Show I TOLD hNI A LINE I John D Long former Secretary of the Navy who is In Now York city says ito does not anticipate iinv lninie < llnto changer In the Presidents CabInet There Is grove danger thai former Coy George Hoadlcy of Ohio who defeated Senator J B Foraker In ThS2 and who now Is u partner In law In Now York city will lose hIs sIght Secretary Auson Ihclps Stok Jr of the Yalo University corporntlon hap nn rounced Unit t the t honorary ilfprco of LL D will be conferred ncxl Monday afternoon upnn Lord Kelvin I Hcv E P Newton lately of Holy Trinity Trin-ity I church Pueblo Colo has liccn np pointed l to succeed Rcv A W Bostwlck vicar of Calvary chapel In New York city President Morton of Steven Inslllulo of Technology nt Hobokcn who underwent under-went a surgical operation In New York clly on April 15th has sufToriil a relapse n nat is now reported to be In a cilllcal c ontli Iou Reports from Ellis Iplnml show that up to t d I oclock last evening ISCffl lnniiifiaiiti arrived In Now York city from ICuropo slnc Friday morning Till lreak all previous J twoday l records In the history of the Immigration burcriu Friends of Mlsu Joseph Inc llolman formerly for-merly of Indianapolis who was oncis on Ktiqcd to marry Signor Marconi of wireless wire-less l telegraphy t fame have received the amiouncement of her coming mnrrlngo to Eugene Boioss of Hilda Pestb hungary Diputy sheriffs hnvi served papers at White Plains N Y in a suit brought by Mrtf Funnlc Raync McComb llerUot agninst 111 the helm of the millionaire Jiitnu Jennln B McComb of Dobl Ferry to recover her full sluuii ot the state which Is valued at tlO COO OD I William Redmond M P dulogtiic 10 Aincrlcn wllli Joseph Devlin from the Unlttd lrlih 1 league has returned to Nrv Vork I city afior a two I mitonu his tour through t the West lIe bus organized branches of the IOIKIK anti iKFilreiaed large l muctings in time principal cities A cablegram bislowlnu the pnpul blessing bless-ing I upon Archbishop Corrlgun iciiclicd N > w York last nlibt from Rome It was transmuted bs Bishop McDonnell now at lie t Italian capital on a nllgrlmige cone c-one nlso cunalnc > an inquiry na Ui the health nl l of the archbishop Archbishop Corrlgnn continues to Improve |