Show I KISSES THAT PROVED FATAL Often fatal kisses are not mere figures of speech Jn many a caso they have literally been the cause of not only one death but a succession of deaths Perhaps the most fatal kiss ever known wan that given by a young Spanish sailor to his fiance nine years ago for It brought about the decimation of a town A Spanish ves CI put Into the little seaport of Can dalo on the coast oC Florida flying the yellow flag and was accordingly ordered to remain In quarantine for more than one member of the crew exhibited symptoms of bubonic plague But the sailor disobeyed orders and put off In a boat for the shore one eening where having sought out his fiance whom he had not Men for some years he kissed her A few days later the effects oC the kiss became be-came painfully evident though the culprit returned to his ship by stealth the same night The girl succumbed to the plague which spread through the town so rapidly that more than 200 persons died out of a total population of 3500 Kisses once cost the lives of many brave soldiers in the British army The beautiful Duchess of Gordon ill il-l H raised the famous Gordon Highlanders High-landers by giving 1000 recruIts a kips and a golden guinea apiece The reg uncut was raised to Its full strength in a few days The men were then sent out against the French and in the very first battle bat-tle In which they took part more than 50 fell cither killed or wounded Previous to Limit in 1718 a war was brought about by 1 a thoughtless kiss on the part of a young Bavarian Prince of somewhat reckless character charac-ter named Ferdinand During visit to a neighboring state he Inadvertently Inadvertent-ly kissed a beautiful member oC the Royal household Princess Thyra ignorant i ig-norant of the fact that she was already al-ready affianced Her betrothed happened hap-pened to be standing near and witnessed wit-nessed the Incident High words ensued followed by blows and a duel was arranged which led to the discontinuance of diplomatic diplo-matic relations between the two nations na-tions A war broke out ultimately and resulted In thousands of deaths before there was a declaration oC I peace New York Press |