Show fl1ersitof Utah Principal N T Porter of the Branch Normal was UI from Cellar City during tho week to arrange for tho Branch Normal Nor-mal annual teachers and other mat era relative to progress In the southern school a a On Monday Byron S Kcrehaw a sophomore sopho-more returned to his classes after nn nb RCfce of live woflkr as the result of the fracture and wrenching of tho titulotik of Ills right leg l E In a coasting accident on Second Sec-ond South on February 21st V S S S Inptrtictor McGhle Is still under quarantine quar-antine at his home on account of scarlet fever In his family V 9 a Dr 7 E Talmage on Wednesday gave an Interesting address on Invcsllffations as to Apex before 1 tho Engineering soot tty a a a X Ralph V Chamberlain B S 58 vas among the unfortunate students stricken with typhoid fever at Cornell university but ho Is reported to be out of danger now nowW S S S W L Hideout a crack track team man of the last three seasons registered for the second years work on Monday a aMiss a-Miss Lulu Trano a popular former student stu-dent wns enjoying the old home atmosphere atmos-phere on Thursday V 0 In Zeta Gamma on Friday T M Reese save a Discussion of the Municipal Affairs Af-fairs of Minneapolis aa Brought to Light by the Lute Grand Jury J O Carter gave I A Short Story J M Larson Life 01 Cecil RliodOH followed by a twenty minute parliamentary practice a The varsity band Musical Bxtravngnn 711 Is to he given In Provo Saturday even lug April ISth a S S Friday evening April 17th the fourth year Normal class given a dancing parts at ChrJsltiisens academy a aS President Klngsbury presided at the Wednesday assembly Alfred Best sang So Rims My Drcamsvnml Of Thee I Am Thinking Margarita Supt D II Clirlstcnaon of the city schools gave a short talk on Customs In German Schools portraying a vividly realistic contrast and comparison between American Ameri-can and German school systems Tills summer Ralph Chamberlain B S 07 will do special work for the United Stales Government studying the dissemination dis-semination of malarial fever by mosqul tom a a a Dr WilJIrlm R Calderwood a U of U alnmntis who recently received his M D with high honor from Hush Medical college col-lege of Chicago was a visitor on Wednesday Wednes-day Jlnrold I and ISrnost Vnn Cott are also home with their M D decrees from Rush Enoch Van Colt receives 1 hir doctor of dentistry degree from Lake Forest university univer-sity in May us do William Hagonson and several other U of U Graduates S Room 32 of the Normal building Is to he fitted up as a geography and history room for the inncasing work of Supervisor George ThoneThomsens department o es The sophomores have Issued I Invitations for a olasM dancing party In the museum building Friday J evening April 10th Invitations Invi-tations must bo presented at tho door Lylla Knudsen James Wade Joseph Howell el Mary Snydcr Emma Dougall E E Meyer and John V Huckl are the recep Lion committee Punch will be served by 1 the suspended ten The bamboo queen ballet and other special features will be part of the evenings entertainment I < The 15000 appropriation made by the last Legislature for buildings and Improvements Im-provements will be utilized In Improving and extending the power and heating plant t In building 1 a mining and metallurgy metallur-gy building and in the extension of the foundry Dr Merrill Dr Bradford and President Klngabnrv are busy over tho plans and speellieatlons for the Improvements Improve-ments Ground was broken on Wednesday Wednes-day eighty feet north of the shops for the new building and Its completion is to be rushed S S S Freeman Seth nigh 33 B S visited the University on Wednesday V The firstyear ftudenls met Tuesday and decided to have a programme every week Irom i now to the end of the school year Eighteen of tho class boys have organIzed organ-Ized two baseball nines from which to choose the firstyear loam to ohall Mig < any class team In the school Dave Harris Har-ris Is captain and Jack Ward manager of the new organization S S S ThuiTday and Friday the fourthyear Normals visited the 1 city schools for oh 1crn lion work They had no chases at tho University on those days a a a Principal N T Porter Is In the city consulting con-sulting Architect Dallas regarding the plans and specifications I for the 1 35000 building for the I branch at Cedar City appropriated by 1 the I late I Legislature co 5 5 rime Chronicle farce Last Coat and hoedown Friday evening In the museum building passed off very pleasantly Many tormer students and their friends were In attendance It J I savored of a good oldfash loncd family reunion and the punch peanuts pea-nuts bllllardii and pingpong made the hours prss all too noon S S S Among chin graduates this year from the University of Pennsylvania In Joseph Anderson An-derson who inidn such a startling record In track athlillca it the U of U three seasons ago and has since been equally famous In the East as an allround athlete ath-lete S S S The freak fish recently exhibited by I the Wood Grocer company was presented to the University museum on Thursday through Will Dunn n former studentS student-S I S Supt C A Hlochcr and his corps of teachers of Park City had a vocation all last weak iiid spent tho time visiting the schools of Salt Lake and the University a a Buns Hanson fti A B a former editor of hd I Chronicle and Mine Bessie Moore 02 N worn married In the Temple on Thursday S S S Tuesdays Chronicle will be omitted ns I V the staff bus been so busy with Us dance I and play Oda Cangl sore s-ore definitions unlesS othorylso Btntcd are according to Websters International Inter-national Dictionary LIpplncotta Gazetteer Gazet-teer or Phllllpas Dictionary or Biographical Biographi-cal Reference OrlKlriiil contrlbutlonn will bo welcomed communicatIons for this department de-partment to be addressed to E R Chad bourn Lewiston Me 1li23HIS AD ILiiiIi1 Is What sign of the tinkers little shop suggested EL EM DEE a a CHARADE V had drawn to a Tho first day of April close And CholHc arrayed in his best Sunday clocli V Sauntered serenely toward Turtledove park Thnt Mecca of lovers who spark after dark For ho had received from his dearest dl Inl t A lovable parcel of fair femininity A nest Httlo sweet little roscsccniecl note That t et him aflutter Dear Cholllc ahe rotH rot-H you love your Lucinda this evening at do hi V Seek the old trysllnpplaco near the northwestern gate OC Turtledove park and you will find me On the rustic seat under tho lollypop llOOj As Chollle approached at the stroke of tho hour The moon wan cnshndowcd and dark was the bower Whore waited his charmer so trim and petite pe-tite Ncath time lollypoptree on tho old rustle sent He called her his ONE and he called her his TWO As seated beside her without more ado Enfolding her figure so slender and neat Ho samples her lips and pronounced them COMPLETE Deep fountains of nectar made but to be kissed Whilo she sat In silence nor sought to reBut nist t But alas At this moment of blissful Indulgence In-dulgence Tho moon reappeared In a Hood of oftul V Kcncc And illumined the face of his Inamorata Bah Jove he exclaimed with the air of a martyr Im fooled donchcr know by my charmer charm-er btwllchln For beau Is black Dinah her maid o the kitchen I V A F HOLT III a 1530 MISMATED COUPLES There has lately been held a congress of lovers but as lhcro was a wrack on the road as they wore journeying toward the place of meeting they arrived In a very confused and mixed state 1 Adum Bode and Janice Meredith cam In together and 2 Orlando and Lady Babble while just behind them were 3 Clivo Ncwcome and Hero followed by O i Paris and Jocelyn Joce-lyn Leigh 6 Ralph Percy and Ethel oiime soon after and then G Isaac look hag very uncomfortable In the society of the gay Dorothy Manners Behind them were 7 Romeo and Rowcnn and 8 Richard Carvel and Helen Soon arrived three more strangely assorted couples 0 CoL Brcrcton and Rebekah 10 Ivanhoe and Juliet and 11 Loaiulcr and Dinah Morris while the roar was brought 1 up by I 12 Gavin Disharl and Rosalind It was not long however before order was brought out of confusion and each lover found his own proper sweetheart How were they then arranged V DOROTHEA S S S i3lA AGRA M V HIS HOLIDAY So glad to put the books away And service take In mirths employ So glad to change the tasks for play Nor thinking pleasures self can cloy Go then to keep your holiday Yet through Its hours exultant boy Be heedful that you may not say When It has passed O HURTFUL JOY TORFRIDA V TRANSPOSED DELETION One letter taken out each time I was FJVI5 when a FOUR and saw a ring hi which stood two brawny men stripped to the waist glaring fiercely at each other One was so THREE it seemed he had been overtrained while the other fairly shone like polished TWO When the word was given they sprang at each other mea tigers T did not wall lo set the outcome for glancing up 1 saw ONE the crowd a stalwart policeman nnd I made a succcasful rush for the exit i JIM V S S TRANSPOSITION In soft voluptuous ease V Other godesses may loll Yet joyously through the trees Flits SECOND lllhe licet limbed Whom Sylvan quothi youre voting Holding court In woodland dell Swift to the chase next she ides Anon as a FIRST sporting I i PALEA 4 1531DOUBLJ3 WORD DELETIONS 1 Take to reverence from simply and leave cunning take the whole from to reverence and leave In what way 2 Take having a heart from without reserve re-serve and leave publicly take skill from having a heart and leavo attention 3 Puke a robber from marks of aspiration and leave a quadruped take a rodent mammal from a robber and leave dessert 1 Take having a yellowish color from disapproved and leave expired take wholly from having a yellowish color and leave a hog o Take tho cavity of a firearm from tolled and leavo a young1 man i tako the gold color represented on an escutcheon by small dots from tim cavity cav-ity of a firearm and leave to cxInU EL EM DEE S S S IfSCILVRADE 1 = We met where tho laburnum swings Its chain Our chains were broken we declared at starling Our past COMPLETEd let me hear explain ex-plain We met expressly ONE tIne TWO of partIng part-Ing With stern directness that I felt was fine I offered her a packet tied up neatly Here are your letters please return me mine 1 never kept em shu responded sweetly Should T COMPLETE tine scene without a word V Or strive once more to move this a maiden heartless ONE whose dear TWO those notes with team were blurred Their sentiments and spelling scorned so artless Still lower the laburnum droops Its chain While sine unmoved stands chewing gum beside mo What shah I do with these 7 I moan In pain La burn cm sue returns 0 darkness hide me V I MCS |