Show E JLJI9 PEIRCE Gnl Agent for Utah Independent t Underwriter The Kenyon Priori 208 Salt Lake City Utah 6 ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Year Ending December 31 W2 of the condition of tho 0 Firemens Insurance Company Com-pany 1 The name and location of the company more Firemens t Insurance companj of haiti 2 Name of president F E S Wolfe a m Name of secretary Harvey L KUtll 4 The amount of Us capital stock Is f 510000000 i i The amount o Its capital t tock paid up Is ICOOMOQ I The amount of its assets Is 123105306 7 The amount of Its liabilities Including capital Is 12SJO39G S The amount of its Income during the preceding calendar calen-dar year MD377SC 9 The amount of Its expenditures expendi-tures during the preceding calendar eli 57359103 10 The amount of losses paid Iurlng the preceding calendar cal-endar ycnr 270l5S < J The ninoiinC of risks written during the year 0 > J5SGC0 12 Tho amount 0 risks In force et the end of the year 9f234G900 Statl t o Utah Office of the Secr ary of State S3 I James T Hammond Secretary nf State of the Stale of Utah do jercby certify that the ubove lamed Insiirarico company has filed In my office a detailed statement o Its condition from which the fOregoing slate ntiH hat been prepared and that the uld company has In nil othtir respects jomiiliod with the laws of the State relating re-lating to Insurance I In testimony whrroof I have hereunto set my hand and nfllxcd the grant seal of the State of Utah this eighth day of November No-vember A D 1002 Seal J T HAMMOND Secretary State ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Ycnr Ending December 21 1M2 of the condition of the Dutchess Insurance Company Com-pany 1 The name and local ion of the company com-pany Dutchess Insurance Company Pouyhkccpsle N Y 2 Name of president L If Vail U Name of secretary J J Graham 1 The amount of Its capital stock Is DXJOCOOO n The amount of Its capital stock paid up Is 2 < X > 00000 1 Tho amount of Its assets Is 7U7iS37 ISj 7 The amount of its liabilities including capital Is C217S5 SOS SO-S The amount of Us Income during the t preceding calendar cal-endar year i 503OC4 < 1G 9 The amount of Its expenditures expendi-tures during the preceding calendar year 11DS2172 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding calendar cal-endar year 21106507 1 rhe amount of risks written Ho writ-ten dnringt the year iSfi02 10000 12 The amount of ilaks In IS2fi foicu at the end of the year GIMGISOOO StaU of Ttah Office of the Secretary of Statcts T James T Hammond Secretary of State of the State of Utah do hernby corny tify that the ny Lwt abovenamed insurance com mny has Hied in my office a detailed tntcment of Its condition from which ho foregoing statement has been pre pared and that the said company has In all other restfcrts complied l with the laws l of the Slate relating to insurance In testimony whereof J have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great soul of the State of Utah this 23rd day of March A D ifO Seal J T HAMMOND Secretary of State ANNUAL STATEMENT For tho Year Eliding December 31 iw of the condition of the 102 American Insurance Company Com-pany 1 The name and location of the com pany American Insurance cohipany Boston Mass 2 Name uf president Francis Peabody i Name of Secretary Henry 8 Bean 4 The amount of its capital l stock Is 3 0000000 u The amount of Its capital stock paid up is 0000000 I The amount of its assets IH M0033 81 7 The amount of its llnbililles I Including capital Is 7il77119 S The amount of ita htoomo during the preceding calen dar > rnr 451 091 4fi 9 Tho amount of Us cxpiMidl urea during the preceding calendar year S77S54 10 Tlu amount of louses paid during the prucedlng calen dar year ir ° l7rl 11 The amount of risks written t during thfJ yetir tS91C2SJ M 12 The amount of risks in force at tho end of the car511G38IjjOV State of Utah Office of the Secretary of Statcmhm I James T Hammond Secretary of State of the State of Utah do hereby eel tify that the above named insurance com puny hau filed in my office a detailed tntemcnt of Its condition from which the foregoing statement has been prepared and that the said company ban In ill other rPBpc I ts complied with the laws of the State relating to Insurance In tcHtlmnny whereof 1 have hereunto sot my hand and affixed the orrfcftt seal of the State of Utah this fifth daytof Miiroh A D iso j T HAMMOND IScuj Secretary of State Brass Band J Instruments Drums Uniforms and nil Equipments Send stamp for catalogue IV illustrations iiiqn Qb Keeping Everlastingly at It The advice given by St Paul In one of his epistles Be instant in season I and out of season applies with peculiar pecu-liar force to business men In every de partmrnt of their work advertising especially es-pecially The other fellows are always at Itsome of them certainly Competition Compe-tition never ceases It never relaxes Its strength There should be search for new methods and how to apply them The other fellows should not san s-an business man livery dollar he expends ex-pends In advertising them is one hundred hun-dred cents of loss to him There Is business bus-iness enough for all and all get a fair share of Itir they deserve It Hut they will not get it by cheapening on their advertising by l fretting bucnnc their cdmpctitors arc getting more business than they The worlds sympathies are with those who have pluck and energy No one cares lo buy goOds In stores where the air is lifeless and the salesmen sales-men are Indifferent There should be action Jill the time and one cannot show too much of that commodity The National Na-tional Advertiser A II ENSIGN 15 1 ELDER T H CitPRIGIlI Ensign Elder Cartwright FIRE INSURANCE o 22 EAST FIRST SOUTIF STREET SALT LAKE CITY Representing Northwestern National Milwaukee Mechanics Gcivnan Fire NVrslchoslcr National I Union German of Frceport yNllllamtsburgh City ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31 VM or the condition ot theN the-N ti n l Union Fire Insurance Insur-ance Company 1 The namo and location of the company com-pany National I Union File Insurance Company Ill thtJlg Ponna 2 Name of presidein deceased 1st vicepresident A V r Mellon 3 i Niimo of secretary E K Cole 1 The nmohnt of Its capital stock Is 5 75000000 l Tho amount of Its capital stock paid up is TuOOOOM C The amount of Its assets Is 1117111S < 7 The amount of Its liabilities Including capital Is I 112352781 S The amount of Its Income during the preceding calendar cal-endar year 5S07S02S 9 The amount of Its expenditures expendi-tures during the picccdlilg calendar year 10718911 10 The amount of losses l paid during tho preceding calendar cal-endar year 171051ID 11 Jhe amount of risks written writ-ten during the year olSOJ017i 12 lhe amount of risks In foice at the end of the year 1105101100 State of rtah Office of the Secretary of Slate ss I 1 James T I Hammond Secretary of State of the State of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that the abovenamed Insuiance com Jan has filed In niy ofnce a detailed statement of Its condition from which the foregoing statement has been pie pared and that the said company hat In nil other respects compllcd with the laws of the State relating to Insurance In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Utah this 14th day of March A D 1003 fSculJ J T I HAMMOND Secretary of State ANNUAL STATEMENT For tho Yell I Ending December 31 l 1003 of th condition of the Northwestern National Insurance In-surance Company 1 The name and location of the Company Com-pany Northwestern National Insurance I Insur-ance company Milwaukee Wisconsin 2 Name of president Alfred James 3 i Name of secretary William D Heed 4 The amount of its capital stock Is S1 100000000 5 The amount of its capital stork paid up is 1 COO00000 0 t The amount of Its assets Is n0f07727 7 Thr amount of its liabilities Including capital Is I 223lStJI22 S The amount of its Income during the preceding calendar calen-dar year 1W1J1S2G 9 The amount of Its expenditures expendi-tures luring the preceding calendar year J1G2ISD20 10 1 Tho amount of IOHOOH paid during I preceding calendar calen-dar year C 10012307 11 The amount of risks written during time year loD lS 17200 12 Tho amount of risks In force at the end of time 1 year aSOCoO 10500 Slnle of UtahOffice of the Secretary of Stalo s l vJuhHs T Hammond Secretary of State of the I State of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that t tho abovenamed Insurance com panv lias filed in my offict a detailed statement of its condition from yhloh the foregoing statement huH bden prepared pre-pared and that the said company has in nil other respects complied With the laws of the State relating to Insurance Jn testimony whereof J have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Utah this 14th day of March A D 1000 Seail J T 1 HAMMOND Secretary of State ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December SI 1002 of the condition of the Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance S In-surance Company 1 The name and location of the company com-pany WflJInmsburgh Cltv Fire Insurance In-surance company New York City N Y 2 Name of president Marshall S Drlggs 3 J 1 Name of secretary Frederick H Way 1 1 The nmount of Its capital stock is S 23000000 G The amount of its capital stock paid up Is 25000000 C The amount of Its assets is 23907371D 7 The amount of Its llubill I v Lies Including capital is 112000081 S The amount of Its Income during tire preceding calendar cal-endar year 121012510 9 TIre amount of Its expenditures ex-penditures during tlm preceding cajrndar year I 07111027 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding calendar cal-endar year 10790553 11 The amount of risks written writ-ten during the year 10571307000 12 The amount of risks in force at tho end of the year n 100 705700 State of Utah Office or the Secretary of State ss I James T Hammond Secretary of Stale of the Stato ofUtah do hereby certify I cer-tify that tho abovenamed Jnsmance company com-pany lilts met in my office a detailed statement of its condition from which tho foregoing statement has been prepared pre-pared and that the said company has In all other respects compiled with the laws of the State relating to Insurance In tpstlmony whereof 1 have hereunto nut my hand and affixed the great seal of the State or Utah this lib day of March A D 1DOS LScalJ J T HAMMOND Secretary oC Stato WM B SPRAGUE President SIDNEY HEEVES Manager Salt Lake Insurance Agency I Incorporated t 532 DOOLY BLOCK SAIT LAKE CITY J Telephone 1123Z P O Box 555 ANNUAL STATEMENT ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31 1902 For the year ending December 31 1W2 of the conclllion of the or the condition of the Law Union and Crown Insurance Connecticut Fire Insurance Insur-ance Company Company 1 The name and locution of the company 1 The name and location of the com com-pany Connecticut Fire Insurance iwny Iaw Union and Crown Insurance Company Hartford Corm In-surance Company Lon on England 2 Natni of iMfcjUdent J D Browne 2 Name of LT S managers Hall and 3 Name of secret tar Charles R HurtS Jlcnshaw S3 Pine St New York 1 Hurt-S The amount of its capital City stock la S 100000000 1 The amount of Its capital 5 rime amount of KH capital stock deposited In New capi-tal stock Jmld Up IS i 100000000 Yoih Is 20000000 C The amount of Its aaseta C Time amount of Its ns cIC8ii 14 472179153 I i u3SC5S 7 The amount ot ttri liabilities 7 The amount of Its liabili-liabili liabilities Including capital ties-ties Including capital Is 2SSI117 I Is i 3o3215GOS S The amount of Its Income S rime amount of Its income during the preceding calendar during the preceding calendar endar you 411OJS < 3 cal-endar year i 287300950 9 The of Its expenditures amount 9 The amount of Its expenditures tures during the ex-preced expenditures during tho penditures-ing colmlnr year 1148S110 preceding caleiUhir year 2001559CO > 10 Tho amount of losses paid 10 The amount of losses pauL duriiig tho preceding cul during limo preceding cal ondar year 4 20125J17 endnr year 1411C30B 11 Tho amount of risks wrll 11 j The amount of rlalis writ Un during the y < ar 4030013000 ten during the year 21S5o700300 12 The amount of risks In 12 The amount of rlulca In lorce at tho end i of the force at the end of the year i SIi0312S00 year 3C083224GOO Stale of Utah Ofllco of tho Secretary of State of Utah Office of the Secretary of State sb State HH I Tames T Hammond Secretary Of J James T Hammond Secretary of State of the Slate of Utah do hereby Suite of the State of Utah do hereby certify certify that the abovenamed Insurance cer-tify that the nbcvenamod insurance company has filed hi my office a detailed company hns filed In my office a detailed statement of its roiidIU6n from rtlilch limo statement of Its condition from which foregoing statement has been prepared tho foregoing statement has been prepared and that he said company has In all pre-oth prepared and that the said company has In pared-er respects compiled with the laws of tho all other respects compiled with the Jaws State relating to insurance of the State relating to Insurance In testimony whereof I have hereunto Tn testimony whereof P have hereunto sol my hand and affixed the great seat oC net my hand and affixed the grat seal of the Stale of Utah this lllh day of March the State of Utah this nth day rof March A D 1903 l A D 1903 r SealJ J T HAMMOND Seiil1 7 T HAMMOND Secretary of Stato Secretary of State i T R B WHITTEMORE COINSURANCE CO-INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND BONDS No 12 East 2nd So Street ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31 1903 of the condition of the TRADERS INSURANCE COMPANY 1 time name and location of the company com-pany Traders Insurance company Chicago Illinois 2 Name of presIdent Titles J Tofeus it t Name of secretary S A Jtoiliermol I Tho amount of its capital stock 15 5 50000000 5 The amount of Its capital stock paid up Is oOOCWOO fi The amount of Its assets Is 261300057 7 The amount of Its llnblll tics Including capital Is lu73dG370 8 The amount Of Its Income during tho preceding calendar cal-endar year 145770656 0 The amount of Itrf expenditures l expend-itures dm Dig the preceding preced-ing eittendnr year 12273G093 10 The amount of losses paid during the prccddlng CIO cndnr year 70218205 11 The nmotint of risks writ ten during the year 14030702900 12 The amount of risks li force at the end of the year 1U22831700 State of Utah Office ort tho Secretary ot State ss 1 James T Hammond Secretary of Stain I of the Stato of 1tah do hereby certify that the abovenamed Insurance company has tiled In my office a detailed statement of Its condition from which the foregoing statement has hren prepared and that the Said company has In nIl other respects complied with the laws of tho State relating to Insurance In witness whereof J have hereunto set my hand and affixod the great seal of tho State of Utah this Itth day of March A D103 J T HAMMOND Seall Secretary of State ANNUAL STATEMENT For thS year ending December 31 1003 of the condition of the ROCHESTER GERMAN INSuRANCE INSUR-ANCE COMPANY 1 The name and location of tire company com-pany Rochester German Insurance coirtpany Jlochester N T 2 Namo of president Hon Frederick Cook 3 Name of secretary H F Atwood 4 The amount of Its capital stock Is 20000000 f f The amount of Its 1 capital stock paid up Is 200COOoO fi The amount of Its assets Is 1Ii1903t3 7 Th amount of its liabilities liabili-ties Including capital Is I 97090308 S The amount of its Income during tho preceding calendar cal-endar year 1067S7470 9 The amount of Its expenditures expend-itures luring the preceding preced-ing calendar year 78357023 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding Cal I oildar year J2lSil3l 11 The nmount of risks written writ-ten during the year ini323fS500 i 12 The amount of risks In force at the J ml of the year 10IJ27HiOT Slate of Utah Office of the Secretary of Status 1 Jamerf T Hammond Secretary ol State of the State of Utah do ho > bv certify that the abovenamed insurance 1 company Inns filed In my officd a detailed statement of Its condition from which the foregoing statement has been prepared and that the sold company has In all oilier rcsppcts conuMled with tho laws of time State relating to Insurance In witness whereof I have hcriMinto set my hand and affixed the great Heal of the State of Utah this lib day of March A D H > W J T HAMMOND Seal Secretary of State Fire Boiler Plate Glass and Casualty Insurance See me for Rates The Kenyon Phone 208 h J T I = Sr JR CMr I QUI C U I C K WAY 4 EAST E t < 1 Y > r 4 A > r J To save many hours time and more miles take advantage of this new eastbound east-bound service via the UNION PACIFIC AND CHiCAG09 MILWAUKEE STi PAUL LINE I Three through trains to Chicago every day rt S Leave Salt Lake City j a m 1250 > noon and 545 p m I I LL i C S WILLIAMS Commercial Agent 106 West Second South St Salt Lake City J r O WABNOy lcy HUGH ANDERSpN Prest y 1 Anderson Insurance Agency il 1 EBtablislied 1871 Accident LIfO and W Surety Plate Gla ss INSURANCE Telephone 195 P 0 Box 977 131 S MAIN STREET ANNUAL STATEMENT 31 1602 1 ot December Ior the year ending the condition of the Royal Exchange Assurance Company of tho com 1 The mvno amid location nimy Royal Excluufffo Aaauranca London England cornpuii Tnht 2 manager Name of general IDlckson I f 1 Tho amount of Us depoatt 00 4 20000000 capUal stock 6 The amount of Us nMrta 1 Is 367312518 7 Tho amount of Itri Jfrtblll oj tics Including capital ifl lW > liU H The rimount of Its income preceding cul during tho 7r OJ 121717301 I ondur yoar 0 The amount of Its expcndl liirou during I In precoa 10ASJ5U Ing calendar year 10 Tho nmount 01 IOHHCS paid during the preceding cal 6 87B madam year 11 The amount of rlnk writ f 1211MIG00 tOn during the year 1211 12 The amount ot Haks In force tile end or the orco at J1WW 1I97 IOOt y0ar of 0 Secretary State of Utllh Office or tho Slato as A ocr iarY of I Jamos T Hammond State of the State of Utah do berob certify cer-tify that the ahbvo named insurance company com-pany has flied in my office a detailed state mont of Its condition from bldh tile foregoing rtatcment has been rparetl lane l ha In nIl other and that the aald company respcctd compiled with tha laws of the State relating to insurance lit testimony whereof r liaVi hereunto rfOt my hand and affixed the great sent of the Stato of Utah this 19th day of Fcbru aryADlMfl J T > HAMMOND Seal JJ SHiretnry of State ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending DLcombcr zit ItW of the condition of the New York Plate Glass Insurance Insur-ance Company 1 The name anti location of the cornj piitiv New York Plato Glnea Insurance Insur-ance company New York City 1 Y 2 Name of president 7 > max D iitgCr I 3 Name of secretary Major A White to 4 The amount of its capital stock Ir S 10000000 5 The nmotint 6C Its cipltnl stock paid up 19 i 100llJ CoQ fi rho amount of Its assets Is 5i579l1 7 The amount of its llubill tics including capital Is 34a9j CI S Tho amount of IL < lilcomn during tho preceding l cal 444oa562 radar year 9 Th6 amount of Its expenditures expendi-tures during limo prcced Ing 1 calendar yrar 25270713 10 The amount of losSes paid during the niucddlng calendar cal-endar Year 116701 fo 11 The amount of rlskrf writ ton during the year 17735WiOO 12 The amount of risks In force at tho end of the year lJ7li3IC00 State of Utah Office of the Secretary of Stale S3 I Janice T Hammond Secretary of State of the State of Ttah do hereby certify cer-tify that the above named inaOrUilcd company com-pany ha s filed In my office a detailed Btatc meni of Its condition from ivhlch tho foregoing statement haa been prepared and that tho said company line in nil other re < peoia compiled with the laws of the State relating to Insurance In testimony whereof T have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal Of the Slate of Ttah this 2Uh day of Feliril ary A D 1203 JT HAMMOND Scall Secretary of SatO ANNtAT STATEMENT For tho year ending December ft IW2 of the condition of the Aetna Insurance Company 1 The name and locution of the company com-pany Aetna Insurance company Hartford Connecticut 2 Name of president Win S Clark 3 Name of secretarY t Wm H King 4 The amount of Its capital l stock IK 400000000 5 Tile amount nt Its capital stock paid up Is I 40I1 CXIIOO G the amount of Its Hsfcet JS I H 1riODg 7 The amount of Its llablll tics Including caiiltal 1 Is SM0517C2 S Time amount of Its income during the preceding calendar cal-endar year o9199oOG9 9 The amount of us expenditures l expendi-tures during lilt preceding preced-ing calendar year 5093IGSO 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding calendar cal-endar year 2710C17CC 11 The nmount of risks written writ-ten during the Venr C52012W300 11 The amount of rlriha In force at tho end of the year C2o727ftHtM State bf TJUih Office of the Secretary of Stmm toes I JameS T Hammond Secretary of State of the State of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify thilt tho abdvo named Jnstirancu com naiiy hun filed In I mv office a detailed stale mont of Its condition from which ths foregoing statement has bon prepared and that the said company has In all other respects complied with tho laws of the State relating to insurance In testimony whereof I have hereunto get my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Utah this 25th day of February Febru-ary A D 1P03 J T HAMMOND Seal Secretary of State ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31 1902 of the condition of Iho Firemans Fund Insurance Company 1 The name and location of the company com-pany Firemans Fund Insurance company San Francisco California 2 Name of president William J Dutton 3 Name of secretary Louis Welnmann 4 s 1 Tho amount of Ita capital stock IH J 100000000 D The amount of its capital stock paid up Id 100000000 C The amount ot Itri assets IH 5158I945 7 rita amounf of ith liabilities liabili-ties Including capital Jn 3101S6378 S The amount of Its Income during the precodlng calendar cal-endar year 32fiO < M31S 9 Tho amount of Its expenditures l expendi-tures during the preceding preced-ing calendar year 270234Ji 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding calendar cal-endar year i500T4373 U The amount of risks written writ-ten during the year 4SCC03S56 12 The amount of rinks In force at the end of the year 50612183300 State of Utah Office of tho Secretary or Statess I James T Hammond Secrotnrr of Slate of the State of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that the above named insurance com itisiy has filed in my offico a detailed statement state-ment or Its condition from which thrf foregoing statement has bedn prepared and that the mild company hllB In till other respects complied with tho lawn of tho State relating to Inuuranco In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed tho great seal ot the State of Utah tIlls I0th day ol FebrS an A D 1903 J T HAMMOND ScalJ = ocrotary of 8tate SALT LAKE CITY UTAH t ANNUAL STATEMENT For tho year ending December 1002 of time condition of the Travelers Insurance Company Com-pany 1 The name and location of the company com-pany Travelers Insurance ompuny Hartford Connecticut 2 Name of president Sylvester Dun hum 1 1 Name of srcretarj John E Morrh 4 1 The amount of UP capital stock Iii 5 3 XXOOOGO 5 The amount of Itrt capital stork paid up Is > 10000MOO 0 The amount of Its nsKrts Is 0711943793 I 7 The amount of Its liabilities liabili-ties Including capital Is fl27 H to6l S The amount of Its Income during the preceding calendar cal-endar year d9WS6125 9 Time amount of 116 expenditures expendi-tures during tho preceding preced-ing calendar year 6VX5DSM 30 The amount of losses paid during thd preceding calendar cal-endar yoar 30725dl 11 Th amount of risks writ tan during the year Life policies d 1r942lt00 Accident policies iIOZ1 OO Life policies 12315052100 12 The amount of risks In force at the end of the year 1 11 1 562500 State of Uiah Office of the Secretary of r State as I T JamK T Hammond Secretary of Stnle of the Slate of Ttah do hereby certify cer-tify that f limo apov6 named Insurance i corn puny lm < J filed In my office detailed ntatc ni tit of its condition from which thA foregoing ntutflment has boon prepared and that the said company hnn In all other respcctH complied with tho laws of the State relating to Insurance In testimony whereof I haVd horeUnto sot my hand and affixed the great tfert1 ot the State of Utah this 4th day of Febrti nry1 A D 1WX J T HAMMOND iefll1 q Secretary I of 8tdt F A TIMBY GENERAL AGENT Preferred Accident Insur ance4 Co of New York 21 and 25 Commercial Block ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31 1D02 < f ot the condition oC the i Preferred Accident Insurance j Company j L The name nnd location of the company com-pany Preferred Accident Insurance 1 Company New YOr1t Cltv N Y 2 Name r prcdldent PhincaK C J > oUra bury 3 Namo of secretary IClrnwall C Atwood At-wood 4 Tho amount of Its capital mock is I 4 S 2000w00 5 The amount of its capital 1 Block jialfl Up la 20000000 0 The amount of ifs asfJets I IH oil 100105113 7 Tile amount of Its liabilities liabili-ties including capital Is 7S02S23S3 S The amount of Its Income during the preceding calendar J cal-endar year n 118749113 9 i Tile amount of Its expenditures 4 ex-penditures during th l < i preceding Calendar yen 11716030 10 The amount of losses paid during the preceding calendar cal-endar year 11251549 11 The amount of risks 1 written writ-ten during the year 57500000000 12 Tho nirtdunt of rlfeks Ih force at the end of the cor 4 425il76OW64 Stale of Utah Office of the Secretary of Stato ss i 1 James T Hammond Secretary of State of thd State or Utah do hereby V certify that the ubotenatned Inriurailco 5 company has filed in my office r detailed statement of Its condition from which tho foregoing statement ban boon prepared pre-pared and that the srild comnanj has In I all other respects complied with tho laWS 1 of the Stnto relating to Insuniuce I In testimony whereof J have hereunto EeL my hand and affixed tho great enl of the State of TJtah this Ifltli day of Fob rear A D 100H I j SeaIl J T HAMMOND Sodretnry of State MATHONIAH THOMAS Gonl Agent for State of Utah ANNUAL STATEMENT For the ydar ending December 31 1t02 of the condition of thu American Surety Company of f New York 1 Name and location of the company Ancrlcan Surety compaiiy of New York New York City N Y 2 Name of president 11 D Lyrnan 1 Name ofnecretjirv IT B Xovoly 4 The amount of Its caplral stock Is 2 OOIOO 6 The amount of Its capital stock paid up Is SW WOfiO I < The amount of Its assets Is 55237273 7 The amount of its llahlll ttri tlI0ll nIt 11 t 111 KX 11 a v S The amount of lt I Incone during the preceding calendar cal-endar year 141045344 9 The amount of ls expen I ditures during the preceding pre-ceding calendar year 12527707 10 Thu amount of losses paid during the preceding cal fHdar year 5D975 11 The amount of risks written writ-ten during the year 1G55454 00 12 Tho amount of risks In forco at the end 6f the year 15150907300 State of Utah Office of the Secretory ot State ss Jf > James T Jfammond Secretary of l State of tho State of Utah do hereby certify cer-tify that tilt abovenamed insurance edrrt puny has tiled In ray office a drtaUtd statement of Us condition from which the foregoing statement has been prCo1 pared and that the said company has In f an other respects complied with tho laws of tho State relating to insurance In testimony whereof I hnvtf hereunto BH my hand and affixed the great oetJ of tho State of Utah this 5th day of Feb ruarr A D 1903 Seal 3 J T HAMMOND Secretary of State J eANCER CUllED AT HOMII n by Internal treat 4 meJt no knife plaster or pain Book and tcaUmonJalu mailed FREE MASON CANCER INSTITUTE 121 west Forty I second otroet New York I r i llaiIa 14 The Perfect food OJ IiI Ii d I so propireitl ns to bfJ i cII dlgohtod nnd perfectly per-fectly lusixnilutcd i l Sold by grocery tt t |