Show TINTIO NEWS NOTES Indorsed Check for S2000 Which Was Lest Turns Up 0 X ITIUBUNE SIMSOIAL Eureka AprIl 4 1AL tho City Council meeting last night Joseph Phillips was appointed as road supervisor The report of the City Treasurer Hhowcd that therJ was over SJOOO In tho city treasury at tho beginning of the present month The check of Mrs T M I Holland for vQ on the Slate Bank of Ogden which was lost a couple of weeks ago has been found The check which was Indorsed was In payment of the I Insurance carried by > Irs Hollands husband In the Ancient An-cient Order of United Workmen As tho paper was Indorsed those Interested were afraid that 1 would he cashed County Commissioner Hasscll of Main moth will leave tomorrow for Ncphl to attend the meeting of the board Considerable Con-siderable business of an Important nature na-ture will be transacted The Eureka mine will distribute their regular monthly pny checks to the employees em-ployees next Tuesday |