guest x Miss Burke entertained informally at luncheon on Thursday Mr and Mrs Ferman entertained at a Welsh rarebit supper at the post one evening during the week Mr McCutcheon gave a dinner party at the Country club on Tuesday evening even-ing 41 Mr and Mrs John J Judson enter tailed at an Informal dinner party on Tuesday evening Madame Rood gave a delightfully informal in-formal luncheon on Thursday In honor of Miss Adams of Boston Covers wcie laid for sic Miscellaneous Events Mr and Mrs Harry Melton entertained enter-tained at cards on Wednesday evening S Mrs David S Murray entertained a 4 > t t 1 H f I I r t i r j IiI I t I < I t j 1 I I 1 t l + eJi pL + t r j n o > f S 3 e H w W k 5 Ii e a IIi I TE f I r Z s r u f YS s tGt titki > L + sif ipt 2 I 1ri it Kl t t r f 11 v t t Ur 10 1 St yF i r 3 a t v > 5 J tOltl Tr i dJ I r j jr t to i i + jt f > < + j I MISS CRETE PINKERTON < 7 Photo by Chase those Beautiful Voice Is Much Admired in Sa1t Lake few friends Informally on Wednesday evening in honor of Capt ladx and I Miss Marix who were her l guests for a few days I Dr and Mrs L W Snow entertained the Card club and a few friends at their home on Wednesday evening II the Mrs C E Edwards entertained Friday Afternoon Card club very pleasantly I pleas-antly at their IU regular meeting I It o Mrs William II Jones was pleasantly pleasant-ly at her home on Tuesuaj last by twenty ofher friends i Mrs Stanley Price gave an enjoyable informal musicale at her home last Monday afternoon A few friends enjoyed nn informal evening at the home of Miss Carrie Lamson on Wednesday Miss Maude May Babcock gave an 5nterpretatle reading of Monsieur Beaucalre a 4 O Students of the University of Utah very much enjoyed the farce and dancing danc-Ing party given In the museum buildIng build-Ing on Friday evening Y Y Thirty friends of George Coulam surprised sur-prised him at his home on Tuesday evening Sixtythree was played the prizes being won by Miss Mabel Gray and George Bean o The young people of the Twentyfirst ward gave a pleasant dancing party on Friday evening tj Mrs Egan entertained the Saturday Afternoon Card club yesterday a Mrs Olive S Gaylord Is home from California and is staying at the Fifth East hotel t Judge and Mrs James A Miner left oh Tuesday for a brief visit in the East rl V Mr and Mrs J O Reber have arrived ar-rived In this city from St Louis where they were married a short time since and are at home to their friends at the Fifth East hotel a Mr and Mrs Edward S Ferry left during the week for California Upon their return they will live in the Ry kert home on East South Temple street n o Dr and Mrs Hepbui of Fort Douglas Doug-las leave today for a two months stay in California f 6 a 0 Mr and Mrs Perry S Heath have taken the Anderson home at Ninth East and Briirham and will shortly be at home to their friends a Y Mrs W W Mackintosh left on Thursday Thurs-day for Scofield to spend the summer with Mr Mackintosh X Mr and Mrs Barllhig ire hnincTrom California and will move into the Emery Eme-ry Huts this Week O 4 It Capt Adolph Ialix > u S X and Miss l Marix wore guests of Mr and Mrs David S Murray during the week The left for their home on Friday i Miss Zola Miller and Miss Rita Dona hoe of Wilmington Ill are guests of Miss Nan Short a Dr and Mrs T C J5 1 King leave early In May for a six months slay in Europe > a 3 Mr and Mrs F A Druehl will leave this city in May and after a visit with Eastern friends will go to Europe for a years sojourn Until their depart r fire Mr and Mrs Druehl will Tio tho guests r of Mr and Mrs Walter Druehl I Hon und Mrs George Sutherland I have taken the Druehl home on East First South street where they will soon be at home to their friends A 7 Mr and Mrs Frank W Jennings and Mr and Mrs Alma Katz left on Monday Mon-day for Boise where they will make their home a A a Mrs W H Dickson left on Wedneo I day for St Louis to visit a sister It Miss Lucile Jennings is now at homo to her friends at the home of her grandmother grand-mother Mrs Priscilla Jennings on B street a 7 Mr and Mrs T II Brown have returned re-turned from California where they have spent the past two months 4 Mrs Wilbur TV FlagS is homo from j California where she has been visiting i for some time with her sister Mrs 1 Jack Jevne S Y i Mrs Farnsworth and Miss Schansen J bach of Ogden were Salt Lake visitors during the week Mrs E E Stewart of Ogden is a guest of Mrs E M Allison oC this city a r + J IIwhiteis back from a stay of some weeks in the East M f Mr and Mrs Sam Schwab and the Misses Backman of Provo spent Monday Mon-day In Salt Luke v it Mrs M A Breeden Is visiting her sister Mrs John T Hurst of Ogden o o 0 Mrs Thomas Marloneaux is expected from Denver early in April 7 fI Mrs Lee Gilson of Ogden visited Salt Lake friends early In the past week fc O w Miss Snow of this city is entertaining entertain-ing her sister Mrs Georgia Snow Carleton of Ogden j Mrs Henderson Green of Elko Nov Is spending a short time In this city O 6 MIss Ida Tiyon of Ogden is visiting her father J D Lyon at his home on Fifth East street 4 o Mrs R S Harrison and son Harry and Mlhs MoFarlane of Park City are guests of Mrs El wood Bailey U AMiss A-Miss Edna Duncan went to Provo on Wednesday to take part In the Christensen Chris-tensen concert < 45 Mr and Mrs John E Miles and family fam-ily are visiting in San Francisco a e Y John Kay Hardy of Boise crime clown on Thursday to attend the wedding oC his brother Rufus K Hardy and Miss Adelaide Eldredge Y 11 Mr and Mrs J TV Van Buyn are Visiting their daughter Mrs L IA Downing They are returning to thelri home in Waterloo la after spending the winter in California S Of p theijr Mr and Mrs A B Lawrence have returned re-turned from California where they have spent several weeks t a I Mr and Mrs Frank Harris left oq Monday for their home In Idaho t M r Mrs E T Yard formerly of this city but now of Los Angeles passed through Continued on page 20 r I I W ek i n Societ Y II I I Continued from page JS i I Salt Lake on Monday on her way to 1 her California home d + Prod Davis of Park City spent Tuesday J t Tues-day with Salt Lake friends He was j j on his way to Nevada ij air and Mrs David Evans are J home I from California where they spent the I j winter II L r 11 Jilts Miriam Koike of Now York will Ii i u f spend the coming week aa the guc t 11 of Cupt and Mrs ID A Wrdgwood I J I 1 Miss Mildred M Tlbbnls is spending her spring vacation is the guest of Mrs t J J Marie Carruthers Tucker at Staten Island P I i Isl-and Miss Tlbbals is doing postgraduate 1 1 I postgrad-uate work at Vellosley I d b I li t Mr and Mrs De Wolf of Beaver arc 1 l visiting Salt Lake friends for a few i I days un I e + Mra George Phelps Hohnan has Issued k Is-sued invitations for an afternoon teat on Easter Monday t I Mm Adrian C Ellis Jr and Miss j AVnlker have Issued Invitation for a i luncheon on the afternoon of April loth l It and a card party on the afternoon of April 16th i to A Mr and Mrs Henry Dlmvoodey entertained 1 en-tertained Informally on Friday evening at their home e r Mr nnrt Mrs Joshua Mldgley will 6 I celebrate their golden wedding on Wednesday next and will give a large reception ai their homo on Fifth East street i Purely Personal Gov and Mrs Veils will leave the hitter part of April to attend the dedication i dedi-cation of the St Louis Worlds fair + George Hlplcy and sinter Mis Joy have gone to St LouIs for nn indefinite stay Miss Bertha Carter Is home from a six months visit In Californian California-n Capt and Mrs Styer of Angel I Island are expected In this city In a few days tb spend the summer e 0 Mr and Mrs Packard will hereafter be at home to their fribnds ai G5S Fast First South trcet c Mr and Mrs George Ar Black are home irom a months visit in Chicago j a a V Mss r Jessie Goddard will spend the i summer in Germany She sails from Xew York early In July 1 r Mr and Mrs II C Akeley and MisS Florence Akeley of Minneapolis were in the city on Thursday on their way home from the coast and were guests of Mr and Mrs William P Cooper Mr and Mrs J L Franker find Miss Webber arc expected shortly from Florida where they have spent the past few weeks + t I Mrs F L Parker leaves tomorrow for New York City for an extended visit HOI Wednesdays at home have been discontinued until September e Y b C P Gerflcld nnd John Van Brunt have returned from Colorado e r Miss Ethel Brooke Ferguson who comes as the leading lady l of Our New Minister will be the guest of Mr and Mrs Arthur Brattaini + t i Mrs L > L Terry and Mrs William Alcers who have been spending some weeks In Honolulu will sail from there within a week for Japan II Mr and Mrs Rapylea of Klmlra X Y were guests on Tuesdoy of Mr and Mrs Richard L Keyes f OGDEN C ffiJ I I Mrs George Floter is visiting with her daughter Mrs Otlcrbock MrsC R Olson of Fontcnelle Wyo is visiting in the city < Mrs J T Hurst entertained The Cot torle Co-t on Tuesday Mrs Corlew road an Interesting article on Naples by Stod lIar < 1 Mrs Vclmer paper on Greek wo j I d 0 41L I n JJ ti + I JI4WPYb < yMi r r 1 a Y 1 tY it swt K J > n tiii 3 Yt J I II W4Y F4 c5 Art J V Jt t 3rrsy L 1 1 y rtj rt ¼ KX v I m 1 1 I vScc Wl I rr I I II II I j I Photo by the Johnson C6 I MRS + SUSIE YOUNG GATES Prominent in i Womens Wo rk Throughout the State I men was rich with good thing After a j pleasant social hour spent with the guests cf the afternoon Mesdames Kirk Robert Ixswln I S L Reynolds Pnliie A D FRO F-RO IOhls curd rfrcidcn of Suit Ijiike Misses Doss and Lewis the club adjourned to meet In two weeks with Mrs Donl II Mrs E M Lamb and daughter of Butte Mont arc visiting In Ogdcn F C Engclko anti wife have returned to their home In Carlln Nov e + C A Mdliin and wife have returned from a pleasure trPJ to the const a Mr R T Mlllor and wife have returned to Ogden after spending the winter In Chicago with Mrs Ianlng Mr and Mr 1 N Lanliu and laugh tor have returned from Chicago where they have been visiting their son Ed Lanill d + Lerov C Hoover of Koit l Wayne Tnd and Miss Grace Solomon of this city were married last week The voting couple will make their future homo in Ogden V n The Child Culture club mot Friday afternoon J after-noon with Mrs Thomas B Dec A short programme was given the general topic I being domestic Science after which dnlti < < ty refreshments were nerved The nfter noon was plcusaith sntt by all I the G A R ayo n very suceepMful I and pleasant entertainment Saturday evening A fine programme was rendered and dainty refrva1iniiit c were served I 0 t Mr Robort VothcrHpoon and wife celebrated cele-brated their chitin miilvenmry Thursday evening Cards and music were the enjoyments I en-joyments of tho early port of the evening after which a bounteous repast was served Fords orchestra was In attendance attend-ance and dancing was Indulged In till tho early morning hours I EURE < A ETYT r Mrs S J Sdmellcr and children are in Salt Lnko City the guests of frlcndu and relatives r A Air and Mrs William Adams and Mrs John Atkln went to Salt Lake City Thursday Thurs-day afternoon b n Y The Tatlles of the Maccabees will give It calico ball nL Odd Fellows hall next Tuesday veiling A b Mark Clark has returned to his home at Sandy after a 1 three weeks stay with Phil Clark e e B N C Stol i returned to Eureka from ICihokn Mo Wednesday night lie wan culled linat I on recount of the serious ill uesr of his fattier I George Stott 0 M + Mr and Mrs Jackson McChryHtal were the t guests of Mrs Surah A McChrvstal al Salt ixiko tills w < ek I 4 The Yankee club conducted a dance at the 1 new L D S church on Wednesday night i I r A surprise party was given Wednesday night in honor of William Embleton at hln residence In the sutheustorn part of town the occasion being his birthday Curd playing music etc took up the time until about midnight when a delic I ious lunch was served Mr Kmblcton has i I Just passed tho fortieth milestone In hlu II life + b n James Galley Is In Salt Lake on a short I vlsll + + u M B Parks IB In Salt Lake City I I Mr and Mrs Hurry Carter of Sprlngvillc are vluillng Eureka friends + mina Ruby Bubb was the guest of Silver Sil-ver City acquaintance Thutadny Y Miss Etta Dixon left Thursday for Suit hake After visiting friends at that place she will go to Park City 4 Tlntlc lodge No ill B P O E will go down to Provo In a special train next Thursday and assist In liiHlltuUtiC a new lodge of Elks at that place m 0 Mrs I George Hlrkmnn returned from Salt Lake Wednesday Y b AMiss A-Miss BerthJi Olson and Henry Jacobs wore milled In marriage at tho muucnce of Gus Fninlce Thuniday evening fit 9 J oclock Hie ceremony wus performed by Bl3hol Connelly of the L D S church Y Y V111 Beek Is I In Kuroku visiting rlMids previous to his departure for his ranch tu Antelope Ida Columbia lodge No 2 Daughters of Rcbekah celebrated the twelfth aimlyoi pary of the order at Odd Fellows hall Thursday night The programme of songs Hpccchca otc Wits followed by a rtollcloiin I I 14 r hs = tif z < bq 4 y + S + T 5 i 4k 1 t a sry 5 f r C + f J 1 7 llJi f tln c r P r nJr1i1 Y e 4i Cy < b > Id t 613 Photo by the Johnson Cot Co-t MRS MARIA WILCOX A Leading Member of the Reapers Club bamiuet Besides tIll membcra of th > 1pr Jlor there wore a large number of Invited guests 1 present I r Mr Pat t Bomicr was the guest of hn daughter at Salt Lake Friday and Saturday Satur-day of this week l + + Miss Dorn Kohl went to Salt Lake Friday Fri-day I r 7 1 PROVO S + j I Thomas 7C Taylor Mayor of this city tied tho matrimonial on Friday at 1530 p n1 monial knot for Miss Sophia nob oy o Colton and Mr John T Smith of Provo it I t the hound of the brides parents nil l vest Centr stieot Jim two famine were served with a sumptuous supper and a pleasant evening wan passed The l bride Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Roliey eta The young con Coltfiii l recently nf proBcnlcd with many beautiful Pte was presents and well wIsJiiH for a bright career and future happiness Kd Knowldon of I Robinson spent Sunday with his family In Provo t A Mr and Mrs W R McBrldo have been vlSltins J with their slutcr Mlus Mills Me dllc ill A Y lA T Noves of Lelil made a short visll In Provo with his focally 0 e Mrs Eleanor R Moore has Ml on n J visit IIi her cl laughter Mrn Herman I Martin Mar-tin who Is now pltabuntly situated In San Fiaiiclaco II 0 Emma vud Edna Sutton were Prove visitors fron Park City during the past wool + + A fr Frank Jones oC Nebraska spool TuesUav I with his wife 1 formerly lcllll l McBride of Flllmore o + I Oeorg < W Craig retnruc I from his extended ex-tended Eastern trip Mondny acCOmpanied bv his daughter ikiM O Kearns Mrs Kcarns expects = her husband home In n few days and they will establish a permanent per-manent residence In our city Mr Cralfj spent a very pleasant lime with his relatives rela-tives r U Georcn Ilnvorcairp 1 and Uert Thurmac were Salt lake visitors Mondny n b Mr and Mr W Vard gave a dlnnot on Monday evening tr Mr and 1 Mrs R C Vatlthis iSr and MIH J V Fnrror Mrs Charles Vtlkina Mis Mary Heck am Miss Edna Beck I a r The bull glvon by the First Regiment band on Tuesday evening nt the roarl was a charmiiic event and an claborau success no Mr and Mrs R A Barney announce the 1 engagement of heir I laughter Viola to Mi Royal = B Viooley Tho wedding lakes place early In June u e Mr and Urn Burford Mcsdames Snit Schwab Will Roberta Misses Lena and JJouiah BaOhman and Felix Bachman visited Salt Ijiko City 3Iotulay to putt cltaso fut nlture for the elegant quarters in the Central building of the proposed Elks lodge hi our city I e e A pleasant sociable was held Monday evening In the Second ward I meeting Continued on pane 21 Provo Society PN t f Continued from jingo 20 g 1 I house by tho Mutual Improvement < societies i i soci-eties of mho Sixth and Second wards In lIh nSf i g 1 = l honor of Mamie Brown and Mrs Frank j k Holt who expect soon to Jcnvo Prove An entertaining pro rnmmc of song music f and speeches WOH rendered and delicious 1s I refrcuhmenus were served i 0 o r Miss Mfiinio Brown of this city and Mr Ilial B Bales of Robinson vc nj mairlcd AVcdncsdav 1n the t Salt Italic Temple The Illd the daughter brldo is n most estinmbln lady ter of llr and Mid Philander Brown at i t whoso home a reception will bo Riven In I honor of the wlywedded couple Monday 1 Mon-day evening Mr and Mrs Hales will n L reside In Robinson t o II A very pleasant sociable was given by Mr and Mm Brig Johnson 1 on Monday evening1 In honor of Mr and Mrs Charles i Johnson who leave at once for Canada to make that their future home e a Mrs Electa Bullock opened her hospita blo homo to all the mombor < of tho Bullock family on Friday evening and a grand social time was enjoyed Mrs A E Buckler entertained nt her home on Friday evening Mrs W K Farrcr gave a dimming1 so clul on Thursday I I < Tho Nineteenth Century club of Provo fiBBemblud at the hone of Mrs Leon Huchman on Tuesday The executive committee reported the most t of Its work had been In outlining the woik for the f and In issuing the yuarhook Tho l year issuing 11uu r educational committee reported tht t It had supplied the grog ramme for tho two educational edu-cational dn > s In September 11KI2 the topics bolnp Physical Examination of r Pupils and School Sanitation and Kindergartens Kin-dergartens On January 9th the subject Larger Lines in Educational Theory and A Closer Touch Between Parents I and Teachers were treated 1 The first piper pi-per Larrrpr Lines In Educational Theory Josephine Eel ry = was given by nEB OPK and Is to be sent to tho Reciprocity bureau This committee also worked In connection with a special con mlttce asking ask-ing for an appropriation for the domestic science department and for the passage of the free kindergarten bill A lecture by I Rev 13 L Goshen of Ogden to be given In tho near future Is now being ranged for It Is expected that the new educational educa-tional committee will work with the federation fed-eration qommitloc in Its efforts to raise funds for the 30000 building to be used for domestic science The art committee arranged for three art drtys dining the year and some correspondence has been carried on regarding artistic decoration of the streets flue industrial committee reported re-ported having arranged for the pro prrnimie of two days On November 7lh the question of How to Malta Domestic + Service a Recognized Vocation was dN 1 5 crossed and an article on The Roycroft ers was given with a review of Mary 1 t and Her successors On March 20th the topics were The Tramp Question and the Army of the Unemployed The Consumers Consum-ers League and a review of How the Other Half Lives Provo has added twenty members to the i State Consumers league seven from the Sorosis club and thirteen from the Nineteenth Nine-teenth Century club The Utah State Consumers league Is auxiliary to the National Na-tional Consumer Iciyue and mothirds of tho annual dues toes to the parent league for tho furtherance of the good work 01 elloilmitlnff the sweatshop system sys-tem t temThe secretary reports the club to have 1 held thirtyfour meetings during the club ear with a good average attendance During mho year the club has lost two members one Miss Lottlo Jackson by t resignation and tho other Mrs Joatphlne Bcenley by death In tho work of the year the club has I followed quite closely the history of Italy wIth some special days as given In the yearbook Last spring came two afternoons after-noons that will long bo remembered bv all who were present as very pleasant and also very profitable ones May 2nd when Mr S II Goodwin KOTO a talk on Our Birds and Mays ICth when Miss Booth gave a talk on Holland telling of her 1 own Impressions received while thcro The club has hud the bouullt of two lecture 0110 by Mrs C 13 Allen of Salt Lake City on The Profession of Motherhood and another bv Miss McDonald on How to Read and Study Klfltlon Mrs Corf man the president then delivered her message PARK CITY SOCIETY a Mrs Julius Franke 1 was guest of honor slxt threc on at a very delightful sixtythree party TncHday cvcnin when Mr and Mrs James M Jxjckhait entertained In her I honor at their COH y home on Park avenue The charming host and hostess left nothing I noth-ing undone to make the event a memorable one and the quests picsent enjoyed every moment during the entlie evening At tho i 1 end of the seventh game beautiful prizes were awaitled Mru I Charles Heath and Mr Julius Frankol The Invited nests were Mr and Mrs J Frankcl Mr and Mrs P A Bird Mr I and Mrs Sherman Fargo Dr and Mrs V D Donohor Mr and MrsT 1 V Gvlsrpr Mr 1 I and Mr 1 Fred V Shcunnn Mr and Mrs C Heath Mr and Mr A R AVccter Mr and firs L 12 1 Hubbird Mr and Mrs F A Mcfarty Mr and Mis I F R Davis Qr and aIrs E K Vard Mr and Mrs V AA Armstrong l > r and Mrs C M Wilson Mr and Alls Charles Shields and Dr B P lieuomnte I a a o The Park City High school athletic association as-sociation Is making extensive preparations prepara-tions for their ball which occurs at Ma = plo hall the Jailer part of this month > Beautiful in all Its appointments was the dinner given by Mr and Mrs V IV Armstrong Wednesday evening to a company of young friends The Easter I idea wns carried out most charmingly In the center of the table in a bed of I asparagus plumoa and maidenhair fein sat a number of white rabbits while small bunnies marked the place of each Sliest Candelabra nt either end of the table with runners of plumona completed the brilliant effect Scaled at the table besides l the host and 1 hostess were Miss Lillian Bain Miss Nellie Goodrich Miss Katherine Lawrence Miss Bertha Getsch Mrs C A Blochcr Mr Alex Colbnth Mr Lole Jeffs Mr B M Hampton Mr J A Malta Mr James Hance and Mr AV G Lamb a a a Fiances Ruth Shields went down to the city Tiicbdny afternoon and will remain until the Ural of the week with Mrs I Tames Lynch L 4 T T Mr and Mrs Charles Shields have issued is-sued invltatlonH to their linen anniversary anniver-sary April lull o a Mr and Mrs Slicimuu Fargo entertained enter-tained the sixtjthioe club and a large number of Invited guests most delightfully delight-fully Thursday evening After The distribution dis-tribution of the prizes which wore won by Mrp M D Hurlbut and Mrs J Fran ke J the 1rlends sat down and enjoyed an elegant luncheon and after l an hour of social converse the happy event came to a close The invited guests were Mr and Mrs J AY Geiger Mr and Mrs Fred Smith Mr and Mrs Charles Heath Mr and Mus1i D Hurlbut Mr and Mrs V D Sutton Mr and Mrs AV AV Armstrong Mr and Mrs P McPherson I Mr and Mrs J M Lockhart Mr and Mrs A K eeter Dr and Mrs W D Donoher Mr and Mrs J Frankel Dr andWard and Mrs E K Ward Mr and Mrs F A McCarly Mr and Mrs h F Hub bard Mr and Mrs AV AVestfleld Mr and Mrs F W Sherman Mr and Mrs G E Gushing Mr and Mrs C A Blochcr Mr and Tilts F It Davis Mr and Mrs Charles Shields Miss Nellie Goodilch Miss Margaret Brundnge Miss Bertha I Gotflch Mr Mixer and Dr K P Jc compte o a Mr and Mrs A R Veelcr have issued Invitations for an Raster luncheon to bo given Tuesday evenlnj In honor of Mrs Julius Frankel I a Miss Kathleen haves was the re I < i 00 0 D 0 it f O f I > I 0 0 IP 0 rr 0 b w Q I a iS t rawC + n tJ rr ir 0 0 0 rte iz1y7S r sbra F 10 gq J < < f r I 0 0 Q 0 t n L < = 00 7 0 > 0 0 nJ 2tiZ c r G + 4 40 t + tti rant i t J t + r1t My i t T ti j > 16 y1I < a f 0 if < v r Y q i < Y + FJ + j i t lL i AC 4 i t + 1 t yt t m O 0 B y l jI ° 1 1 + J I O i n r wA < > i W t + r I V w > tftl f N + Q i i WI tr t W i 4 0 tI r r i tfI V > jvt jl < r 7 < < J < Jt 1i t a 1 I 7 t A 0 n t 0 ir iJl I I > O Oo o i I ti v > W Jt fo j J z < > N MPWO o < 01ij 0 o 1 1jf kJ > f o > J < z < r < ju 0 o lffW rfffiJ > lJl 0 a k < t j iP < < > 7 < 2 X > O IrfIr 4M f 0 I I 0 0 h c f I 0 Ifie 0 I < < f M > e t g 0 o r l f rf 00 if y C Q 6iJ7 co a f 1 co i f MB AND MRS JOSHUA MTDQUEY Who Will Celebrate Their Golden Wedding on Wednesday clpicnt of a very pleasant surprise party Thursday evening Music games and a templing luncheon were enjoyed I Those present were the Misses May llirt ley Rnchael and Ruth Stromness Ruby I McBride Nina Richardson Alta Llddlng l I him Louise PHI Agnes Foul Lama Berg Flora Fcinottc Nonie Jlurle Jennie Sherman Julia Hurley Mnv Feinettc May Crossmin May Kelly Maggie Cot tel Anna AVllson Lulu Kelly Llzzlu Kearns Ethel Hales Florence Kelly = Minnie Cunningham Tossle McLauphlln Frances Shields Gertrude McLaughlln Messrs Leo Martin John AVllson Phil Tobln Miles Martin AVill Dunn Myrlon AVynn Lester Kcrlm John Martin Harry Bloom Ed Phillips Bert le I Sutton Dan Feenoy Gilbert Lanyon Leo Hayes Let AVllcox Ed Crosstnan J Hayes Lee Me Phee Norris Gllsch a a AVllllam udeuco celebrated his seventh sev-enth birthday anniversary Monday afternoon after-noon with games music and 1 a Jolly time Those present were Ethel Blackler Gladys Grose Jessie Prudence Leona Grose James Kelly JMjrtlc Wynn Will Black let Joel Grose Robert Prudence and Stewart Jones a S a Mr Albert Muffett who has accepted a position with the Smith Drug company of Salt Lake was tendered a very pleasant plea-sant surprise Tuesday before his departure depart-ure for Zion The evening proved n happy hap-py one to the many friends of thin popu lar young man and on leaving each guest declared Hint they had been royally cn teitalned Games music and a delicious luncheon were features of the evenings pleasure those who participated In the happy affair were the Misses Josle Man nix Mary Lahcv Hazel Lcnzl rondo Thomson Mabil aiuffctt Esther Moist O Kcefe Maud Hurley Bessie AVycoff Blanche AVoodward Minnie Kescel Emma Em-ma Berry Gertrude AVoods Nettle Tucker Tuck-er Llxzie Barrett Eleanor Pegan Margaret Mar-garet Woods Myrtle = Robinson Messrs Harry Van Alstine Clarence Carl Roy Lenil Bert Grose Marshall Pearson l Bongo Kescel Too McLaughlin Boy McDonald Mc-Donald Bernard Hull Nell Rosevear Parley Parker AVilhud McClelhln Will OKeefe Frank Shields Rome PaxtOn Stanley Oslka AVill McLaughlln and Will Oblka S S a Pi of Jl 1 B Younger Is making oit borate bo-rate preparations 1 for his annual Easter ball on Monday evening April 13th S MIss Minnie Cunningham and mother went down to tho metropolis Wednesday afternoon for several days a w Miss Nelllo Goodrich iclurned home Wednesday morning after several days outing at Zion a 5 M Mr nncl Mrs John McSorley and 1 1 daughter I Mis M J McGllI departed for California Saturday where l they expect to remain for a couple of months sightseeing sight-seeing Y a Y Mr and Mr Charles l Heath spent a number of das in Zion the past week MIE Arthur AVilllams and little daughter daugh-ter Marjorie leave today for Pleasant Hill Mo on a Visit of several necks to Mrs Wlllltimss old home s Y firs Chloo Raddon and niece Miss Minnie Baddon went down to tho city Sunday afternoon and returned home yesterday yes-terday V Y Little FJdna and Emma Sutton arc vhs Hlng with helm granilma at Provo Mrs George Bates and three daughters went down to the metropolis Tuesday and before their return home they will Visit wIth friends at Toocle a Y MNs Kit therlne Lawrence returned homo AVednesday morning after a delightful de-lightful visit with Salt Lake lends Mrs 13 C AVilliumson came up from thc city Saluiday morning and returned home on Monday Mrs John Thomson and son are visit lag ft lends In Zion A i Mr and Mrs M J McGllI returned vlult home on Tucnday after a pleasant with Salt Lake friend 44 m moot Athc1 1e1Ul1 The AVomanfl Atlicjineum jrtll with Mrs AR V < etc Mohda April nth at the appointed hour 4 j r vacation her spring Miss > Bosle GolBt spent cation with Salt Lako relative a r moved K VIm have Mrs E Dr inil InuTth ijolnlng time doctor office Into the rooms a < Jprtor t where they arc comfortably lice on Main street fortably settled it Fri In the city Miss Lillian Bain went thiS morn day = afternoon and will return Ins a o Miss Ixirotta Harrington celebrated her ievcntceuth birthday annlvcrflary most tie llKhtfully WdncBday evening at her 1 home and a Ontncs music In Empire canyon mC9 Jolly good time arts htHl by the B lI tMU iubcfe being won by Ales May Ferm cUt Inert button sad Mlts Alta Jlddlnghnm I UK those who enjoyed Inlui Martin Rtish Ilcasant affoiv wcie Mr jiiut Mrs Mrs and Mrs Corregan Mr Mr and land Mrs Faloon and the JJairlngton Mr and tiy Misses Anna Corr gnu Llrzio Martin Alum Al-um Berg Maggie Cotter Mary frnHsmiin Anna AvrlHh May FernctteLl lc Kearns J Floia F rrtc Mar 1 pwey MUBBle COi rlgan Lccna Hurloy Nellie Olxolll tiny HlIIlcy Ncttls Luhcok 1 Alfa 1ldllhnhiu I lgnes For I Evt f DtIVI ern PI fIF t ton lute Connelly Jinni smnviui mmim 1 11 eiian Blanch Velst AHna OKeefe Nona Dora Kafman Kjtihlon Hayen I Umbrae Hurley IJlenor Wright Hurley Jennings Naitnio Faloon Katie Maggie Meiers JnhtT Mnnnlx Tereia HarrliiKtoir Martin Ed Ki lan Phil Imbue John Ird 1 Valah Bert Sutton Ilrtrjy Bloom 1 Hllrllmton AVIll Shea Milton Murphy 1 > ton Red McDonald llr f Sullivan M Martin and Leo Martin e co Y Mrs W G Lamb came up from the oily I I yeiitcrdiy morning to visit I or n l week with Mr Lamb 1 ETi1 the Mrs Linford entertained Pi of anl 13 l members of the Logan and the Colorado basketball teams at a delightful banquet after the ball same Ibnday evening a Y At the home oC Mrs Mary H Llnford Tuesday last the Beacon Light society I pleasantly entertained An interesting I was very teresting feature of the afternoon was a or Emerson paper on the life and vorkSxoC given by Mrs Anna Kemp A KiiosIng I game also proved very effective the prize being won by Mrs Emily Smith Delicious refreshments were served Those present I were Mesdames RIter Hall L J Clem onbon Caillslo A Chamberlin 1lf i Ridges Ii Vernon Miller Kemp Smith Robinson Homer McAllsier JTyde Mcsdrii Lulu Carpenter Peferion Bush and Homer Y a a Senator and Mrs A G Barber announce an-nounce the coming marriage of their daughter Lucille to Mr Davclirort Of Oregon r Mr and 1 Mrs Sidney O Stevens have returned from their trip to the coast and will mako their home In Logan S Y It On AVednesday afternoon Mrs Jessie Earl cnturtalncd the None Such V club Dainty refreshments wero served and a most enjoyable afternoon wasJ spent Thoso present were Mesdames A C Cummings Cum-mings Hcndricks II J Do AVItt + C F Goodwin Joseph Davidson A P Jenkins Jen-kins Misses Belle Earl and Miss Pond y Mre George AV Thatcher and daughters daugh-ters Mis R AV Sloan and Miss Thatch er 1 will leave shortly for New York where Mrs Sloan and Miss Thatcher will fIn < l somo time In studying music + V a President l < and Mrs Morrell TVllI spend the coming week In Salt Lake a y a The many friends of DV Budge will be pleased to learn l of < < his recovery and to know that ho has returned to Logan at1 tcr an absence of several weeks r 1 Mrs Thad Nnylor left Thursday rot short visit In Salt Lac V a t i The Fortnightly < club will give the lo 1 of their series of parties for thin seaaoi ho latter part of this month vi a I i Airs AVlllInm Preston la I vlnltlnpr In Sal Lake aa tho latest of her mother MM pyper I Y Y fl Mr Robert S Campbell of Salt LsUt sjSent Friday and Saturday 4 In Logan 1 Dr and Mrs AVIllard Croxall return homo from Salt Lake p Monday p Judge and Mrs Goodwin have returns to Logan after several months sojour on Oil const I Hon and MIK Charles V NIblcy at spending a fete lays In Logan priorI t prior-I len return to Oregon i I ii o i Mr Proa n Nibley departed for El iope I early laul Wcclc He will go to Ix r don thence to Berlin whore he will spelt roost time In the ministry j 1 Mr Alex S Campbell of Sail Lnj rfock exchange i was the 1 llin of Mr aji M IH II Is Cann > bcll during the creek f tl |