Show I LOYAL TO IDAHO Former SurveyorGeneral Perraulfc Talks < to Washington People of the Gem of the Rockies CI My home town oC Boise Is one of the best of Western towns and It has some features that give It unique Individuality Indi-viduality said Mr Joseph Perrault former surveyorgeneral of Idaho to a Washington Post tnn nOne n-One of these peculiarities not possessed pos-sessed so far as 1 know by any town In the world Is the employment of natural hot water for heating hotels olllcc buildings and some of the residences resi-dences This water is drawn from artesian wells quite neaL the city and comes with strong pressure by reason of the elevated position of the wells It Is hot enough to boil an egg and docs the work of heating admirably Idaho Is one of the coming rich and prosperous States Our resources are beginning l to attract wide attention and the work oC developing them is going on satisfactorily There Is activity ac-tivity in the mining districts a great deal of railway construction Is In progress pro-gress the cattle interests are In excellent ex-cellent condition l and the area of farming farm-ing lands is constantly enlarging by reason oC tho buildinG of irrigating = ditches Heretofore the northern and southern sections of Idaho have had no way of communication and to got from north to south by railroad or vice versa one had to go through the States of Washington and Oregon This trouble will soon be obviated by the building of the Idaho Northern road which will ultimately be connected con-nected with the Northern Pacific With the improved railway facilities and the Government construction of stoiacro reservoirs to hold the melted snows insuring big yields to our farmers farm-ers and constantly enriching the soil Idaho Is certain of ranking high in the list of prosperous States |