Show NOTES BOUT WOMEN Mrs Charlotte B Wllbour tho new I president of Sorosls called a hot homd thirtylive years ago the first meeting to consider tho formation oC that club n C Mrs Nellie Benson wlfo of n colored dittjjKlst of Richmond Ya who passed lu Jscd the Virginia State Board of Pharmacy examination laot week Is tho first negro woman to receive a certificate from tho board and the third one to mako tho attempt at-tempt a a aMiss a-Miss Fanny Crosby Iho blind hymn and song writer on Tuesday celebrated her eightyfourth birthday at her home In Bridgeport Conn Miss Crosby bccamo bUn In her Infancy owIng to Improper L treatment while Ji1cllnl from fever Countess Val ersce formerly Miss Lea of New York who will visit this country o OUn1 with her distinguished husband next month for many years has been thoroughly thor-oughly German She has not boon In America slnco before her marrinfee The Countess Is one ot tho most brilliant women wo-men In ISuroDQ and at ole Hmo Tias cIedltct with being among1 tho moat nmbl E a Lady Alincton who was MlsR Eely Leigh before her marriage to Lord AUnt ton has for her special hobby her IVhito i pretty well known tho farm now prot wel world over Every bird and beast on the place 1 Is puro white many aro English but 1 some havo been l Imported from distant J parts of tho oailh Tho Sultan of Turkey Tur-key presented a white bull and FOIQO j splendid l white peacocks and some of the curiosities oi tho place Include white rats and mice a white thrush and a beautiful beauti-ful White mulo |