Show Agricultural Colle e Logan April 4The college Is called upon to suffer another loss In the withdrawal with-drawal of Prof Burchell from the department de-partment of commerce The change is occasioned by a call made on the professor pro-fessor to enter the faculty oC the school of commerce In the University of Wisconsin Wis-consin That alone Is a great acknowledgment acknowl-edgment of his ability for that school ranks among the best In America Mr Burchell has been here but a year but during that time has worked come wonderful won-derful Improvements In the department 1 of commerce The scllcol here is now modeled after the best of the klnil InN In-N w York and Pennsylvania In both of which plticesVrof Burchell has labored la-bored and future success Is practically assured If the department proceeds along the lines now mapped out Besides Be-sides being popular in his own department depart-ment both Mr and Mrs Burchell have stood among the foremost In the Institution Insti-tution generally and In social circles outside Mrs Burchell has taken studies during the year and has done excellent work with the Agricultural 1 College Womans club Expressions oC regret are heard on every hand Another An-other cause of the acceptance of the Wisconsin ofter Is that Prof Burchfell has found the altitude here too high for his health He will spend next year on Wall street New York under the direction di-rection of the Columbia university completing the teehniral work already begun and will take out degrees which It only requires the finishing touches to obtain a S a Midsummer Nights Dream presented pre-sented at the operahouse by the Soro sls girls of this Institution was something some-thing to he proud of The students have never offered so finished a product pro-duct Five months of hard drill told Its own story Everybody was delighted de-lighted with the effort and compliments were heaped on the girls all the next day There was not a boy In the play nut even a tomboy The only men allowed al-lowed within hearing range were Profs Upham and Slutterd who staged the piece and trained the girls Miss Moench put a finish on the dancing of the fairies that was superb To name characters would be to report the whole entertainment The SOlosls society will never need post more than Its name In the future to secure a large houseS house-S S The great demand for domestic science work has made It necessary to provide more room The partition will be removed from between the kitchen and laundry and the entire space used for kitchen purposes New quarters Will be provided for laundry work Mrs Cotey has developed the domestic science department till it is one of the most popular in the West o VV 5 E W Robinson of the faculty deJlv ered a lecture before a large congregation congrega-tion in Paradise Sunday evening in tho Interests of thecollege 0 < o The Civil Engineering society gave a ball this evening The boys arc bound to do their portlon in defraying athletic expenses and will use the pro coedsto that end V a aMiss a-Miss Geneve Egbert has severed her connection with the library but will remain In the institutionS Institution-S t It V Prof Swendson was at school yesterday yes-terday but for some time has been compelled to remain In his room on account ac-count of throat troubles 6 The I college board held an Important meeting Saturday hut so much work had accumulated that only a part of It was worked off and another session will be held In Salt Lake Saturday a o Prof Ball organized a farmers institute insti-tute In the Fourth ward Friday night and Prof Butt one in the Fifth ward this evening a a II The Agricultural Law club is developing devel-oping some clever debaters They have challenged the Literary society of the Brigham Young college to meet them Messrs Porter and Stoddard have been chosen to look after their interests Incase In-case of acceptance A list of subjects accompanied the challenge from which the Brigham Young college boys 1 are to select one V V S S Mrs WUHsoe In In Logan visiting with her son Director Widtsoe and family S S Bread making and plain pastry is the order of the day In the kitchen just I now V to S The department of animal Industry Is to be provided this summer with representative repre-sentative animals of the following breeds Sheep merino Cotswold Shropshire and Leicester hops poland china Burkshlrt and Yorkshire Prof Clark Is shaping the work here like one who knew all about it V V 0 The building committee was authorized author-ized by the board to proceed at once to let contracts and effect the erection of the poultry yards hog barns shops and foundry rooms Prof Merrill went to Salt LakeFri day to arrange for work on the alkali farm and Mrs Merrill will spend a few days In Salt Lake with Mrs J M Tanner I Tan-ner I The station here will experiment Ink j In-k connection with the bureau of plant industry in-dustry of Washington with hemp growing this year A plat of live acres will be planted on the station farm < r Trustee Whltmore Director Wldtnoe and Prof Merrill have been appointed a committee to select the five spotS on which to carry on the dry farm experiments experi-ments provided for by the Legislature They will visit 1 every county III the State before making the choices w 4 S Word from exDirector Foster reports them well and busy at the Agricultural college of New Mexico The Legislature Legisla-ture had been good to them by way oC appropriation and the directors salary has been raised to S3000 Miss Clara Foster teaches in the domestic arts department de-partment with an 800 salary MI Foster Fos-ter Is both president and director a S to Bishop Oldham of Paradise was a visitor Monday V S A S The shops building will be enlarged V In the south by a carriage department and on the east an extension will be made to give additional forge room Ii 0 S Miss Amnnda Holmgren graduate last year and now doing work In the Chicago university la reported well and making the same enviable record that she made In this institution I |