Show STAND BY MRS DECKER Utah Women Will Vote for Colorado Sister THE BALLOT IS BY STATES Utah Delegation Will Most Likely Oppose ReorjyaniKtiiion Plan of Federation as Advanced by the Illinois Il-linois Delegates Will Favor tho Georgia Compromise Which Moans Ivecjiing1 Out Colored Clubs Mrs Jones of Salt lake Addresses the Federation LTH1UUN15 SlKClAL Los Angeles I Cat May At the Industrial In-dustrial session of the conventkm of Womens clubs 1 In 1 Simpson iiudUorluin I this morning Sirs Elmer E Jones or Salt Lake City gave an address on The Consumers League In Utah The address WIl aimed Lo show how pcoplu In the Suites where no sweatshops sweat-shops exist may cooperate in a movement move-ment against sweatshops by refusing to purchase goods made by such methods meth-ods JJie address wis well received The address appears In another column col-umn In this Issue UTAH FOR MRS DECKER The Utah delegation viands solid for Mrs PlattDecker of Denver for the presidency Airs Decker gained three States today giving her twelve States I lit Iho present time These States tHc Utah Colorado Idaho Kansas Nebraska Ne-braska Illinois Iowa Nevada Oregon Oklahoma Michigan and South Dakota Da-kota The votel is by States and not by individuals the nominating committee com-mittee being composed oC one delegate from each Slate There ate fortyone States represented including Hawaii REORGANIZATION PLAN Utah will doubtless oppose the re orgnnixallon plan as advanced by the Illinois delegates This plan gives States with L larger number of clubs IL larger delegation than I States with a Ginallei number Utah will favor the Georgia compromise which means Keeping out colored clubs MRS KIRBY ABSENT Tho woman who gave the name of Mrs Charlotte Ivos Klrby und appeared yesterday on the platform when the report of the Utnh delegation was called for and created IL sensation by presenting a bogus report oC Insane ramhllngs was not seen at the meetIngs meet-Ings today REGARDLESS OF DISSENTERS After seven sessions today the club women arc prepared for a recess not a rest on Sunday for many an going on an excursion to Mount Lowe dia l acnllng sisters notwithstanding There Is also 10 be a garden party in honor of visiting presswomcn which some of the clubwomen frown upon but which promises to be a large and rcprcsenta tlc gathering of writers PULPITS WILL BE FILLED To offset this frivolity however several sev-eral pulpits will be occupied by delegates dele-gates At the First Presbyterian church Mis May Alden Ward Is to speak on Voices of Todas while al the First Methodist church the general gen-eral I theme of The Modern Tshmucl will be presented by Mrs Koberl Bur dette of Pasadena prospective vIce pivsldent Mrs Cynthia Weslover Alden Al-den of New York president of the International In-ternational Sunshlnu society alJd Mrs Florence Kelley of New York promoter of Consumers league TIGHT KNOT TO UNTIE There are two tight knots that will have to be untied by the convention Monday morning when the committee on reorganization reports A well known parliamentarian Mrs TjVqu I hart Lee who supports the Individual club points out that any plan providIng provid-ing only rom the representation of Slate federations will be illegal Under Un-der the pulse of amendment said Airs Lee you cannot rob members of an organization of their vested rights In this case it would not be simple readjustment I re-adjustment uc some say and thc many clubs which mime members of the general gen-eral federation hut not of the Stale would by the proposed amendment be thrown out This is the point Mrs Lee will raise Monday printed slips having been distributed among tic delegates AS TO NEW CHARTER Mrs Mary Lockwood of Washington who was appointed at the last biennial to secure a charter from Congress will report It was thought that this convention con-vention would be able to act under this new charter which has been secured but It has been ascertained that liven If the convention approves it It will be necessary for the fifty Incorporators or at least a majority of them to travel to Washington from various parts of the country to hold a meeting and vote the rest of the body In Not until this Is done will the new charter too legally accepted LITERATURE SESSION The literature session Is always a Slav affair and the one which came oIL this evening under Miss May Aldcn ward of Boston was no exception The entertainers were Mrs Jessie Eldrldge l Soulhwlck of Boston the Shakespearean Shakes-pearean reace rMrs Mabel Loomis Todd of Amherst Mass the writer and wife of the astronomer and Mr John Fox Jr of Kentucky of Hell Fer Sarlln fame NUMBER IN ATTENDANCE The credentials committee is able to make an approximate report of the number of delegates the number to date being 12GO with more to be heard from One of the farthest States Massachusetts Mas-sachusetts leads with seventy but as rvrrybody knows Massachusetts gathered gath-ered Its forces for the Una fight on the color question nnd reorganization SEEKING HONORS Texan Is pushing forward rapidly to the front and It is believed that State will bo represented on the board of directors di-rectors while both Utah and Arkansas are out after honors LITTLE WIRE PULLING It continues to be a peculiarity oC this convention to date that there Iy I comparatively little wire pulling and caucusing the desire for the burden of ft nice being on the decreuse There IH 1 a deal more of lounging around hotel corridors and driving about the town though doubtless the Important I sessions ses-sions which begin Monday will be the signal for activlly SHOCKED THE SISTERHOOD In keeping with this pleasureseek ing Fide of the convention It may bi mentioned that an athleticlooking woman wo-man of the middle West shocked Home of the sisterhood by buying a box of cigarettes In a hotel 1 corridor |