Show THE NEW HALL OF FAME The suggestion that the Si Louis exposition ex-position provide hs an attraction a Hall of Fame In which statues of famous men of the West and of connection with the Louisiana purchase should be placed as popular voter would Indicate their fines lo be there strikes us as a happy thought HO far as the Hall and the statues are concerned but the popular vote method of indicating who should be represented is rather uncertain and might lead to some mistakes Jefferson should ho there of course and Napoleon Napo-leon George Rogers Clark also who gave the Northwest Territory to the United Stales and his brother William who was military commander of the great Lewis and Clark expedition to Oregon Many olhors are also worthy whose names will readily occur and if the choice In every case Is worthy wllh no sellout oversights such a hal would be worthy of perpetuation 3 standing memorial to the men who have made the great States that have been formed out of that Louisiana purchase and the collection should be made up on that ba Hs the Perpetuation or memories of time men whose distinguished services had relation to the Louisiana purchase and the acquirement of jurisdiction by the United States over the land between the original Thirteen States and the Mississippi which made the Louisiana acquisition such an essential element In the rounding out of the United States |