Show I I ft UTAHNS IN THE EASTe New York April 2 IMl and Mrs Clement who have been at the Wal dorfAstoria for several weeks will return re-turn to Salt Lake City next month and will open their new home exGov A L Thomas former resilience June 1 O 0 The Toreador will bring its four months successful I season to a close on Saturday Miss Jennie llawley who has been playing tho part of Teresa will remain In the city until the illit of Tune and continue her lessons with Oscar Sanger the well known vocal 1 teacher Mrs mondelle Vcr Trccsc Miss Haw Iftys cousin intends to return this week to her home at Galcabutir 111 where She will spend the summer She expects ex-pects to return to New York hi 1 the autumn au-tumn S 0 Mr George Lask expects to go weston west-on Saturday Ills present plan is to stage The Jolly Musketeers for the Home Dramatic company then continue his journey to the Iueliic coast where hft will stage the Frawley pioductlons for sis weeks s t Mrs Annie Adams is understudy for Mrs Whiffen and Miss Ethel Hornick in The Importance of Being In Earnest Earn-est at the Empire theatre Q u The Last Appeal in which Mr Harold Har-old Russell Is playing a prominent part at Wallaelcs will close Its season on Saturday oil B Mrs Robert Valkcr will leave in a few days to visit her former homo in Virginia from which her mother Mrs WItcher Jones has just returned The Chaperones of which company Miss Sallh Fisher I Is a member Is at St Louis this week The company will close June 7 Soon after that date Mrs Fisher who is connected with Mme II D Oatmans prosperous modiste house at li V Thirtyninth street and Miss Fisher will go to Salt Lake City for the summer Dudley Dick Mme Oatmans son who was once a pupil in the public schools of Salt Lake City has returned return-ed from a visit to his aunt at Ilot I Springs Ark and entered the Empire Dramatic School a r r Mr and Mrs Edwin Milton Roylo have refused a flattering offer of a twoyears contract for an Australian tour They came to this decision be cause of the lllness of their little daughter daugh-ter Marion which made it unwise for them to undertake su long n Journey Mr and Mrs Boyle will probably soon ISO to their home at AvononlheSca for the summer r k Mrs Suntley was In the city last week + The Sky Farm B V TVlldera play closed Its season at the Carriole last week lIes Edith Lindsay was In the cast 0 i 1lr O W Bean expects to return to Salt Lake City thjs I week on business connected with his play Corlanton r V Mr Do Witt Jonningss address all al-l Va I where he is a member of thc Ciilfort Stock company at the Academy of Music is 1111 Capitol street c o 0 Mrs 1 Martha Hoylo King whose 111 health has been a matter of concern to her friends for some months has greatly great-ly improved V O 7 E Tllton Mattox is with the NaMonal Park bank and notwith lhc Park National Na-tional I theater as lormcrly reported i r r Next week Tuesday Mrs Minnie Maddcrn Flblce hull return to the Akin hat tan theatre where jhc will appear in repertoire opening with nor greatest MICCCSS Tos of 1 the DUrbcrvllles It The same week will mark the opening of The Wild Hose the In test Harry i B Sum ith Ludwig Englander comic opera which Is I under 1 George W Lederers management Its premiere was at Philadelphia two weeks ago and it will come to the Knickerbocker theatre on Monday to open hat will probably be a lour run The following week will see the New York drbut oC King Dodo comic opera that has been enormously Mtccoshful in iMiIcngo and Boston and on tin Intermediate load It is by Frank IS Pbley librettist and GlI Inc Luders com poser and Honry V Sa agp the only man who over made a permanent financial finan-cial success of English grand opera Is the manager Raymond Hitchcock a Hover young comedian of the broad school plays the title lolo The meek me-ek will ho signalized by the I reopening reopen-ing of the Iaslno I I under its new management man-agement when the energetic Irlo the Shuborth brothers lessees of the Iler old Square theater and oC a chain of theaters in the smaller ritlcs of the East will assume control of the playhouse play-house of gay memories ADA TATTIORSOX |